BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH


Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports

Heh...I knew someone was going to be posting as soon as I did, but that's okay. Mine's in the breaking news section, I'm sure the mods will merge.

What we have here is a sick and twisted version of copycat. The libs will blame the guns, but of course the guns are just the killing tools. It could be homemade bombs, or cars, or knives. What is at the heart of this is the sickened and dying society we live in.
I`m a lib and I don`t blame the gun dumb shit. Should we not be allowed to talk about the weapons being used to kill dozens of people in a short time? Our Constitution does have more than 1 (one) amendment. You forgot to mention swimming pool deaths btw.
Right, that's why you're a gun banner like all your kind.
Just a one trick pony, aren't you Mike? Same railing at the gun-grabbers..same real content at all....soon will come the cockroach names...LOL!

It's good to see you know what you are. are soooo clever mike...and good to know that you know what YOU are. A one trick pony with a sub-par IQ. If 'stupid is as stupid does' is are the poster child for helmet use and padded furniture!
Heh...I knew someone was going to be posting as soon as I did, but that's okay. Mine's in the breaking news section, I'm sure the mods will merge.

What we have here is a sick and twisted version of copycat. The libs will blame the guns, but of course the guns are just the killing tools. It could be homemade bombs, or cars, or knives. What is at the heart of this is the sickened and dying society we live in.
I`m a lib and I don`t blame the gun dumb shit. Should we not be allowed to talk about the weapons being used to kill dozens of people in a short time? Our Constitution does have more than 1 (one) amendment. You forgot to mention swimming pool deaths btw.
Right, that's why you're a gun banner like all your kind.
Just a one trick pony, aren't you Mike? Same railing at the gun-grabbers..same real content at all....soon will come the cockroach names...LOL!

It's good to see you know what you are. are soooo clever mike...and good to know that you know what YOU are. A one trick pony with a sub-par IQ. If 'stupid is as stupid does' is are the poster child for helmet use and padded furniture!
Once again show us all that liberals are made of.
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.
These shootings always happen in progressive controlled urban America....
Always, eh? First're an unrepentant liar, or just so f*cking senile that you can't remember from one mass shooting to the next? I have no shame..and being outed as one of the most stupid posting here will no doubt bring you no shame--

Texas Church Shooting
School Shootings in Rural Settings
Only a fool would call that rural
Which that? Oh never're an idiot...tell me..what do you think Sutherland Springs is..urban?

"An armor-clad gunman opened fire inside a rural Texas church on Sunday, killing more than two dozen people in the largest mass shooting in the state's history, officials said.
The massacre in Sutherland Springs, which is 30 miles southeast of San Antonio, was the deadliest ever at a house of worship in the United States. In addition to the dead, at least 19 people were hospitalized, according to three area hospitals."
I`m a lib and I don`t blame the gun dumb shit. Should we not be allowed to talk about the weapons being used to kill dozens of people in a short time? Our Constitution does have more than 1 (one) amendment. You forgot to mention swimming pool deaths btw.
Right, that's why you're a gun banner like all your kind.
Just a one trick pony, aren't you Mike? Same railing at the gun-grabbers..same real content at all....soon will come the cockroach names...LOL!

It's good to see you know what you are. are soooo clever mike...and good to know that you know what YOU are. A one trick pony with a sub-par IQ. If 'stupid is as stupid does' is are the poster child for helmet use and padded furniture!
Once again show us all that liberals are made of.
You are neither lib nor con're just stupid and disturbed.

I'll stop giving you attention i know it's what you thrive on. Take your meds like a good boy and don't let the voices scare you..they're not real!
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
Always? Another idiot heard from:

Texas Church Shooting

Yeah Dayton isn't a Democrat controlled place either. It was home to a GM plant and other car plants for decades. I'm pretty sure it is also Senator Rob Portman's district and he is a Republican, it is also represented by Republican Mike Turner in the House, and the current state Governor Mike Dewine is a Republican.

Sooo... people should quit trying to blame the issue on what party controls the area, but that won't ever happen.
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood...would you be mine? Bwhahhaaa! And i still think of those in the Lake of Fire who ph uked with rights.
You speak a lot about this "Lake of Fire"--is there room in there for those who would purchase their 'rights' with the blood of innocents?
There are people who are working that are supposed to live with oaths who are not. They give the whole system a bad name. And the system is screwed up as you see at times. This weekend is what is expected when a culture tries to redesign human genetics by force driving people insane emasculating instead of cultivating primal instincts even while promoting we are all from the bowels of the living and breathing gaia. In the end unless they get paid off and many might, most males not having a stake will not listen to Prog women who have in tow a growing Beta male civilization. They will leave and attempt to take what they want. Innocents die in rich nations when cultures go against nature. They die in poorer ones or are severely impoverished. Something is causing this. We are not treating the cause. And the cause is not guns. For they were here before all of this started some decades ago with far less carnage.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Kudos to the police for their rapid response, it could have been much worse.

He was wearing body armor too. :(
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
Always? Another idiot heard from:

Texas Church Shooting

Yeah Dayton isn't a Democrat controlled place either. It was home to a GM plant and other car plants for decades. I'm pretty sure it is also Senator Rob Portman's district and he is a Republican, it is also represented by Republican Mike Turner in the House, and the current state Governor Mike Dewine is a Republican.

Sooo... people should quit trying to blame the issue on what party controls the area, but that won't ever happen.
It's a sure bet that no conservative did this.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.
These shootings always happen in progressive controlled urban America....
Always, eh? First're an unrepentant liar, or just so f*cking senile that you can't remember from one mass shooting to the next? I have no shame..and being outed as one of the most stupid posting here will no doubt bring you no shame--

Texas Church Shooting
School Shootings in Rural Settings
Only a fool would call that rural
Which that? Oh never're an idiot...tell me..what do you think Sutherland Springs is..urban?

"An armor-clad gunman opened fire inside a rural Texas church on Sunday, killing more than two dozen people in the largest mass shooting in the state's history, officials said.
The massacre in Sutherland Springs, which is 30 miles southeast of San Antonio, was the deadliest ever at a house of worship in the United States. In addition to the dead, at least 19 people were hospitalized, according to three area hospitals."
It’s certainly not rural...
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
Always? Another idiot heard from:

Texas Church Shooting

Yeah Dayton isn't a Democrat controlled place either. It was home to a GM plant and other car plants for decades. I'm pretty sure it is also Senator Rob Portman's district and he is a Republican, it is also represented by Republican Mike Turner in the House, and the current state Governor Mike Dewine is a Republican.

Sooo... people should quit trying to blame the issue on what party controls the area, but that won't ever happen.
It's a sure bet that no conservative did this.
Not hardly.
What a horrible thing. I awoke this morning to this news! Between El Paso and Dayton 29 people are dead this morning and about 50 injured. This is horrific something has to be done, I don’t know what.

Common sense gun laws would help...

We already have them....

1) You can't shoot other people with a gun...that is already illegal

2) you can't commit rape, robbery or murder with a gun

3) If you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun.

Already have the laws we need......

This guy used a rifle ... killed 9...

The Shooter at the Russian Polytechnic School used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....the gun anti-gunners tell us is safer....... and killed 20 wounding 40.....

It isn't the gun, it is the time in the gun free zone before someone points a gun back at the shooter.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
Always? Another idiot heard from:

Texas Church Shooting

Yeah Dayton isn't a Democrat controlled place either. It was home to a GM plant and other car plants for decades. I'm pretty sure it is also Senator Rob Portman's district and he is a Republican, it is also represented by Republican Mike Turner in the House, and the current state Governor Mike Dewine is a Republican.

Sooo... people should quit trying to blame the issue on what party controls the area, but that won't ever happen.
It's a sure bet that no conservative did this.
Not hardly.
No liar, we don't do crap like this. The vast majority of violence in this country is coming from democrats. Just look at your hero maxine w, as she actually calls for it! Look at antifa, beating up old men for their hats. Look at the democrat filth shooting people at a ball game. Look at cnn calling white people terrorists. No, this crap is on you filth. If conservatives ever do go on a rampage it will over the nonstop provocation from lying bastards like you.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.

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