Breaking: Ambassador Kurt Volker steps down as US special representative for Ukraine negotiations!!!


....."Volker also runs the McCain Institute, which was deeply involved in spreading Russian collusion hoax nonsense throughout government in late 2016 and 2017. The McCain Institute’s David Kramer, for example, gave the dossier to BuzzFeed"

interesting, no? :04:

so bye bye ...ciao.

....."Volker also runs the McCain Institute, which was deeply involved in spreading Russian collusion hoax nonsense throughout government in late 2016 and 2017. The McCain Institute’s David Kramer, for example, gave the dossier to BuzzFeed"

interesting, no? :04:
"you're gonna get people killed", McCain told Steele when he saw the dossier.

that's even more interesting!
Deep State Volker?

Everything is possible these days.:dunno:
The Ukraine is blowing up in the Dem's faces. Did you know that what Trump asked the president of Ukraine to do is REQUIRED of them by treaty.

....."Volker also runs the McCain Institute, which was deeply involved in spreading Russian collusion hoax nonsense throughout government in late 2016 and 2017. The McCain Institute’s David Kramer, for example, gave the dossier to BuzzFeed"

interesting, no? :04:

so bye bye ...ciao.
Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

You may have read this^ before, I already posted that in some other thread.
Yes, the swamp goes deep! ^^^^^^^

Thanks GOD for President Donald Trump! :clap:

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