BREAKING: Army General Exposes Barack Obama in a BIG WAY After Resigning Read more: http://www.thep

It’s a bit of political excuse making on the part of Obama defenders to claim that SoFA made it impossible for President Obama to do anything other than to abide by the Agreement and withdraw troops from Iraq. He (and they) blame Bush for it in 2014-5; while having taken credit in 2011-2013. If the 2008 SoFA was binding and non-negotiable to being updated, then why did President Obama bother to try in the summer of 2011?
It was always the expectation that a renegotiation by the next administration would occur:
Former President George W. Bush’s administration signed an agreement in 2008 to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, but policymakers in that administration always expected that agreement to be renegotiated to allow for an extension beyond that deadline, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told The Cable.
When President Barack Obama announced on Oct. 21 that he would withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by Dec. 31, his top advisors contended that since the Bush administration had signed the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), both administrations believed that all troops should be withdrawn by the end of the year. This was part of the Obama administration’s drive to de-emphasize their failed negotiations to renegotiate that agreement and frame the withdrawal as the fulfillment of a campaign promise to end the Iraq war.
So, a retired NaziCon general is trying to whitewash the fact that Bush created ISIS by blaming Obama. Gee, what a surprise.
Bush didnt create ISIS you self-deceiving idiot

but obama DID train and arm ISIS, first in camps in Libya, then again in Turkey

libs are losers who lie to themselves
leon panetta is a former clinton administration official you mindless moron Lakhota

go back to drooling
"Iraq would be on a track to security and prosperity if America had maintained a larger military presence there."

Yeah sure. If America stayed for 100 years, spent trillions upon trillions of dollars, and gave the lives of thousands of soldiers, maybe. And you know who would have loved that the most? China and Russia, as they scoop up all the oil we would have freed up for them and as they pass us as world powers while we fuck around in a wasteland. worked in Germany and Japan.....

Just sayin......
. How about Afghanistan, was that a smart war?
. The attacks on September 11 2001 did serve as a justifiable cause under the internationally accepted retaliatory "inherent right to self defence" to remove the Taliban regime and destroy Al Qaeda that had made safe-haven and planned the WRC and Pentagon attacks from there. I do not prefer to use the term 'good war' because no war is is sensually good for way too many people and their property. The AfPak long war was at least justifiable in terms of our own national security. After the 9/11 attacks it was necessary to remove the Taliban and also to put an end to the major terrorist controlled region on both sides of the AfPak border. Pakistan ( a nuclear armed nation) was said to be vulnerable to falling under Taliban and other terrorist's control if
nothing was done. It was a justified act of war and a 'good' military act to enter Pakistan's sovereign space in order to kill Bin Ladin.

But in reference to Bush diverting military assets, personell and resources to Iraq thereby abandoning the justified AfPak War; yes it was wise for Obama to point out that Bush would be fucking up big time in AfPak to start a dumb war in Iraq as he most certainly did. The U.S. Military focus should have remained on AfPak in 2002 and let the UN Inspectors do the job diplomatically and peacefully of verifying that Iraq was being disarmed of WMD. There was no reason to start another war where no terrorists were operating or being sheltered specifically because SH had openly decided in November 2002 to allow the return of UN inspectors to complete the WMD disarmament process as he had never ever done at anytime before. The invasion of Iraq was a very dumb war and I will conclude also by pointing out that AFPak is and was a NATO war - an attack upon one is an attack upon all. It was and still is justified . It's that the 2003 invasion of Iraq prolonged it and caused the 90 percent support it once had to erode. I supported it when it began and I continue to support the Afghan people and our military who continue to take the fight to the Taliban as ruthless and as brutal as they are. I did not cut and run from my original support of our troops fighting in Afghanistan under Bush's dire and pathetic command as so many right wingers did when Obama became President and surfed a tripling of US troop over there.

It is smart to keep our troops out of direct engagement with the enemy on the ground. The struggle goes on over there with 2 U.S. lives lost in hostile action this year. Our support for the good Afghan people must remain strong.

Bush didn't divert Troops from Afghanistan. Bush did not want a large military presence in Afghanistan.

Bush used troops available to him to crush President Hussein and remove him and his cronies from power.

OH! If he were only of a mind to do so today.

MAN! That would really save us a lot... .

Bush drew back in Afghanistan and pulled his major intelligence operation and sent them to Iraq
An abandonment of the war on terror to pursue his personal grudge against Saddam
"personal grudge against saddam"

where do you idiots get this stuff???

what did bush the a grudge for?
it's not like saddam stayed alive because he beat Bush's Daddy in Desert Storm; we DESTROYED IRAQ'S ARMY IN TWO WEEKS
it was the media and Democrats that wanted an end to what quickly became a SLAUGHTER when the iraqi army jumped in any vehicle they could find and fled north, trying DESPERATELY TO MAKE IT BACK TO IRAQ
with our helicopters and jets just butchering them the whole way

libs and their idiotic talking points
"personal grudge against saddam"

where do you idiots get this stuff???

what did bush the a grudge for?
it's not like saddam stayed alive because he beat Bush's Daddy in Desert Storm; we DESTROYED IRAQ'S ARMY IN TWO WEEKS
it was the media and Democrats that wanted an end to what quickly became a SLAUGHTER when the iraqi army jumped in any vehicle they could find and fled north, trying DESPERATELY TO MAKE IT BACK TO IRAQ
with our helicopters and jets just butchering them the whole way

libs and their idiotic talking points
From the day Bush took office he looked for ways to invade Iraq. Immediately after 911 he asked how we could link this to Iraq

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