BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

200 armed agents sent to subdue a 67 year old Mormon
Imagine how many they would have to send to subdue tyroneweaver LOL

btw wheres Lon Horiuchi in all this. Dont the feds use him when they wanna kill someone

The guys a 'wackjob'. He actually believes in taking what is not his to take. He needs to pay his bills.
What's this turtle stuff have to do with anything? Answer: absolutely nothing. Just more diversion and hype in a desperate (and laughable) effort to try to create an anti-government issue out of some deadbeat welfare cowboy's pissing and moaning about not being able to soak the taxpayers for freebies anymore.

What a joke.

What's the tortoise got to do with anything? Well for starters back in the 90's it was the tortoise that put in the regulations that the rancher got pissed off at.

Fast forward to today.

They're the ones bringing it up. Not freaking anti government posters. Get a grip here. I know you have a hard on for some posters here, but it's not them that got the tortoise angle started.

“It’s high time for the BLM to do its job and give the [endangered desert] tortoises and the Gold Butte area the protection they need and are legally entitled to,” senior Center for Biological Diversity scientist Rob Mrowka told the Mesquite Local News. “As the tortoises emerge from their winter sleep, they are finding their much-needed food consumed by cattle.”

Defiant Nevada rancher faces armed federal agents in escalating confiscation standoff - BizPac Review[/QUOTE

LOL - the tortoises put in regulations?????

If the dude had paid what he owed - he wouldn't be squealing like a jilted hairdresser today.

Nuff said.

No the tortoises didn't put in the regulations. Give me a break. This is what started all the bullshit.

The dispute between Bundy and the federal government dates to 1993, when land managers cited concern for the federally protected tortoise and capped Bundy's herd at 150 animals on a 250-square-mile rangeland allotment.

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online
No no, don't look at the deadbeat who hasn't paid what he owes for decades .... um .... look at the .... um .... turtles. Yeah, that's it. It's all about turtles.

Funny stuff guys
A OnePercenter attempting to get away with screwing the American tax payer.

Oh.. but it's REALLY all about the turtles ...


It's about the big money that the solar energy plants are going to be paying the BLM/ Government agencies for being able to put up their solar plants.

I'll put up the link again for you. Note: Gold Butte.

Gold Butte was chosen as a mitigation site for Dry Lake because it harbors similar plant and animal life, including the desert tortoise, and because it is ineligible for special funding available to BLM's National Landscape Conservation System.

In addition, Gold Butte's native creosote-bursage vegetation is expected to persist longer under climate change than other ACECs, and its tortoise habitat is expected to persist even as it shrinks or disappears in the surrounding region.

As acres are developed at Dry Lake, mitigation fees would help pay for restoration of similar acres at Gold Butte.

But establishing a fair mitigation price has proved to be a challenge.
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What's the tortoise got to do with anything? Well for starters back in the 90's it was the tortoise that put in the regulations that the rancher got pissed off at.

Fast forward to today.

They're the ones bringing it up. Not freaking anti government posters. Get a grip here. I know you have a hard on for some posters here, but it's not them that got the tortoise angle started.

“It’s high time for the BLM to do its job and give the [endangered desert] tortoises and the Gold Butte area the protection they need and are legally entitled to,” senior Center for Biological Diversity scientist Rob Mrowka told the Mesquite Local News. “As the tortoises emerge from their winter sleep, they are finding their much-needed food consumed by cattle.”

Defiant Nevada rancher faces armed federal agents in escalating confiscation standoff - BizPac Review[/QUOTE

LOL - the tortoises put in regulations?????

If the dude had paid what he owed - he wouldn't be squealing like a jilted hairdresser today.

Nuff said.

No the tortoises didn't put in the regulations. Give me a break. This is what started all the bullshit.

The dispute between Bundy and the federal government dates to 1993, when land managers cited concern for the federally protected tortoise and capped Bundy's herd at 150 animals on a 250-square-mile rangeland allotment.

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.
You pay to play you see. If they give you permission to hurt the environment you just give the money to the government and you're allowed.

The Bureau of Land Management has paid for the holding and research facility with fees imposed on developers who disturb tortoise habitat on public land.

As the housing boom swept through southern Nevada in the 2000s, the tortoise budget swelled. But when the recession hit, the housing market contracted, and the bureau and its local government partners began struggling to meet the center's $1 million annual budget.

Desert tortoise faces threat from its own refuge
200 armed agents sent to subdue a 67 year old Mormon
Imagine how many they would have to send to subdue tyroneweaver LOL

btw wheres Lon Horiuchi in all this. Dont the feds use him when they wanna kill someone

The guys a 'wackjob'. He actually believes in taking what is not his to take. He needs to pay his bills.

Brother Bundy is no more wacky than the pos in the white nor his ag.

I'll take Bundy any day over how corrupt this government has become under obama
paid his grazing fees or not
No the tortoises didn't put in the regulations. Give me a break. This is what started all the bullshit.

The dispute between Bundy and the federal government dates to 1993, when land managers cited concern for the federally protected tortoise and capped Bundy's herd at 150 animals on a 250-square-mile rangeland allotment.

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.

He's been in court battles for a long time. His issue. But this is not just an matter of unpaid grazing fees.

There's a lot involved it appears. Not just the surface bullshit they're handing us.
Man breaks is responsible for his actions.
Illegal immigrants are illegal...shouldn't they be sent back?

The law is the law. You can't cry when you have to face the music when you break the law.
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.
Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Clinton and Janet Reno were guilty of murder in the first degree. Especially for killing Randy Weaver's wife and son and for killing innocent children at Waco. They showed the world that a sitting President can kill innocent folks and get away with it. We'll see if "compassionate" Obama follows the example.
200 armed agents sent to subdue a 67 year old Mormon
Imagine how many they would have to send to subdue tyroneweaver LOL

btw wheres Lon Horiuchi in all this. Dont the feds use him when they wanna kill someone

The guys a 'wackjob'. He actually believes in taking what is not his to take. He needs to pay his bills.

Brother Bundy is no more wacky than the pos in the white nor his ag.

I'll take Bundy any day over how corrupt this government has become under obama
paid his grazing fees or not

Brother Bundy? Oh I see, you're a 'wackjob' too?

So because it's 'Brother Bundy' it's OK for him not to pay his bills? a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.

He's been in court battles for a long time. His issue. But this is not just an matter of unpaid grazing fees.

There's a lot involved it appears. Not just the surface bullshit they're handing us.

So you're saying that he should have paid his bills?
First it's a rancher getting thrown off his land. Oops he doesn't own the land.

Oh but they're killing his cows. Oops, there not killing his cows.

Oh but it's really about turtles. Oops, it's got nothing to do with turtles.

Oh, did I say turtles, I ment it's about solar energy.

Crap man, get your bullshit talking points straight BEFORE you try to post them.

From the start, this has ALWAYS been about a deadbeat who thinks he is entitled to feed off the public trough. Period. The spin and deflection and outright lies cannot change that.

You keep saying "there is more to this" but everytime you try to say what that is, it turns out to be more bullshit.try to say wha
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No the tortoises didn't put in the regulations. Give me a break. This is what started all the bullshit.

The dispute between Bundy and the federal government dates to 1993, when land managers cited concern for the federally protected tortoise and capped Bundy's herd at 150 animals on a 250-square-mile rangeland allotment.

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.

How many "hungry" folks eat as a result of the rancher's beef output? Food has to come from somewhere. Thank God for America's farmers and ranchers. They actually work for a living (unlike the lazy bums working for government agencies). These "land management" types drive around looking for someone to screw with while getting fat on taxpayer incomes. At least the rancher is doing something productive.
Man breaks is responsible for his actions.
Illegal immigrants are illegal...shouldn't they be sent back?

The law is the law. You can't cry when you have to face the music when you break the law.

In 2012 the Obama administration deported 410,000 illegal aliens.

Bundy should pay his bills. a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.

How many "hungry" folks eat as a result of the rancher's beef output? Food has to come from somewhere. Thank God for America's farmers and ranchers. They actually work for a living (unlike the lazy bums working for government agencies). These "land management" types drive around looking for someone to screw with while getting fat on taxpayer incomes. At least the rancher is doing something productive.

Do you pay your bills? Yes? Then Bundy should pay his bills. Yes?
First it's a rancher getting thrown off his land. Oops he doesn't own the land.

Oh but they're killing his cows. Oops, there not killing his cows.

Oh but it's really about turtles. Oops, it's got nothing to do with turtles.

Oh, did I say turtles, I ment it's about solar energy.

Crap man, get your bullshit talking points straight BEFORE you try to post them.

From the start, this has ALWAYS been about a deadbeat who thinks he is entitled to feed off the public trough. Period. The spin and deflection and outright lies cannot change that.

You keep saying "there is more to this" but everytime you try to say what that is, it turns out to be more bullshit.try to say wha

You're such an asshole. :lol: I keep giving you all the links that relate to the tortoises and you prefer to be blind, deaf and dumb.

Cripes here's another. But keep whacking off thinking this guy is getting his just desserts because of unpaid grazing fees.

Knock yourself out. But this time I'll give it to you in crayon. :D It's pay to play. And I've put up solid links.

According to the draft, it would cost a solar developer $42.7 million to support off-site restoration at Gold Butte that would offset the destruction of Dry Lake's 3,000 developable acres.

However, since solar developers must also pay to mitigate tortoise habitat -- listed under the Endangered Species Act -- and because Dry Lake is already significantly disturbed with transmission towers, gas plants and roads, the Dry Lake plan would chop overall mitigation fees to a one-time payment of $10.5 million

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses -- Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --

That's likely a small percentage of the total cost to develop Dry Lake, which could support a solar project of up to 694 megawatts. By comparison, the 377 MW Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System under construction south of Las Vegas will cost well over $2 billion.
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BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge
And for 20 years he has not paid the required grazing fees and he's surprised. One has to wonder how many letters from the BLM has he ignored, how many court orders has he trashed? At some point the government does have to say enough is enough and enforce the law.
Now where are the cattle?

Freaking Gold Butte.

“It’s high time for the BLM to do its job and give the [endangered desert] tortoises and the Gold Butte area the protection they need and are legally entitled to,” senior Center for Biological Diversity scientist Rob Mrowka told the Mesquite Local News. “As the tortoises emerge from their winter sleep, they are finding their much-needed food consumed by cattle.”

Defiant Nevada rancher faces armed federal agents in escalating confiscation standoff - BizPac Review
For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

The guy is freeloader. He's using land he doesn't own.

But I like the fact that you are worried about Federal power inside the states.

The Reagan War on Drugs and the Bush War on Terrorism has given the Federal Government unprecedented control over state law enforcement. Nothing in my lifetime has made government bigger or more invasive.

Turn off the Republican noise machine so you so that you are not so dependent on news sources that are in the tank for one political party.

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