BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

Here we go into 1984, where "big brother" controls all information flow. Only "state approved" media is allowed to be broadcast.
FXN is the last bastion of truth, so it has to be silenced. I'm sure a few wealthy US oligarchs will buy it and make it like the other MSM outlets...

Here we go into 1984, where "big brother" controls all information flow. Only "state approved" media is allowed to be broadcast.
FXN is the last bastion of truth, so it has to be silenced. I'm sure a few wealthy US oligarchs will buy it and make it like the other MSM outlets...

I guarantee they'll purge Hannity and Tucker and Guttfeld any day now.
There is no purge.

What's going on is that ALL free people and organizations are CONDEMNING the atrocious events of Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at our nation's Capital.

All those weeping, wailing and caterwauling over this are on the WRONG side of history.

Not to mention you WILL be rooted out of decent society.
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It must be kinda embarrassing. What this shows is the tech companies are more powerful than the GOP. For years Trump and the GOP threatened them. They did nothing but they did constantly threaten them.

There is no purge.

What's going on is that ALL free people and organization are CONDEMNING the atrocious events of Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at our nation's Capital.

All those weeping and waiting and caterwauling over this are on the WRONG side of history.

Not to mention you WILL be rooted out of decent society.


Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
Here we go into 1984, where "big brother" controls all information flow. Only "state approved" media is allowed to be broadcast.
FXN is the last bastion of truth, so it has to be silenced. I'm sure a few wealthy US oligarchs will buy it and make it like the other MSM outlets...

Who knew back in 1984 it would be Apple that was the man on the screen.
They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."
We didn't tell you to use it to plan an insurgency.

There's a helicopter waiting for you.
You gonna keep with the empty threats or are you gonna respond to my post?

You wouldn't take a free ride on a helicopter for all future transportation needs?
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
There is no purge.

What's going on is that ALL free people and organization are CONDEMNING the atrocious events of Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at our nation's Capital.

All those weeping and waiting and caterwauling over this are on the WRONG side of history.

Not to mention you WILL be rooted out of decent society.
Well, come and get me then..... I ain't hiding.

LOL, what's the matter? You need some time to assemble the SWAT team, since you're all too gutless to come do it yourselves?

I'm going to remember all you gloating little cowards.

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