The big green areas are the actual reservoirs.

This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

OMG are u FKRS this stupid.................


This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

What is fake is that fake brain you have in your head it shows how pathetically stupid you are right along with all the other ignorant POS ANTIFA assholes!!

This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

What is fake is that fake brain you have in your head it shows how pathetically stupid you are right along with all the other ignorant POS ANTIFA assholes!!

Wow, doesn't take much to make you melt down like a fried cheese sandwich.

This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

What is fake is that fake brain you have in your head it shows how pathetically stupid you are right along with all the other ignorant POS ANTIFA assholes!!

Wow, doesn't take much to make you melt down like a fried cheese sandwich.


This is the last thing they need. God help Texas.

The dam at Lake Conroe is being manually released and the reservoirs are running over, so those areas are being evacuated. No dam has broken. Fake fucking news, dumb ass. We are on Galveston Bay right now and have had the local news on 24/7. Stop fucking lying.

What is fake is that fake brain you have in your head it shows how pathetically stupid you are right along with all the other ignorant POS ANTIFA assholes!!

Wow, doesn't take much to make you melt down like a fried cheese sandwich.

Apparently you haven't read the entire post, melt the only one that is melting is your imagination telling yourself what you want to think.
I don't melt ...........I just don't cower away. Too bad so sad ,
977. The end of August plot (8/27/2017)

On 8/22, PG&E man came again and replaced the gas meter of my neighborhood. I think it was a cover up job to my allegation in #974 "I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at." Apparently they tried to make the replacement of my gas meter on Aug.3 not so prominent. That later work on my neighbor still doesn't explain why I was the only one had my gas meter replaced on Aug. 3 and other activities done by PG&E in August. (see #975)

On 8/26, the August plot ended. (because new plot developed?)

In framed case, the Feds used to prepare big events to distract public's attention. The distraction for August plot were:

1. Hurricane Harvey.
The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Friday. By Aug. 26, it had weakened to a Category 1 storm.

2. Racial riot from Charlottesville.
"Berkeley’s far-right rally ‘called off,’ but residents still plan counter-actions
By Natalie Orenstein Aug. 26, 2017,"
"Leader of Right-Wing Group Cancels Planned San Francisco Rally
by PHIL HELSEL AUG 25 2017,"
If the Feds carry out the framed case, I think big riots would have happened all over the country. Charlottesville event and Hurricane Harvey were propagandized so much by media but now suddenly fade away.
Kinda funny to watch Mind Whore try to stir up some fear and watching her fall flat on her face.

I like reading some of her threads. Sometimes they are some pretty funny stuff!
Katrina was used as a distract. Here is what I wrote 12 years ago.

345. Hurricane, a tool to distract (9/27/05)

I allege the recent hurricanes were practice of climate war. It was part of framed case plotted by D.O.J..

1. Motive: As I have said, the September plot planned to kill two birds by one stone. Hurricanes were developed to help this purpose. (The main action was terror attack)

(1) To distract the peace movement, New Orleans was drowned by flood caused by Katrina on 8/29. The tragic scene thereafter occupied the whole page and screen of media for weeks which at same time drowned the news of Cindy Sheehan's anti war bus trip that started one day later.

The national emergency rescue was deliberately delayed. Military waited three days for orders. The slow re-action is not only incompetent but a crime when a city was drowned. But this was what inside group needed. The delay of rescue could create more stories of death, loot to draw public's attention. The media even activated an accusation war of who should be responsible for the slow action All these aimed at one purpose, to divert public's attention from peace movement.

Of course for the big demonstration of 9/24, Inside Group prepared a big hurricane. Media blew the trumpet to propaganda that Hurricane Rita was shaping up to be one of the strongest Storms ever to hit the USA, exceeding even Katrina. And the landing date of Rita was exactly the same day - 9/24.

As a project to distract, hurricane Katrina and Rita was a success. There is little report about anti-war gathering. They checked up the momentum of Peace movement at the loss of thousand lives and hundred billions worth of properties.

(2) To cover up the framed case, Katrina also played an important role. My case is a big one. Feds has accumulated large quantity of real estates property in the case. To keep the value of these properties, they abuse the power to keep the long term interest rate low. Feds creates a strange phenomenon: all other merchandise were in low price which include automobile, computer, food, clothes .... except the house. To maintain a booming real estate market, they almost make the long term interest rate equal to the short term one. But all these are artificial. Once I was eliminated and they released their properties, all the restriction on other merchandise will be released too. There will be a big inflation in US then. Long term interest rate will go sky rocket. For this economic crisis, Inside Group even prepared to squeeze more from American people. They passed a new bankruptcy law for those potential victims of the coming economic tsunami. And Feds also prepared a justification for that crisis. When despaired people get angry, government will attribute the failure to the hurricanes. It damaged oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico and caused high gas price. Everybody will believe so because they feel the bite when they pump the gas. The real cause of the crisis will be neglected. Hurricanes would be the excuse of an economy depression if the 9/24 frame case has been carried out.

Ophelia was another storm developed around 9/10 in East Coast. The newspaper said "It loitered in the Atlantic for days, and is trudging so slowly that it should spend two days on North Carolina.", "It's been very difficult to get a feeling of what Ophelia is going to do." The strange thing is here. For Rita and Katrina, the media seemed knew what they were going to do and even draw a timing route for their future movement. Why they couldn't tell Ophelia's?

I know why. Ophelia was a work of operation team of climate war. The team worked it out after they finished Katrina and then after Ophelia, they went for Rita. The task for Ophelia was to distract, (or even play a role) in a trip accident. My relatives were then in a trip in East Coast and Canada.(From 9/10 to 9/17). On 9/2 and 9/7, I continued to warn that Feds would create a travel accident to eliminate my family members. (#339, #340). To justify it, they even produced several air crash within a month. Ophelia wandered along East Coast, it was waiting for the decision of Feds. Its movement puzzled FEMA team.

On 9/15, news said Ophelia left East Coast for ocean. I knew Feds had postponed the plan of travel accident

Feds had planned the Rita even stronger than Katrina. They even put the landing date on 9/24 the action date. But it was too evident a plot after my revelation. When in final days, news changed the tones said that Rita wouldn't develop to category 5, I knew the 9/24 frame case and bombing plot went sour.

But the persecution won't stop. It goes on. (to be continued)
I alleged the Feds had a framed case on 2/19/2017. Using terror attack and dam collapsing to distract public attention.

949. Trump and Sweden terror attack (2/25/2017)

On 2/15 and 2/18, I wrote two articles, predicted the Feds(FBI and DEA)would frame a drug case on 2/19 and they would distract public's attention by natural disaster- flooding caused by storm and dam collapsing.

(947) Why Trump kneels to China (2/15/2017)
(948) Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017)

Now I would say my view is very accurate. The Feds not only planed to distract with natural disaster, but also planed a terror attack in Europe - a "Sweden terror attack" that caused controversy.

Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?
19 February

"You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers.

The Sweden terror attack(likely designated to take place on 2/17 night) was cancelled after I revealed(on 2/15) a secret deal of drug case was done by Trump and Chinese secret police. Trump didn't know the terror case in Sweden was cancelled. On 2/18 morning, He declared a "terror attack last night in Sweden" to their original plan.(Obviously the foreign plot and domestic plot are controlled by different groups)Thus made such a big mistake.

It's funny how the Feds followers tried to cover up that mistake Trump had made. No matter how bad your English are, it's hard to explain "what's happening last night in Sweden". The similar story I remembered is that BBC had reported the WTC 7 collapsing news before it actually happening.

The tactic they used are familiar for us. In 2005, there was a terror case in Europe - 7/7 London under railway bombing, then followed by 8/29 hurricane Katrina and drown of New Orleans. Compare with recent one: 2/17, a terror case in Sweden, Europe.(cancelled, but Trump's speech proved the plan.) 2/19, flooding in California, possible dam collapsing.(didn't happen after plan cancelled)

... California as dangerous storm moves in; Residents south of Oroville Dam should stay alert as storm passes ... expect heavier rain late Sunday(2/19) and ...
950. Big slaughter to distract elimination case (3/4/2017)

The contradictory flaw Trump made on "Sweden terrorist attacks" is similar to that BBC"s report on the collapse of WTC7(in 9/11) before it happens.

Be noticed that there would be a large casualties if the plan had gone through. Trump said, "They took in large numbers".

I was once wondered how many people could they kill in 2/19 California flooding. It seemed not too many if it was only a collapse of a dam. Later I knew it was a much big slaughter in their plan.

Possible norovirus outbreak reported at Oroville evacuation shelter
By Alyssa Pereira, San Francisco Chronicle Monday, February 20, 2017

Between 20-30 Oroville Dam evacuees at the Silver Dollar Shelter in Chico, California are reportedly exhibiting symptoms of norovirus, reports The Sacramento Bee.

Norovirus symptoms typically include vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. It is highly contagious, and is spread by touching or ingesting items contaminated with the virus. The effects of the virus can be more extreme in children and senior adults.

Possible norovirus outbreak reported at Oroville evacuation shelter

Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People

FEB 19, 2017 Bruce Y. Lee ,

Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People

If the Feds had been successful in their framed drug case plot, there would have been a dam collapse and break out of epidemic thereafter. The death toll would have been up-graded each day to panic public over that small elimination case. Watch the date of the news of Bill Gate's warning. It's not a coincidence.
To kill by dam collapsing. That's how New Orleans was drawn in Katrina Hurricane.

351. Hurricane (2) (continue to #345) (10/17/05)

2. New Orleans was selected to be a sacrifice.
(1) Most residents there are black people. It accords to consistent deed of Feds. Black is always the sacrifice.

(2) Hurricane used to cause damage. But that's not enough to bring public's attention. To reach the aim of distract, they need news of death, a lot of deaths. Nothing can help them to achieve this goal more than to drown a city. And New Orleans was a city fits Feds' demand. They knew this at least four years ago. The reality is exactly the same as Civil Engineering predicted.

CIVIL ENGINEERING (October 2001 issue )
Drowning New Orleans
A major hurricane could swamp New Orleans under 20 feet of water, killing thousands.

By Mark Fischetti

(3) A news rarely reported by mainstream media:

Locals, Officials Suggest Levees were Intentionally Blown
Evidence suggests there were "cracks" in levees that were intentionally ignored, questions over how they failed.

Steve Watson, September 9 2005

Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order to provide the justification for total FEMA federal takeover?

The locals certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring the issue into the open.

Chemtrail Central :: View topic - Rita-related Anomolies(broadband only)

3. Artificial characters of Katirina and Rita and their similarity.

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