BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host

You still don't understand.

Amazon isn't the government.
I am not saying that Amazon is a government, as in Russia Yandex isn't a government. But from my point of view, Amazon is currently playing for one political party maybe it doesn't really matter, I think we'll see soon.
Years ago the British decided to censor the Irish political party, Sinn Fein, all it did was strengthen their paramilitay wing the IRA.
People gave up on politics and became radicalised.
Censorship turns moderates into radicals.
Millions of Americans will be red-pilled after 4 years of this-
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own front porches.

parler violated Amazon's Terms of Service.

parler agreed to follow those rules or be prevented from using the service.

parler violated the rules and their word to follow those rules so Amazon terminated the service. parler broke the contract they freely and legally signed.

So Amazon enforced their contract and terminated parler's accounts.

Amazon was completely within their rights and the law.

parler broke the contract and now is whining that they are suffering the consequences of breaking the contract.

No court of law in this nation will ever rule in favor of parler in this situation.
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own front porches.

parler violated Amazon's Terms of Service.

parler agreed to follow those rules or be prevented from using the service.

parler violated the rules and their word to follow those rules so Amazon terminated the service. parler broke the contract they freely and legally signed.

So Amazon enforced their contract and terminated parler's accounts.

Amazon was completely within their rights and the law.

parler broke the contract and now is whining that they are suffering the consequences of breaking the contract.

No court of law in this nation will ever rule in favor of parler in this situation.
What a coincidence after years online, that they found a violation within 24 hours of Trump being kicked off Twitter. Right on the same day. Amazeballs.
Meanwhile Pornhub is caught putting out kiddie porn and rape videos and still get to stay on Google and Amazon.
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own front porches.

parler violated Amazon's Terms of Service.

parler agreed to follow those rules or be prevented from using the service.

parler violated the rules and their word to follow those rules so Amazon terminated the service. parler broke the contract they freely and legally signed.

So Amazon enforced their contract and terminated parler's accounts.

Amazon was completely within their rights and the law.

parler broke the contract and now is whining that they are suffering the consequences of breaking the contract.

No court of law in this nation will ever rule in favor of parler in this situation.
Which violation did they break.Show us the receipts.
Amazon doesn't have a monopoly on the internet.

Not Amazon, but together with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, they are, if not a "monopoly of internet", but very close to them. And if they decide to ban someone together, it will be very difficult to get online for a wide audience.

Anyone can set up their own website and servers.

Yes, and as a software developer I see some possibilities that some "groups" are starting to move towards creating alternatives for twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.

You seem to believe America is a communist nation.
We aren't.

I don't understand how you came to this, of course the USA is not nearly a communist country.
You still don't understand.

Amazon isn't the government.
I am not saying that Amazon is a government, as in Russia Yandex isn't a government. But from my point of view, Amazon is currently playing for one political party maybe it doesn't really matter, I think we'll see soon.

No, Amazon is playing to their own self interest.

Amazon can be held liable for allowing parler to stay on their platform while violating the TOS rules of the platform.

Amazon can be sued and stuck in court for years over it.

No jury in this nation would side with Amazon since Amazon didn't enforce their own rules.

So to keep from being sued big time, they started to enforce their own rules.

Amazon doesn't care who is our president beyond getting tax cuts and deregulation.

Inciting riots, posts of terrorism, war, violence aren't free speech and the government can prosecute people for inciting riots.

Just look up the Chicago 7 for some reference.

Not enforcing their own TOS rules can get Amazon in a lot of trouble for being an accessory or accomplice.

Amazon doesn't want to be involved in all of this and I don't blame them. They are in business to make money.

As I've been telling you, stop thinking America is the USSR or we are some communist/dictator state. We aren't.

Business doesn't have to put political interests above their own here in America. They are free to do as they wish within our laws.

Amazon just doesn't want a ton of lawsuits by ticked off survivors of the 5 people who died that day.

We Americans love to sue people and Amazon is just trying to protect the business from such legal problems.
You still don't understand.

Amazon isn't the government.
I am not saying that Amazon is a government, as in Russia Yandex isn't a government. But from my point of view, Amazon is currently playing for one political party maybe it doesn't really matter, I think we'll see soon.

No, Amazon is playing to their own self interest.

Amazon can be held liable for allowing parler to stay on their platform while violating the TOS rules of the platform.

Amazon can be sued and stuck in court for years over it.

No jury in this nation would side with Amazon since Amazon didn't enforce their own rules.

So to keep from being sued big time, they started to enforce their own rules.

Amazon doesn't care who is our president beyond getting tax cuts and deregulation.

Inciting riots, posts of terrorism, war, violence aren't free speech and the government can prosecute people for inciting riots.

Just look up the Chicago 7 for some reference.

Not enforcing their own TOS rules can get Amazon in a lot of trouble for being an accessory or accomplice.

Amazon doesn't want to be involved in all of this and I don't blame them. They are in business to make money.

As I've been telling you, stop thinking America is the USSR or we are some communist/dictator state. We aren't.

Business doesn't have to put political interests above their own here in America. They are free to do as they wish within our laws.

Amazon just doesn't want a ton of lawsuits by ticked off survivors of the 5 people who died that day.

We Americans love to sue people and Amazon is just trying to protect the business from such legal problems.
Ahem..if all that was true then explain why the President of Iran has a Facebook page, but the Walkaway movement is banned.
Amazon doesn't have a monopoly on the internet.

Not Amazon, but together with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, they are, if not a "monopoly of internet", but very close to them. And if they decide to ban someone together, it will be very difficult to get online for a wide audience.

Anyone can set up their own website and servers.

Yes, and as a software developer I see some possibilities that some "groups" are starting to move towards creating alternatives for twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.

You seem to believe America is a communist nation.
We aren't.

I don't understand how you came to this, of course the USA is not nearly a communist country.

I didn't read what you posted above.

I'm done with your ridiculous paranoia and conspiracy garbage.

You can reply all you want to my posts.

I won't read it or reply to it.

I don't waste my time with stupid paranoid conspiracy theorists.

Especially ones whose only purpose is to divide and harm our nation even more than you have done thus far.

If you want to believe the ridiculous things you believe , go for it. I'm not here to change your mind.

I just thought you might be open to common sense, logic, the law and reality.

Obviously I was wrong.

Have fun in your delusions.
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

Good. Right wing bullshit deserves no voice, or no medium. If you want to spread that puke, make your own place to do it. No mainstream media social web sources should give them any bandwidth, it only legitimizes the illegitimate.

Times have changed fuckwits, you will now sit in the margins if you plan on being a right wing propagandist.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Fascism?! It’s capitalism smart guy. Amazon, FB and Twitter are private companies.
Yes we are dealing here with capitalism, which the Republican Party has always defended tooth and nail against supposedly “communist” — now supposedly “fascist” — Democrats. The truth is these pro-Trump insurrectionists don’t really know what they are for, only what they are against — the Democratic Party.

But while these big media companies are private companies under the law, they are also tremendously profitable U.S. public corporations. Republicans especially have consistently defended corporations’ political powers (Citizen’s United) and Trump has gone out of his way to deregulate them and give them tax cuts worth trillions. Trump could not buy the support of these media corporations however, which do not depend on his patronage. Like the Wall Street Journal — the Conservative voice of Wall Street capitalism which covered for Trump for three years — they finally awoke to the imminent threat that the divisive demagogue Trump ... ultimately brought to our Republic. Republican politicians who feared their base were the last to distance themselves from him. His madness is now obvious to all serious and responsible people.

But Trump is almost gone, and after the madness he generated passes, real anti-trust progressives, libertarians, social-democrats and Republicans too must try to hammer out changes and partial withdrawal of Section 230 protection for big social media corporations.

Free speech and a free society cannot be guaranteed if madness maintains its grip on a nation and large sections of it seek civil war and insurrection against democratic norms — no matter what laws are passed.

We as a society have proven unable as of yet to handle properly (with political responsibility) the new powers modern technology has given the common man. We dare not allow anyone or any party (including the “bipartisan corporate party”) to permanently limit or dominate freedom of speech in new media.
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Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Fascism?! It’s capitalism smart guy. Amazon, FB and Twitter are private companies.
Yes we are dealing here with capitalism, which the Republican Party has always defended tooth and nail against supposedly “communist” — now supposedly “fascist” — Democrats. The truth is these pro-Trump insurrectionists don’t really know what they are for, only what they are against — the Democratic Party.

But while these big media companies are private companies under the law, they are also tremendously profitable U.S. public corporations. Republicans especially have consistently defended corporations’ political powers (Citizen’s United) and Trump has gone out of his way to deregulate them and give them tax cuts worth trillions. Trump could not buy the support of these media corporations however, which do not depend on his patronage. Like the Wall Street Journal, the Conservative voice of Wall Street capitalism which covered for Trump for three years, they finally awoke to the threat that the divisive demagogue and Trump ... finally brought to our Republic. Republican politicians who feared their base were the last to distance themselves from him. His madness is now obvious to all serious and responsible people.

But Trump is almost gone, and after the madness he generated passes, real anti-trust progressives, libertarians, social-democrats and Republicans too must try to hammer out changes and partial withdrawal of Section 230 protection for big social media corporations.

Free speech and a free society cannot be guaranteed if madness maintains its grip on a nation and large sections of it seek civil war and insurrection against democratic norms — no matter what laws are passed.

We as a society have proven unable as of yet to handle properly (with political responsibility) the new powers modern technology have given the common man. We dare not allow anyone or any party (including the “bipartisan corporate party”) to permanently limit or dominate freedom of speech in new media.
Well said!!
Amazon doesn't have a monopoly on the internet.

Not Amazon, but together with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, they are, if not a "monopoly of internet", but very close to them. And if they decide to ban someone together, it will be very difficult to get online for a wide audience.

Anyone can set up their own website and servers.

Yes, and as a software developer I see some possibilities that some "groups" are starting to move towards creating alternatives for twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.

You seem to believe America is a communist nation.
We aren't.

I don't understand how you came to this, of course the USA is not nearly a communist country.

And really, that is what they need to do. They can create their own terms of service and rules and it's just fine.
The Dems will advocate to not change 230 because they are in bed with big tech. The Dems love the censorship by the left because they are ideologically aligned.

If Big tech happened to lean right and were censoring left wing opinions, you bet your ass the Dems in Congress would be screaming from the mountain tops that 230 needs to be repealed.
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They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."
Who's they?
Deepstate. Establishment. They aren't saying, "build your own everything"! They are saying, "you build it and we'll tear it right down!"

Prove a connection between AWS and any government official who conspired to shut down Parler.

Deep ass.
You believe Amazon doesn't have contact with government officials? Are you serious?

That's not what is being alleged. Dumb shit.
Trump showed Facebook, Twitter, YouTube can't moderate their platforms. We need change

Commentary: It's increasingly clear these companies aren't trustworthy moderators.

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon
A $600 million computing cloud built by an outside company is a "radical departure" for the risk-averse intelligence community.

CIA Awards Secret Multibillion-Dollar Cloud Contract
November 20, 2020
The agency has awarded a contract to bring foundational cloud services from multiple cloud service providers into the intelligence community.

"The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM.

Under the C2E contract vehicle, the companies will compete for specific task orders issued by the CIA on behalf of itself and the 16 other agencies that comprise the intelligence community. The CIA did not disclose the expected value of the contract to Nextgov, but procurement documents issued by the agency in 2019 indicated it could be worth “tens of billions” of dollars over the next decade and a half. . .. "

Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604

No private company is obligated to carry the parler app.

Amazon is a private company. Ownership matters here in a capitalistic society.

If you don't like it, that's just too damn bad.

Amazon isn't going to keep helping traitors to our nation and I'm glad they kicked parler out.

Cry all you want. It won't make any difference. You people are a cancer on our nation and it's about time private business stops giving you people a platform to spread your hate and treason.

You made your beds. Now you are crying about having to lay in it

Get it through your thick heads, no private business has any obligation to do business with you.

You are losers, you always have been losers all your lives and you will die losers.


As long as they don't refuse to bake a wedding cake for a gay couples wedding..Then they'd have to be dealt with, Right Dana?

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."
Who's they?
Deepstate. Establishment. They aren't saying, "build your own everything"! They are saying, "you build it and we'll tear it right down!"

Prove a connection between AWS and any government official who conspired to shut down Parler.

Deep ass.
You believe Amazon doesn't have contact with government officials? Are you serious?

That's not what is being alleged. Dumb shit.
Every non-White terrorist group on earth is on Facebook and probably uses Amazon servers.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
If you and I have a phone conversation and you say I wish the mob overthrew the Capital, Verizon would not kick you out of its network. These sites claim to be like Verizon for regulatory purposes but they are nothing like Verizon. That’s my only issue here.
Most folks don't really understand the fascist economic model, Dirigisme.

Other economies with dirigiste characteristics
Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[13] However, the Fascist systems created by Benito Mussolini (Italy), António Salazar (Portugal), Francisco Franco (Spain) Emperor Hirohito (Japan), and Adolf Hitler (Germany) are a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[14]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. To varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period, countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif.[15]

The economies of the East Asian tigers are sometimes characterised as being "dirigiste" due to the strong role played by the state in development planning and guiding investment.[citation needed]

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