BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Starving children, throwing a rancher off his land, killing cows, they've got guns, turtles, solar energy ...

Holy crap - it's just one line of bullshit after another.
All to desperately try to defend some welfare cowboy's sense of entitlement to live off the taxpayer's teet with his 14 welfare sucking children.

I have now officially heard it all.
For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

The guy is freeloader. He's using land he doesn't own.

But I like the fact that you are worried about Federal power inside the states.

The Reagan War on Drugs and the Bush War on Terrorism has given the Federal Government unprecedented control over state law enforcement. Nothing in my lifetime has made government bigger or more invasive.

Turn off the Republican noise machine so you so that you are not so dependent on news sources that are in the tank for one political party.

Surely you jest. I guess you missed the 90's.


Lol what a bunch of twisted talking point horseshit.
This guy, nor his family EVER owned this land. We the people - ALL the people own this land. If a single individual wants to use land that belongs to ALL of us, we have a right to expect something - oh ... let's say GRAZING FEES - in return.

The idea that public lands means anyone should be able to operate their private business there for free is laughable.

Sorry, I don't believe you should have to pay to use public lands. We already pay for their maintenance with our taxes. I think everyone, rich and poor alike should be able to enjoy our public lands whenever they want.
Lol what a bunch of twisted talking point horseshit.
This guy, nor his family EVER owned this land. We the people - ALL the people own this land. If a single individual wants to use land that belongs to ALL of us, we have a right to expect something - oh ... let's say GRAZING FEES - in return.

The idea that public lands means anyone should be able to operate their private business there for free is laughable.

Sorry, I don't believe you should have to pay to use public lands. We already pay for their maintenance with our taxes. I think everyone, rich and poor alike should be able to enjoy our public lands whenever they want.

COOL. So I get to open a Taco Bell in a national Park? Good to know.

No let me be serious about your response


you posted infowars not me shmuck

Unlike many douchebags I don't judge sources. I read or watch the content then form an opinion.

And therein lies the problem. Does this source have a vested interest in giving me a distorted view? Does it has a history of being wrong? If you don't grade your information source, you wind up just believing whatever confirms your preconceived notions and you never learn how to listen and consider views and opinions that may differ from yours. In short - you stop growing and learning and you stagnate.

But to each his or her own I suppose.
2 or 3 pages ago nodouchebaginthefight ended a post with the words nuff said.

Yet he owns half the posts since then. People have come and gone from the thread but this obsessed troll can't let go and follow his own words.

Get a life or a dildo, you need it a spoiled brat, he decided he didn't like the deal enough to PAY...tho he liked the land enough to still use it. A free-loader.

How many "hungry" folks eat as a result of the rancher's beef output? Food has to come from somewhere. Thank God for America's farmers and ranchers. They actually work for a living (unlike the lazy bums working for government agencies). These "land management" types drive around looking for someone to screw with while getting fat on taxpayer incomes. At least the rancher is doing something productive.

Come on, don't hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel...
Lol what a bunch of twisted talking point horseshit.
This guy, nor his family EVER owned this land. We the people - ALL the people own this land. If a single individual wants to use land that belongs to ALL of us, we have a right to expect something - oh ... let's say GRAZING FEES - in return.

The idea that public lands means anyone should be able to operate their private business there for free is laughable.

Sorry, I don't believe you should have to pay to use public lands. We already pay for their maintenance with our taxes. I think everyone, rich and poor alike should be able to enjoy our public lands whenever they want.

Should this rancher use this land for free, or should I have access to it to start a helicopter concession for tourists over Las Vegas?
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.
Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Clinton and Janet Reno were guilty of murder in the first degree. Especially for killing Randy Weaver's wife and son and for killing innocent children at Waco. They showed the world that a sitting President can kill innocent folks and get away with it. We'll see if "compassionate" Obama follows the example.

As stated Earlier, Randy Weaver's family was removed from the Gene Pool under Bush-41's watch.

and the whacked out cultists at Waco killed themselves.
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in NevadaWonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Clinton and Janet Reno were guilty of murder in the first degree. Especially for killing Randy Weaver's wife and son and for killing innocent children at Waco. They showed the world that a sitting President can kill innocent folks and get away with it. We'll see if "compassionate" Obama follows the example.

As stated Earlier, Randy Weaver's family was removed from the Gene Pool under Bush-41's watch.

and the whacked out cultists at Waco killed themselves.

Your a piece of shit and deserve non of the freedoms offered by this country.
Clinton and Janet Reno were guilty of murder in the first degree. Especially for killing Randy Weaver's wife and son and for killing innocent children at Waco. They showed the world that a sitting President can kill innocent folks and get away with it. We'll see if "compassionate" Obama follows the example.

As stated Earlier, Randy Weaver's family was removed from the Gene Pool under Bush-41's watch.

and the whacked out cultists at Waco killed themselves.

Your a piece of shit and deserve non of the freedoms offered by this country.

That's out of line.

Just who do you think you are telling someone they don't deserve the rights and protections of this great nation? Just because I much dislike Joe and his political positions doesn't mean I don't support his rights in America. Uncalled for.
Clinton and Janet Reno were guilty of murder in the first degree. Especially for killing Randy Weaver's wife and son and for killing innocent children at Waco. They showed the world that a sitting President can kill innocent folks and get away with it. We'll see if "compassionate" Obama follows the example.

As stated Earlier, Randy Weaver's family was removed from the Gene Pool under Bush-41's watch.

and the whacked out cultists at Waco killed themselves.

Your a piece of shit and deserve non of the freedoms offered by this country.

Guy, please point out which of those statements were factually inaccurate.

Ruby RIdge happened on Bush's watch. I'm not sure why you guys keep trying to hang these dead Nazis on Clinton, because Bush's folks were in charge when they were dealt with.

And, sorry, the Davidians killed themselves. This is the conclusion of State and Federal investigators.
now its about horses.....

Apparently it always was, had you bothered to read the article.

It looks like a complaint was filed that wild mustangs were killing the desert tortoise, so the BLM agreed to "relocate" the horses. Then the question of why, if horses are banned, can cattle be there was raised. Of course horses and cows are very different, but BLM doofuses can't figure that out.

Anyway, looks like that was what got this all going.

...not not paying your bills for decades, eh?

Let's see....can't generate RW sympathy for a free-loading Rancher who doesn't pay what he owns for land use.....but throw in wacky environmentalists and BINGO! you've got a live Cause!

Which one of those "wacky environmentalists" have been using public lands and refusing to pay the required fees??

Which one of those "wacky environmentalists" have been defying a federal court order for 16 years?
Well the Governor of Nevada is really pissed off about this situation.

I don't care what this is about. Unpaid fees or a tortoise makes no difference to me. This is way over the top.

I'm with the Governor.

cool, so you are against paying your debts....You should go to jail like this other loser.

I never said I was against paying ones debts. Not once.

200 armed agents, helicopters, contractors, sealed off "first amendment areas", give me a break.

It's over the top. Plain and simple. This is a dog and pony show. I hope it ends peacefully.

The First Amendment Area is an outrage. The rest is to be expected.

I love that they keep saying "armed agents". They emphasize the "armed". Have you ever dealt with an unarmed federal agent? Plus, there have been numerous threats of a range war, and the contractors moving the cattle have been threatened.

Helicopters? Really? That is over the top? They are rounding up cattle on 600,000 acres. Of course they have helicopters.

They hired contractors because federal agents have no training in moving hundreds of head of cattle.
200 armed agents sent to subdue a 67 year old Mormon
Imagine how many they would have to send to subdue tyroneweaver LOL

btw wheres Lon Horiuchi in all this. Dont the feds use him when they wanna kill someone

Really? After 30 pages you STILL want this to be about the agents going after Bundy??

Here, I'll type slowly so maybe you can keep up.

The agents are not there to subdue the rancher. They are NOT surrounding his ranch. They are surrounding the public lands where this guys cattle are, and have been, despite being ordered by a federal judge to remove them 16 years ago!

The 200 agents (all federal agents are armed) are surrounding public land. There are 900 head of cattle on 600,000 acres. And the rancher and his friends have threatened a range war.
1st Plank of Marx's -- Communist Manifesto:
1. "Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes."

Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management (Zoning laws are the first step to government property ownership)

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

Yup ... that pretty much describes the situation!!
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What's the tortoise got to do with anything? Well for starters back in the 90's it was the tortoise that put in the regulations that the rancher got pissed off at.

Fast forward to today.

They're the ones bringing it up. Not freaking anti government posters. Get a grip here. I know you have a hard on for some posters here, but it's not them that got the tortoise angle started.

“It’s high time for the BLM to do its job and give the [endangered desert] tortoises and the Gold Butte area the protection they need and are legally entitled to,” senior Center for Biological Diversity scientist Rob Mrowka told the Mesquite Local News. “As the tortoises emerge from their winter sleep, they are finding their much-needed food consumed by cattle.”

Defiant Nevada rancher faces armed federal agents in escalating confiscation standoff - BizPac Review[/QUOTE

LOL - the tortoises put in regulations?????

If the dude had paid what he owed - he wouldn't be squealing like a jilted hairdresser today.

Nuff said.

No the tortoises didn't put in the regulations. Give me a break. This is what started all the bullshit.

The dispute between Bundy and the federal government dates to 1993, when land managers cited concern for the federally protected tortoise and capped Bundy's herd at 150 animals on a 250-square-mile rangeland allotment.

South Nevada rancher takes on armed federal agents in standoff | Mail Online

Did they cap it at 150 or 900? I thought I read 900. That is what he has on public land now.
Yeah, now THERE'S a report to hang your hat on - they call this public land the rancher's "ancestral" land in their headline.
LOL - What a crock.

So I guess the family that has lived in public housing long enough can claim the building as their "ancestral" property ?????????

What a croc

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