BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
You are promoting terrorism in this country. Thanks for letting us all know that. You folks are definitely on the radar now.
It is a gun control issue. Time to follow in the steps of Australia and New Zealand.

Good luck with that. :auiqs.jpg:
Mass murder is funny to Deplorables.

So what? You don't care how many people die in the "ghettos" because it doesn't effect you.

See my signature
I like your signature. Those with measurable IQs know that their chances of being gunned down in Walmart are thousands of times greater than their chances of being gunned down in the ghetto. Thanks again! Don`t let Trump find out that you "care" about black on black violence. He may not father that baby for you.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
You are promoting terrorism in this country. Thanks for letting us all know that. You folks are definitely on the radar now.
Right Goebbels.
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Shut up. Just shut up. Please.
Who needs to be defeated?
You filth.
Thanks! You are promoting right here on this board that I be murdered at the hands of Trumps Stochastic terrorism.
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Shut up. Just shut up. Please.
They're obsessed with the second amendment. People were killed and all they can think about is being selfish pricks about their guns. What a bunch of ass holes.
They need their gun courage and they don't care how many children have to die so they can keep it.
I am sure the left will blame Trump for this. As they have already blamed him for the shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, TX.

Maybe you've not listened to Trump, or maybe you are consumed by denial. Trump is the catalyst and culpable for all the hate and fear which are inculcated in his supporters, giving them license to express and sadly perform deeds of horrific outcomes.
I'm sure that both sides will blame the other and work to associate the shooter with the other side.

It's insane.

It's not insane, reality speaks loudly some don't listen.

29 dead, countless injured and in pain for the rest of their lifetime. Families torn apart, and all the 2aguy and others of his ilk will say, it's not the fault of the gun, and btw, shall not infringe is not debatable.
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Shut up. Just shut up. Please.
They're obsessed with the second amendment. People were killed and all they can think about is being selfish pricks about their guns. What a bunch of ass holes.
They need their gun courage and they don't care how many children have to die so they can keep it.
Firearms have nothing to do with violence....
I am sure the left will blame Trump for this. As they have already blamed him for the shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, TX.

Maybe you've not listened to Trump, or maybe you are consumed by denial. Trump is the catalyst and culpable for all the hate and fear which are inculcated in his supporters, giving them license to express and sadly perform deeds of horrific outcomes.

Wrong....the actual hate comes from the democrats and their antifa stormtroopers...the guy in El Paso hated immigrants because of his extreme environmentalism......that is the had nothing to do with Trump, you buffoon.

  1. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist.
  2. The El Paso killer is also an environmentalist. His environmentalism is also the basis for his racism and anti-immigrant views: “our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. . . . Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. . . . Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. . . . So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
  3. The El Paso WalMart killer hates companies and technological change such as automation, but he seems to support at least some Republicans.
  4. “Recently, the senate under a REPUBLICAN administration has greatly increased the number of foreign workers that will take American jobs. Remember that both Democrats and Republicans support immigration and work visas.”
  5. President Trump obviously wants to let more people immigrate to the US, but he wants more people coming based on merit. Obviously that isn’t something that this killer would agree with. Nor is the Trump an environmentalist. He is also a dreaded businessman. As the killer says: “some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Shut up. Just shut up. Please.
They're obsessed with the second amendment. People were killed and all they can think about is being selfish pricks about their guns. What a bunch of ass holes.
They need their gun courage and they don't care how many children have to die so they can keep it.
Firearms have nothing to do with violence....
And yet our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. They also don't suffer regular mass shootings.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.
Yet thousands are murdered by inner city violence, and nobody cares.
They are blacks...the DemonRATS don't care and neither do the Republicans. DemonRATS have been replacing black voters with illegals ever since they found out they can and the cost is much cheaper to UPKEEP illegal invaders, and Repubs are too stupid to realize that blacks actually think for themselves and realize that the Party of INFANTICIDE has done NOTHING for them for 70 years....Trump seems to be the only one helping them economically!
What a horrible thing. I awoke this morning to this news! Between El Paso and Dayton 29 people are dead this morning and about 50 injured. This is horrific something has to be done, I don’t know what.
Nothing will be done...T's & P's to all.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

I need to repeat my post above, since this guy has posted his usual bullshit, lies all framed by his lack of empthy and selfish disregard for reality:

It's not insane, reality speaks loudly some don't listen.

29 dead, countless injured and in pain for the rest of their lifetime. Families torn apart, and all the 2aguy and others of his ilk will say, it's not the fault of the gun, and btw, shall not infringe is not debatable.
What a horrible thing. I awoke this morning to this news! Between El Paso and Dayton 29 people are dead this morning and about 50 injured. This is horrific something has to be done, I don’t know what.

Common sense gun laws would help...

We already have them....

1) You can't shoot other people with a gun...that is already illegal

2) you can't commit rape, robbery or murder with a gun

3) If you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun.

Already have the laws we need......

This guy used a rifle ... killed 9...

The Shooter at the Russian Polytechnic School used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....the gun anti-gunners tell us is safer....... and killed 20 wounding 40.....

It isn't the gun, it is the time in the gun free zone before someone points a gun back at the shooter.
However do you find the time to post in all these shooting threads........?

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