Breaking: 9th Circuit Issues Ruling Not To Protect America's Sovereignty

Trump has surrounded himself with incompetent, arrogant, assholes.

If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
Till the next terrorist attack. Then Trump gets off Scott free. And the blame, and responsibility falls right into the liberals, and democrats laps; sealing thier fate.
This was not a political decision, the court ruled on the law
Wrong. The 9th circuit rarely rules based on law.

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They ruled. They decided. Time to deal with your loss.
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.

"Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation"

What you said, I just pointed this out myself before in this thread and I cited the exact part of the US Constitution where President Trump can put America under Martial Law.

Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

Also Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution states:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
You never answered how the president is granted authority to suspend habeas corpus unilaterally from Article 1 of the Constitution which grants powers to the Congress and not the executive.
A lot of BUTTHURT conservatives are crying about this ruling.

I'm actually surprised how much this helps Trump's administration. Rather than butt hurt since Trump won already LOL
Our courts are now in charge of foreign policy. Absurd.


If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
Till the next terrorist attack. Then Trump gets off Scott free. And the blame, and responsibility falls right into the liberals, and democrats laps; sealing thier fate.

Uuuuuunfortunately the terrorists who did 9/11 were all from countries not on the list, and killed 2800 Americans. Pakistan, which harbored its mastermind, is also not on the list.

Meanwhile (again) the total death by terrorism from the countries that ARE on the list continues to be Zero.

Tell us all about "Scott free" [sic]. Who enslaved Scott?
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.
Where in the Constitution does it give the president authority to ban anyone from entering the country? Not Article 2 where the president's powers are listed. Also, who's Marshall, and what on Earth is "unexceptable?"
. Just following along, so maybe I am confused as to where they said Trump gets the power to do what he has done or wants to do. Wasn't it the Constitution?? Am I spelling Marshal law wrong ? Isn't that what is implemented when the countries security is threatened from within ??
The president wrote an executive order, but that doesn't mean he had the authority from the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it grant the president the power to ban anyone from entering the country. You're thinking martial law.
Trump needs to ignore the court and move forward.
The court doesn't have power of The President in this matter.
What are they going to do to him?
Call him names?

Senate and House will be electric getting these bills through for Trump to sign. This helps his administration look better at the fact Obama practically did the same thing.
Trump has a Trump card so to speak.

Vacate the order and reissue it with an immediate effective date. It will give no time for lawsuits
An injunction would be immediately issued, and Trump would probably be held in contempt of court. Now that would be really interesting.
This is insane. If an enemy attacks us, are we supposed to wait for permission from judges to defend ourselves?

What makes it more likely then at any time before, that any visitor, immigrant or refugee from seven arbitrary countries will attack us without a ninety day ban on entry?
Trump needs to ignore the court and move forward.
The court doesn't have power of The President in this matter.
What are they going to do to him?
Call him names?

Senate and House will be electric getting these bills through for Trump to sign. This helps his administration look better at the fact Obama practically did the same thing.
Just what did Obama do?
Being ruled by judges is one of the things Americans hate the most, and one of the reasons we voted for Trump in the first place

So you don't like the Constitution? Because these are the checks and balances in the Constitution you're railing against.
These people are very dangerous. they are capable of anything.
Majority rules after the people elected Trump. Now if Hillary won we could be saying they are capable of anything.

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