BREAKING! Alex Soros Tweets Out Picture Of A Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump!

Wow, so the Extreme Biden Cult Fucks actually support violence against 45.

Weird, I thought silence was violence.

If the left didn’t have a double standard, they would have no standards at all.

Do you fools actually think we do not see through your bullshit?
No direct threat exactly, But definitely enough there to apply a threat. Wouldn't be enough to actually convict him if he were arrested though. They would Need a lot more concrete evidence.

If something like this were enough to get arrested for threats, Michelle bachman will have went to prison for thirty years over her map covered in targets.
Unfortunately, it will be a combined effort by the FBI and CIA that will attempt to and may succeed to assassinate DJT just as they assassinated JFK.
dimocrap scum use the tried and true method of brainwashing the mentally challenged to use for their 'Wet Work'.. If you were to watch, and believe, half the shit that's broadcast on TV, printed in papers and put on Movie screens....

You'd want to shoot OMB, too.

JFK fucking up the Bay of Pigs is what got him killed. Cuban Exiles were pissed. Many of them that were captured were never returned to the US. Dead or, if still alive, rotting in a Cuban Prison. Of the Army SF personnel that were captured, they were all returned once we paid Castro with a Tractor or another piece of heavy equipment. He didn't want money, he wanted Heavy equipment.

Cubans lost everything when Castro took over. Everything. He stole businesses, hotels, homes, cars -- EVERYTHING. And left those people with nothing. Some of their families had been there for 350 years. Castro stole it all. They had to escape with the clothes on their backs.

There are hundreds of them settled near me. Many, if not most, of them are dead and their Children and Grandchildren have turned into entitled, spoiled little fuckwads like the rest of the Country's children. No sense of heritage at all.

Neat people, IMHO. I still enjoy going over to Miami into their neighborhoods. Good workers, good family-men, patriotic as heck.... Love the USA. HATE, HATE, HATE dimocraps. Miami is one of the few major American Cities with a Republican Mayor. In fact, in the old days just being a dimocrap could get you shot.

My kind of people

Yeah, Ronnie-Buoy was about to roll on the Clinton Gang. Hitlery had him knocked off, IMO. She's the real criminal in all this. Still is

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