BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

So they must have a pretty low rate of mass killings, eh? Wonder why that is.

"Worst" does not mean they have a low rate of mass shootings. Are you even literate? Look up the word "worst"

Australia controls the diversity they allow into the country ....the US doesn't.
Australia does not grant citizenship simply because you manage to dump your load on their soil, the US (ignorantly) does.

Maybe that accounts for it.
Or..maybe their culture is not as violent as ours..maybe they don't kowtow to the ideas that we do? Maybe population density has something to do with it..and yes..maybe gun laws do as well.

But who am expect nuance out of someone like you.
Yet thousands are murdered by inner city violence, and nobody cares.
They are blacks...the DemonRATS don't care and neither do the Republicans. DemonRATS have been replacing black voters with illegals ever since they found out they can and the cost is much cheaper to UPKEEP illegal invaders, and Repubs are too stupid to realize that blacks actually think for themselves and realize that the Party of INFANTICIDE has done NOTHING for them for 70 years....Trump seems to be the only one helping them economically!

I do hope the FBI expands their open investigations on social media, and has the time to read posts like this above. I'm not suggesting "The Purge" is the next mass shooter, but his rhetoric is sure worth a visit and a background check by local or federal authorities.

Oh look...ANOTHER NAZI who wants the police to do check on me....YOU.appear to be the bigger danger taking away everyone's Constitutional rights to protect themselves.. .Pure communist there!

LIAR. I have posted dozens of times that I support the ownership of firearms for sane, sober and law abiding citizens. You do not qualify, the hate you hold for humanity is pathological.

ROTFLMFAO....LITTLE coward, afraid to FIX the situation....

Actually you're wrong again. I'm not little (6' 2", 236 lbs, this morning with Fat @ 20.2%, H2O @ 55%, Muscle @ 179%), and I'm not a coward, otherwise I wouldn't have selected the career which I did, or joined the Navy when I did.

But, I digress, your use of fighting words is childish. We are of the same age, at 71 one would hope you would be much more mature than your rhetoric implies.
There it is, everyone.

Hey, minorities, here is how much the average Leftists cares about you. Shootings "in the ghetto aren't a threat to me" so who cares? Little black babies die...who cares?

But mass shootings, now we're talking, see.

Leftists, everyone. I used to be a liberal, more than 20 years ago. When I saw the real heart of Leftism, that all the "compassion" was one big fake, I ran as far and fast as I could. One of the best decisions I ever made. I never looked back.

You should too. Run. Fast and far. All their compassion is fake.
Yes, we're aware most of you racist deviants from the Burbs are terrified of black and brown people and wouldn't be caught near any significant numbers of them in real life, despite all your drivel about 'Diversity N Stuff'; tell us something new once in a while.
WTF are you babbling idiotically about? The topic here is mass murder.

Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.

According to 'Progressive' racists, we should learn from federal subsidies of the racist group La Raza and just give white racist groups lots of Federal money to play with, since tht seems to work for both latino and black racist organizations. Why is it you scum oppose Federal subsidies for white racists gangs while keeping black and brown ones flush with cash and the means to race busloads of voters to the polls to vote for your own racist agendas? Shouldn't you idiots be embracing real Diversity N Stuff and doing so fairly? The Democratic Party is the Party of racism and hate mongering, so why the disparity?
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Abolish? NO! Regulate? Hell yes!!!

Laws to prohibit sale and ownership of assault rifles and extended magazines? HELL YES!!!!

So what if a few "Law abiding" 2nd Amendment fans are inconvenienced. Saving lives is much more important than their desires.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Shhhhh....we can’t talk about that. The violence epidemic in the black community cannot be acknowledged, much less dealt with. The narrative here is that whites are evil, so anytime a white man shoots someone, it must make national headlines.

That, and the amounts of special set asides, racial quotas, idiotic fake historical narratives, and all the rest of the preferences rubbish designed to increase the numbers of hate crimes against whites fed by the dope addled media into the culture wars is of course going to alienate many, and at the same time fail to do a thing for the alleged 'victims of racism' to boot; the left wingers can't admit that their own racist 'cultures' are failures, so they just increase the noise and hate levels.
WTF are you babbling idiotically about? The topic here is mass murder.

Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.

According to 'Progressive' racists, we should learn from federal subsidies of the racist group La Raza and just give white racist groups lots of Federal money to play with, since tht seems to work for both latino and black racist organizations. Why is it you scum oppose Federal subsidies for white racists gangs while keeping black and brown ones flush with cash and the means to race busloads of voters to the polls to vote for your own racist agendas? Shouldn't you idiots be embracing real Diversity N Stuff and doing so fairly? The Democratic Party is the Party of racism and hate mongering, so why the disparity?
***yawn*** Don't know who 'you scum' are? Guess it me, today, eh? LOL! I don't give a rat's ass about La Raza or the Progressive take on anything. I'm not a Democrat..nor a Republican. Just an issue driven American that has nothing but contempt for most agendas..including yours. Many Americans fall into my category..and we are tired of the same old polemic from both sides.
I do note your agenda..and i think it tells me more about you than you have appeared to gather about me.

Oh...and none of this has jack to do with the OP--yet the mods just let it run..why?
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.


With all due respect, not one leftist has commented about gun control on this thread, it seems you are the first to do so. And so thus the tone is set.

It's early....


Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

Gunfire on Saturday night in Dayton, Ohio, has resulted in multiple fatalities, according to local media reports.

The death toll could be at least 10, the Dayton Daily News reported, citing unidentified sources. An unspecified number of “walking wounded” were also spotted in the area, according to the report.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports

Heh...I knew someone was going to be posting as soon as I did, but that's okay. Mine's in the breaking news section, I'm sure the mods will merge.

What we have here is a sick and twisted version of copycat. The libs will blame the guns, but of course the guns are just the killing tools. It could be homemade bombs, or cars, or knives. What is at the heart of this is the sickened and dying society we live in.
I`m a lib and I don`t blame the gun dumb shit. Should we not be allowed to talk about the weapons being used to kill dozens of people in a short time? Our Constitution does have more than 1 (one) amendment. You forgot to mention swimming pool deaths btw.

Narcissist murders just become more common with the destruction of WASP culture in favor of school systems and media worshiping mindless self-indulgence and youth raised to believe their self-esteem must be catered to and human life is worthless if they're not pandered to.

They are incredibly fragile, absolutely. For lots and lots of lots of reasons.

No one wants to focus on that, of course, because that's the difficult problem. The guns. Just the tools, let's obsess over that.
Guns played no role in these shootings. Got it. So much for your pro- life BS.

You can't make an argument without strawmanning = you lost the argument. Go drool somewhere else

This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

Here's a bunch of no content pertaining to the op.
guns are just the killing tools.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?
Yes. Unfortunately we do.
Because humans are capable of horrible evil, and just as fences make for good neighbors, guns function in the same way.
When was the last time someone took their fence to Walmart and mudered a couple dozen people with it?
Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.

According to 'Progressive' racists, we should learn from federal subsidies of the racist group La Raza and just give white racist groups lots of Federal money to play with, since tht seems to work for both latino and black racist organizations. Why is it you scum oppose Federal subsidies for white racists gangs while keeping black and brown ones flush with cash and the means to race busloads of voters to the polls to vote for your own racist agendas? Shouldn't you idiots be embracing real Diversity N Stuff and doing so fairly? The Democratic Party is the Party of racism and hate mongering, so why the disparity?
***yawn*** Don't know who 'you scum' are? Guess it me, today, eh? LOL! I don't give a rat's ass about La Raza or the Progressive take on anything. I'm not a Democrat..nor a Republican. Just an issue driven American that has nothing but contempt for most agendas..including yours. Many Americans fall into my category..and we are tired of the same old polemic from both sides.
I do note your agenda..and i think it tells me more about you than you have appeared to gather about me.

Oh...and none of this has jack to do with the OP--yet the mods just let it run..why?

We know what your are and what you support, so quit pissing on our legs and then claiming it's raining. Mocking your agenda is my agenda, dumbass, but you can't really address them so you snivel about it to the mods, which is typical for fake news peddling trolls like yourself. You think racism is okay, as long as it's committed by non-whites, period, same as your Party leadership does; they appointed a La Raza/ MEChA racist as one of their top two Party leaders, after all.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Nearly 370 million people, in a country where the mentally ill are allowed to run loose among criminal illegal aliens and the leaders of its major Parties hate their own country. What's amazing is how small the number of deaths are, actually; it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger.

"it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger."???

Its a tribute to WASP culture that there aren't more people murdering unarmed, innocent citizens in cowardly surprise attacks?? Really?

Yes, really; you left wingers jack up the hate levels at every possible opportunity for many decades now, and yet we're not Somalia yet, which is no doubt a big disappointment to your ilk; it lowers your voter turnout. Church organizations and religion still play a big role in both the black and latino communities, but as that influence decreases the violence and degenerate behavior will increase; we've already seen that.
guns are just the killing tools.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?
Yes. Unfortunately we do.
Because humans are capable of horrible evil, and just as fences make for good neighbors, guns function in the same way.
When was the last time someone took their fence to Walmart and mudered a couple dozen people with it?
I know of many cases where guns have saved lives in public places.
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.

According to 'Progressive' racists, we should learn from federal subsidies of the racist group La Raza and just give white racist groups lots of Federal money to play with, since tht seems to work for both latino and black racist organizations. Why is it you scum oppose Federal subsidies for white racists gangs while keeping black and brown ones flush with cash and the means to race busloads of voters to the polls to vote for your own racist agendas? Shouldn't you idiots be embracing real Diversity N Stuff and doing so fairly? The Democratic Party is the Party of racism and hate mongering, so why the disparity?
***yawn*** Don't know who 'you scum' are? Guess it me, today, eh? LOL! I don't give a rat's ass about La Raza or the Progressive take on anything. I'm not a Democrat..nor a Republican. Just an issue driven American that has nothing but contempt for most agendas..including yours. Many Americans fall into my category..and we are tired of the same old polemic from both sides.
I do note your agenda..and i think it tells me more about you than you have appeared to gather about me.

Oh...and none of this has jack to do with the OP--yet the mods just let it run..why?

We know what your are and what you support, so quit pissing on our legs and then claiming it's raining. Mocking your agenda is my agenda, dumbass, but you can't really address them so you snivel about it to the mods, which is typical for fake news peddling trolls like yourself. You think racism is okay, as long as it's committed by non-whites, period, same as your Party leadership does; they appointed a La Raza/ MEChA racist as one of their top two Party leaders, after all.
You so amuse and your's like you really don't read what i write..just keep on going with what you think you know. in a way..this is emblematic of the divide in this country..everyone is talking past each-other...i have no party..yet you will put me in one regardless. You tell me i think racism is OK...although I don't, at anyone. All is grist for your tainted mill.

My agenda..which you are at leisure to to point out the slanted bs on all sides. To mock the rhetoric that passes for intelligence on both sides.

But you cannot address you fall back on putting me where you want me..and then going from there with your same old tired polemic.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?
Yes. Unfortunately we do.
Because humans are capable of horrible evil, and just as fences make for good neighbors, guns function in the same way.
When was the last time someone took their fence to Walmart and mudered a couple dozen people with it?
I know of many cases where guns have saved lives in public places.
I know of many cases where someone has been shot with their own gun. So?

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