Breaking: 9th Circuit Issues Ruling Not To Protect America's Sovereignty

This gives the GOP great material for the mid terms. The left still cares more about being PC than they do about national security.

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President Trump can declare EVERYTHING covered by National Security if he wants to, he can and will call a National State of Emergency the next time Leftist Maniacs go on the rampage on my betting America will be under Martial Law by this Summer because the Leftist Maniacs are going to keep rioting and there will probably be a terrorist attack.

The terrorist attack will be blamed ENTIRELY on the Leftist Traitors who sit on benches they were not elected to, they'll be scapegoated for letting America be vulnerable and President Trump will use them blocking this particular Executive Order to crucify them with and declare Martial Law.

So either Leftist Maniac rioting or a terrorist attack gives him the reason to declare a National State of Emergency, that's Martial Law and with that he can bypass the American Constitution and do what he needs to do to make Americans safe.

They are playing politics with the safety of the American people, the so-called conservative judges are Cuckservatives and not Conservatives, the other judges are Leftists.

The MSM and Beta Cucks and Leftists insist he's a Fascist, so why not go Fascist, he keeps getting called a Fascist, he might as well just do it.
Where in the Constitution does it say the president can do that?

If he declares a National State of Emergency he can use The Suspension Clause, he can suspend habeas corpus and the whole of America will be under Martial Law and with that the Constitution is just another piece of paper and you have NO RIGHTS and no more elections until Martial Law itself is suspended.

"Where in the Constitution does it say the president can do that?"


Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

You will have a Police State, but it won't be the police that you see on your streets, it'll be a Militarised Police.
Article 1 of the Constitution refers to the powers of the legislature, not the executive.

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that the authority to suspend habeas corpus lay exclusively with Congress.
Ex parte Merryman - Wikipedia

Granted, this is a controversial decision by Taney, but it's common sense. Article 2 lists the powers of the executive, and it does not say anything about the president unilaterally being allowed to suspend habeas corpus.
Doesn't matter, they have ruled, and you aren't going to change their ruling
No. It will be overturned.

In your very remotest of dreams. SCOTUS can refuse to hear the case, with the result of allowing the 9th. Circuit Decision to stand or there will a 4-4 with the same result.

Fuck that Cheeto-Faced lying piece of Draft Dodging Shit. Fuck Der GroppenFuher.
"SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" - Trump on twitter a moment ago
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump

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3:35 PM - 9 Feb 2017
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what court?
The Court of Appeals and if that doesn't work then the Supreme Court is next.
Gorsuch already hates Trump and he will vote against the ban
Gorsuch calls Trump comments about judges 'disheartening and demoralizing'

Yes that's hearsay from Richard Blumenthal.

Gorsuch doesn't hate President Trump, he will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and immense pressure will be put on the Beta Cuckservative Anthony Kennedy to have the testicles to side with the Republican side as opposed to sitting on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's lap.
Like you have a phyucking clue to what you are talking about
the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump. mark my words!

"the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump."

No the ruling will be 5-4 and straight down party lines. Gorsuch will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and Anthony Kennedy will vote with Roberts, Alito and Thomas and that's 5-4 in favour of President Trump.
"SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" - Trump on twitter a moment ago
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump

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3:35 PM - 9 Feb 2017
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what court?
The Court of Appeals and if that doesn't work then the Supreme Court is next.
They ARE the court of appeals, Einstein
Same difference
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump

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3:35 PM - 9 Feb 2017
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what court?
The Court of Appeals and if that doesn't work then the Supreme Court is next.
Gorsuch already hates Trump and he will vote against the ban
Gorsuch calls Trump comments about judges 'disheartening and demoralizing'

Yes that's hearsay from Richard Blumenthal.

Gorsuch doesn't hate President Trump, he will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and immense pressure will be put on the Beta Cuckservative Anthony Kennedy to have the testicles to side with the Republican side as opposed to sitting on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's lap.
Like you have a phyucking clue to what you are talking about

More of a clue than you do sugar pants, but keep dreaming.
Bashar Assad admitted some refugees are terrorists. what are we doing?
LINK??? Or is that asking too much
This is a small step in the process, really. Story's just beginning.
Tell us what comes next?
The appeal.
Appeal to who? Can you tell us
Your schtick gets old fast, doesn't it? Common sense says this one is likely to end up at the Supreme Court.

An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court seems likely and would put the decision in the hands of a divided court that has a vacancy. Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, could not be confirmed in time to take part in any consideration of the ban.

Moments after the ruling was released, Trump tweeted, "SEE YOU IN COURT," adding that "THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"

Federal appeals court refuses to reinstate Trump travel ban
The supreme court is tied at 4-4. Hows that going to work out
It's not a perfect split, for starters, but even assuming you're right that doesn't change the fact that it's likely to go to the Supreme Court, thus this isn't over.
the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump. mark my words!

"the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump."

No the ruling will be 5-4 and straight down party lines. Gorsuch will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and Anthony Kennedy will vote with Roberts, Alito and Thomas and that's 5-4 in favour of President Trump.
Its going to be a long time before the SC choice is confirmed
"SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" - Trump on twitter a moment ago
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump

    • RETWEETS20,802
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3:35 PM - 9 Feb 2017
49,666 replies20,802 retweets54,237 likes





what court?
The Court of Appeals and if that doesn't work then the Supreme Court is next.
Gorsuch already hates Trump and he will vote against the ban
Gorsuch calls Trump comments about judges 'disheartening and demoralizing'

Yes that's hearsay from Richard Blumenthal.

Gorsuch doesn't hate President Trump, he will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and immense pressure will be put on the Beta Cuckservative Anthony Kennedy to have the testicles to side with the Republican side as opposed to sitting on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's lap.
A little crazy in the head are we? Not even Breitbart is denying what he said

Senator: Gorsuch Called Trump's Judge Criticisms 'Demoralizing'
These judges have transferred national security authority from the executive branch to the judicial branch.

Bashar Assad admitted some refugees are terrorists. what are we doing?
LINK??? Or is that asking too much
Tell us what comes next?
The appeal.
Appeal to who? Can you tell us
Your schtick gets old fast, doesn't it? Common sense says this one is likely to end up at the Supreme Court.

An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court seems likely and would put the decision in the hands of a divided court that has a vacancy. Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, could not be confirmed in time to take part in any consideration of the ban.

Moments after the ruling was released, Trump tweeted, "SEE YOU IN COURT," adding that "THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"

Federal appeals court refuses to reinstate Trump travel ban
The supreme court is tied at 4-4. Hows that going to work out
It's not a perfect split, for starters, but even assuming you're right that doesn't change the fact that it's likely to go to the Supreme Court, thus this isn't over.
Long time from now
the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump. mark my words!

"the Supreme Court will rule 8-0 in favor of President Trump."

No the ruling will be 5-4 and straight down party lines. Gorsuch will sit in Antonin Scalia's chair and Anthony Kennedy will vote with Roberts, Alito and Thomas and that's 5-4 in favour of President Trump.
Gorsuch isn't going to be confirmed that quickly.
Bashar Assad admitted some refugees are terrorists. what are we doing?
LINK??? Or is that asking too much
The appeal.
Appeal to who? Can you tell us
Your schtick gets old fast, doesn't it? Common sense says this one is likely to end up at the Supreme Court.

An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court seems likely and would put the decision in the hands of a divided court that has a vacancy. Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, could not be confirmed in time to take part in any consideration of the ban.

Moments after the ruling was released, Trump tweeted, "SEE YOU IN COURT," adding that "THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"

Federal appeals court refuses to reinstate Trump travel ban
The supreme court is tied at 4-4. Hows that going to work out
It's not a perfect split, for starters, but even assuming you're right that doesn't change the fact that it's likely to go to the Supreme Court, thus this isn't over.
Long time from now
Probably going to be a bit, but that doesn't make anything I said wrong.

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