BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host

The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
Our Democracy is all about freedom of speech. Even speech you don't like.

Which side is attacking that?
Sorry, i agree that this insurgency needs to be shut down, if it isn't too late. It is an authoritarian movement and I don't care how you prettify it with words like freedom and patriotism. At its heart, it wants to take over, with violence, the rule of our government by installing a man who lost the election.

They're not playin, and neither are we.

Your side can scream like a 15 year old that has had his phone taken away for a month, but it doesn't matter. Call me any name you want, say any damned fool thing you can think of about China and Stalin. We've been warning you for 4 years that Trump is an authoritarian and everyone said 'pshaw, YOU are.'

I don't believe I'm screaming. Just disagreeing.

And I sure don't believe I have called you any names.

You justify taking away rights from someone without due process, tell me again how that is "democracy"
This is a an attempt to stop an authoritarian takeover of this country. There is nothing democratic about it. If you don't like how our democracy is being run, you become politically active, lobby, vote. The right had four years and this year it lost. Time to work on making things different the way we do it in this country, not the way they do it in Zaire.
In other words; "How dare you object to our authoritarian takeover!!!!"


Also you;
"Oh, and btw, you only get to oppose us in the way we tell you it's okay to do so; no coming up with your own ideas and implementing them without our prior approval, okay?"
Yeah, I saw that too, the video of the police opening doors for protestors, and that black Capitol policeman backing up staircase after staircase running from the two or three guys coming up, never standing his ground to stop them. I stopped thinking, why doesn't he fight, and started thinking, how many staircases does this place HAVE??

I wonder what was going on with all that. It was weird to see. They certainly did not defend the Capitol. I suppose this is why Pelosi and Schumer are calling for firing so many of them.
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Trying to do them a favor, but they're too fucking dense to see it as that.

When you organize your revolution on social media, you are broadcasting your plans to every law enforcement agency in the alphabet soup.
99.99% were peaceful protesters.
The sum total of damage was one window pane and one door panel.
The Left caused 2.5 billion of damage over 9 months, and not one of them was shot dead by cops.
You're right everyone on parler is not posting illegal activity and Apple gave them the chance to moderate and clean things up and they didn't.

The POINT of Parler is free speech without censorship, which is what you mean by moderation. I'm okay with free speech --- even if by Muslims, BLMs, antifa's ----- and Trumpists. I'd draw the line at live-streaming crimes, but not much more.

Consider, people: the really important thing about free speech is that then you know what people are actually thinking. We haven't had much free speech for too long, and so all the polls are worthless: people won't say what they think under the oppressive conditions we have been suffering. So then no one knows what people think and things like the Battle of Capitol Hill come out of nowhere, seemingly.

That is a good point.

BUT - the insurrection and attack on Capital Hill did not seemingly come out of nowhere. It was all out there. Security anticipated it and knew about it. Everyone was anticipating and worrying about violence. The ball got dropped either accidentally or deliberately somewhere starting right from traffic control.
Yet the police still let them in.

Many times.
The Capitol police were hopelessly outnumbered. A good number of them were inside protecting the lives of the Congress people and those guarding the outside were facing how many? I don't know what makes you pretend the police invited them in willingly. They didn't.
You not seen videos of them moving barricades to let them in then opening the door for them?

Maybe because I saw it and read up on it not using pre approved sources.
Link it.
Google it. It's been discussed to death in here and repetitive threads shut down.
No. Link it or shut up.
They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."
Who's they?
Deepstate. Establishment. They aren't saying, "build your own everything"! They are saying, "you build it and we'll tear it right down!"
The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
Our Democracy is all about freedom of speech. Even speech you don't like.

Which side is attacking that?
Sorry, i agree that this insurgency needs to be shut down, if it isn't too late. It is an authoritarian movement and I don't care how you prettify it with words like freedom and patriotism. At its heart, it wants to take over, with violence, the rule of our government by installing a man who lost the election.

They're not playin, and neither are we.

Your side can scream like a 15 year old that has had his phone taken away for a month, but it doesn't matter. Call me any name you want, say any damned fool thing you can think of about China and Stalin. We've been warning you for 4 years that Trump is an authoritarian and everyone said 'pshaw, YOU are.'

I don't believe I'm screaming. Just disagreeing.

And I sure don't believe I have called you any names.

You justify taking away rights from someone without due process, tell me again how that is "democracy"
This is a an attempt to stop an authoritarian takeover of this country. There is nothing democratic about it. If you don't like how our democracy is being run, you become politically active, lobby, vote. The right had four years and this year it lost. Time to work on making things different the way we do it in this country, not the way they do it in Zaire.
This country is now a tyranny. There is nothing democratic about it because the vote is gone.
No vote. No representation. No fair media. No free speech. Next they will take the guns. And then you have Venezuela..
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own front porches.
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You're right everyone on parler is not posting illegal activity and Apple gave them the chance to moderate and clean things up and they didn't.

The POINT of Parler is free speech without censorship, which is what you mean by moderation. I'm okay with free speech --- even if by Muslims, BLMs, antifa's ----- and Trumpists. I'd draw the line at live-streaming crimes, but not much more.

Consider, people: the really important thing about free speech is that then you know what people are actually thinking. We haven't had much free speech for too long, and so all the polls are worthless: people won't say what they think under the oppressive conditions we have been suffering. So then no one knows what people think and things like the Battle of Capitol Hill come out of nowhere, seemingly.

That is a good point.

BUT - the insurrection and attack on Capital Hill did not seemingly come out of nowhere. It was all out there. Security anticipated it and knew about it. Everyone was anticipating and worrying about violence. The ball got dropped either accidentally or deliberately somewhere starting right from traffic control.
Yet the police still let them in.

Many times.
The Capitol police were hopelessly outnumbered. A good number of them were inside protecting the lives of the Congress people and those guarding the outside were facing how many? I don't know what makes you pretend the police invited them in willingly. They didn't.
You not seen videos of them moving barricades to let them in then opening the door for them?

Maybe because I saw it and read up on it not using pre approved sources.
Link it.
Google it. It's been discussed to death in here and repetitive threads shut down.
No. Link it or shut up.

I have never at any time been rude to you.

Peace out.
Have you been banned?
Naaaaaah, I left some five years ago, didn't like the Twitter mobs. It took WEEKS to get out of Facebook --- they do not mean to let go anyone if they can help it. Well, unless they ban them, I guess.
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own from porches.
You're right everyone on parler is not posting illegal activity and Apple gave them the chance to moderate and clean things up and they didn't.

The POINT of Parler is free speech without censorship, which is what you mean by moderation. I'm okay with free speech --- even if by Muslims, BLMs, antifa's ----- and Trumpists. I'd draw the line at live-streaming crimes, but not much more.

Consider, people: the really important thing about free speech is that then you know what people are actually thinking. We haven't had much free speech for too long, and so all the polls are worthless: people won't say what they think under the oppressive conditions we have been suffering. So then no one knows what people think and things like the Battle of Capitol Hill come out of nowhere, seemingly.

That is a good point.

BUT - the insurrection and attack on Capital Hill did not seemingly come out of nowhere. It was all out there. Security anticipated it and knew about it. Everyone was anticipating and worrying about violence. The ball got dropped either accidentally or deliberately somewhere starting right from traffic control.
Yet the police still let them in.

Many times.
The Capitol police were hopelessly outnumbered. A good number of them were inside protecting the lives of the Congress people and those guarding the outside were facing how many? I don't know what makes you pretend the police invited them in willingly. They didn't.
You not seen videos of them moving barricades to let them in then opening the door for them?

Maybe because I saw it and read up on it not using pre approved sources.
Link it.
Google it. It's been discussed to death in here and repetitive threads shut down.
No. Link it or shut up.
Nahhh.... no one is going to shut up.

Fuck you cvnt.
totally uncalled for.

We disagree and I am going to simply move on where I can have a respectful conversation. if not here I'll move on, not escalate.
The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
Our Democracy is all about freedom of speech. Even speech you don't like.

Which side is attacking that?
Sorry, i agree that this insurgency needs to be shut down, if it isn't too late. It is an authoritarian movement and I don't care how you prettify it with words like freedom and patriotism. At its heart, it wants to take over, with violence, the rule of our government by installing a man who lost the election.

They're not playin, and neither are we.

Your side can scream like a 15 year old that has had his phone taken away for a month, but it doesn't matter. Call me any name you want, say any damned fool thing you can think of about China and Stalin. We've been warning you for 4 years that Trump is an authoritarian and everyone said 'pshaw, YOU are.'

I don't believe I'm screaming. Just disagreeing.

And I sure don't believe I have called you any names.

You justify taking away rights from someone without due process, tell me again how that is "democracy"
This is a an attempt to stop an authoritarian takeover of this country. There is nothing democratic about it. If you don't like how our democracy is being run, you become politically active, lobby, vote. The right had four years and this year it lost. Time to work on making things different the way we do it in this country, not the way they do it in Zaire.
This country is now a tyranny. There is nothing democratic about it because the vote is gone.
No vote. No representation. No fair media. No free speech. Next they will take the guns. And then you have Venezuela..

No they won't.

Everyone take just one of them out and it's over in a week.
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
They aren't destroying or even limiting anyone's speech. They just aren't letting people use their platforms to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and insurgency.

These folks are still welcome to vomit their hate from their own from porches.
View attachment 440682
False equivalency is FALSE. It's right there in the name.
Complain as much as you want, it's still their front porch.

Okay. So Facebook can limit itself to grandchildren photo-posting, and Twitter to sports conversation.

Now: what about a site where people can actually say what they want to say? Are you up with the Big Three, Apple, Google, and Amazon, destroying Parler, and any other free speech site they can root out, like 4chan and reddit?
This is to stop an insurgency. Stormfront merrily clicks along. So does Alex Jones. So does Q. If you (general "you") want to call for the murder of our elected leaders and organize plans to do it, how are you different from ISIS?
Let's see here -- does a poster believe in the liberal principle of free speech or are they a jack booted fascist who thinks only their own rigid ideology should ever see the light of day?

I see plenty of leftists in this forum who do not believe in this liberal principle, and I imagine most of the conservatives would balk at the notion that their support of free speech is a liberal ideal.

We live in a truly Orwellian world, folks.
The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
Our Democracy is all about freedom of speech. Even speech you don't like.

Which side is attacking that?
Sorry, i agree that this insurgency needs to be shut down, if it isn't too late. It is an authoritarian movement and I don't care how you prettify it with words like freedom and patriotism. At its heart, it wants to take over, with violence, the rule of our government by installing a man who lost the election.

They're not playin, and neither are we.

Your side can scream like a 15 year old that has had his phone taken away for a month, but it doesn't matter. Call me any name you want, say any damned fool thing you can think of about China and Stalin. We've been warning you for 4 years that Trump is an authoritarian and everyone said 'pshaw, YOU are.'

I don't believe I'm screaming. Just disagreeing.

And I sure don't believe I have called you any names.

You justify taking away rights from someone without due process, tell me again how that is "democracy"
This is a an attempt to stop an authoritarian takeover of this country. There is nothing democratic about it. If you don't like how our democracy is being run, you become politically active, lobby, vote. The right had four years and this year it lost. Time to work on making things different the way we do it in this country, not the way they do it in Zaire.
In other words; "How dare you object to our authoritarian takeover!!!!"


Also you;
"Oh, and btw, you only get to oppose us in the way we tell you it's okay to do so; no coming up with your own ideas and implementing them without our prior approval, okay?"
Yeah, it's called civilization.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
The left have been openly advocating a violent insurgency all year.
For 4 years.
Irony...Projection....two of the canons of the Orange Cult.

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