Breaking: 9th Circuit Issues Ruling Not To Protect America's Sovereignty


If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost

If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost

And so did Clinton but ya'll wont except that. But Trump has to accept the leftist court?

Yes, Trump must accept this decision

And the left and protestors don't have to accept the election results?

Is it OK for Trump supporters to start burning down buildings and pepper spraying girls?

The rule of law won out
Our courts are now in charge of foreign policy. Absurd.


If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost

And so did Clinton but ya'll wont except that. But Trump has to accept the leftist court?

Yes, Trump must accept this decision

And the left and protestors don't have to accept the election results?

Is it OK for Trump supporters to start burning down buildings and pepper spraying girls?

The rule of law won out

That does not address my question

Care to try again?


If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
Phyuck your call to arms, coward
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.
Where in the Constitution does it give the president authority to ban anyone from entering the country? Not Article 2 where the president's powers are listed. Also, who's Marshall, and what on Earth is "unexceptable?"


the 1798 federal immigration law was challenged by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson - the law was allowed to expire in 1800.

We had NO IMMIGRATION Law for 89 years - until congress decided that the Chinese insistence to work in the California Gold Mines constituted an EMERGENCY. A racist SCOTUS agreed.

Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.

"Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation"

What you said, I just pointed this out myself before in this thread and I cited the exact part of the US Constitution where President Trump can put America under Martial Law.

Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

Also Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution states:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
Phyuck your call to arms, coward
Dream on, pilgrim.
America needs more animals from those seven backwards ,jihadist, shitholes.........

Lets give them a warm welcome..... lol
The administration will of course ask for quick action from the Supreme Court. It is vital to the Trump administration that the ban be reinstated quickly for two reason. They claim urgent action is need for the safety of the nation and the reason for the 120 day ban on all those with visa's is to give the administration a chance to review and make needed changes to the procedures. Each day that passes with the ban suspended, the administration case becomes weaker. After 120 days they have no case for the 120 ban needed to review and urgent danger posses by refuges seems less urgent.

Either a vote not reinstate or a tie by the current 8 person court is a lost for Trump. However, waiting for Trump's nominee to be confirmed, sworn it, and the case to be put on the docket could well end up longer than 120 days.

At any rate we can look forward to a number legal moves by the administration and a barrage of propaganda to convince the public that they are in grave danger because of the horrible ruling of these liberal judges.
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.

"Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation"
Mind you own fucking country's business, Klara, you sick fuck.
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.

That's martial law, and "unacceptable", Eveyln Wood.

You're actually encouraging a tyrannical POTUS to usurp one of the three branches of government via force?
Isn't that informative.

Wasn't removing the Judicial Branch from the White House website --- enough?
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.
Marshall law? Do you hate America that much

No the beagle9 Americans want to protect America and save America, it's the other types who are working with the enemies of America and as such giving them aid and comfort, that's Treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the United States Constitution.

If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
We've been hearing that for 8 years. Lots of tough talking cowboys on the Internet.
Temporary slowdown by the Democrats. The President has the right to protect us, and he intends to.
Want to live next door to a Muslim? Move to Iran, don't bring Iran here. My children live here.
Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.
Marshall law? Do you hate America that much
What the fuck is Marshall law? No such animal.

You know Marshall, over here in WNC? Nice place. I lived there briefly.
Anyway they have local ordinances. Even a couple of traffic lights. Hence --- Marshall Law.

Now Murphy, to the west of here, they have laws too. You don't even wanna know.
Our courts are now in charge of foreign policy. Absurd.


If an EO affects rights the courts must be involved.

We elected a PRESIDENT not a DICTATOR.

His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
Till the next terrorist attack. Then Trump gets off Scott free. And the blame, and responsibility falls right into the liberals, and democrats laps; sealing thier fate.
This was not a political decision, the court ruled on the law
Wrong. The 9th circuit rarely rules based on law.

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Why is this court reviewing, and then ruling on something that is legal, and right to do under the Constitution ?? It appears that the left once again is trying to rule this nation by proxy, and in this case it used the 9th circuit to cause troubles for Americans. Might be getting near to Trump calling for Marshall Law in this country, because it appears that there are those here who are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation, and that is unexceptable to most Americans on what is going on now.
Where in the Constitution does it give the president authority to ban anyone from entering the country? Not Article 2 where the president's powers are listed. Also, who's Marshall, and what on Earth is "unexceptable?"
. Just following along, so maybe I am confused as to where they said Trump gets the power to do what he has done or wants to do. Wasn't it the Constitution?? Am I spelling Marshal law wrong ? Isn't that what is implemented when the countries security is threatened from within ??

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