BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Nearly 370 million people, in a country where the mentally ill are allowed to run loose among criminal illegal aliens and the leaders of its major Parties hate their own country. What's amazing is how small the number of deaths are, actually; it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger.
Well then, we should be patting ourselves on our backs, right?
"it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger."???
Its a tribute to WASP culture that there aren't more people murdering unarmed, innocent citizens in cowardly surprise attacks?? Really?

Unfortunately, he has a valid point.

Please name for us the white, Christian cities where there are even half the murders per week as there are in Chicago for example (one of many)

Shall we make a LIST of all the NON-WHITE cities that have war zone like murder rates?
(heck, I'd be willing to broaden it to Leftist cities vs Right wing cities)

Sometimes the truth is not convenient, but it is still the truth.
guns are just the killing tools.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?

Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?

Maybe. Say you come across a group of street thugs stomping an old man in a parking lot. You could ask them to stop? Or pull a gun an demand they stop. Hope that helps.
Street thugs are the ones that have the guns genius.

guns are just the killing tools.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?

Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?

Maybe. Say you come across a group of street thugs stomping an old man in a parking lot. You could ask them to stop? Or pull a gun an demand they stop. Hope that helps. the old guy wearing a MAGA hat?

Street thugs are the ones that have the guns genius.

In this case the are occupied. You would have advantage. If they pull, hope you could fire 5 times before they all pull.

In a way you make the point we need Guns for self defense since the bad guys are armed.
We already have them....

1) You can't shoot other people with a gun...that is already illegal

2) you can't commit rape, robbery or murder with a gun

3) If you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun.

Already have the laws we need......

No, we don't.

You don't get a gun until we've done a thorough background check of your life, to make sure that you are not a crazy person.

If it takes you a year to get your gun, too fucking bad.

If you never get a gun. Too fucking bad.

Oh, yeah, and bring back the ability of victims to sue the gun industry. Once you take the profit out of mass slaughter, they'll be really fast to stop marketting to the nuts.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Nearly 370 million people, in a country where the mentally ill are allowed to run loose among criminal illegal aliens and the leaders of its major Parties hate their own country. What's amazing is how small the number of deaths are, actually; it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger.

"it's a tribute to WASP culture and Christians that the toll isn't 10 times larger."???

Its a tribute to WASP culture that there aren't more people murdering unarmed, innocent citizens in cowardly surprise attacks?? Really?

Yes, really; you left wingers jack up the hate levels at every possible opportunity for many decades now, and yet we're not Somalia yet, which is no doubt a big disappointment to your ilk; it lowers your voter turnout. Church organizations and religion still play a big role in both the black and latino communities, but as that influence decreases the violence and degenerate behavior will increase; we've already seen that.
Seems an odd post..when the majority of mass shooters are White? Seems to me that both sides are constantly demonizing and jacking up the hate.

Actually most serial and mass killers are black and brown gang bangers, but of course you can't admit that as a left wing hate monger, no votes in it.

No they are not. You continue to post so many things as facts that are absolutely false. It's almost like you might be the author of all those fake memes shared on Facebook. I can't imagine the shit you share on there. While i isn't as much of a disparity as most educated people would assume, the majority in the US and worldwide are white men.

"Surprisingly, only 12.5% of US serial killers in Aamodt's database fit what most consider the typical profile — a white male in his late mid- to late-20s. While 92.3% of US serial killers (94.4% internationally) are male, only 52.1% are white. Only 27% are in their mid- to late-20s.

From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black."

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Have you checked in with reality recently?

Yep. Researchers were shocked to find that racist beliefs have declined in whites, since Trump's election.

Where have YOU been?

Mostly home, I'm retired so I can peruse social media and read what white America believes. Trump supporters dominate his detractors on social median dozens to one. Most of the racsim is covert, but some are very open about their hate for minorities and even women.

I'm not surprised that a researcher could come to that conclusion, if they started to prove it. Reality is afoot at every mall in America where we see diverse crowds of friends together; in all shades of color, form deep black to blue eyed blondes and all in between.

Don't be surprised when the 18 to 25 year old set votes against the hate which has been spewed from the mouth and tweets by trump and those who support his lack of decorum.

Most of the links I found were behind pay walls, that I refuse to fund, but here is the conclusion. I suspect you are already on some of the news sites with better reports.

Despite Trump’s racial rhetoric, white prejudice has gone down, Penn study finds

"The researchers began with an assumption that prejudice is typically a stable tendency, acquired early in life. They wondered if Trump’s candidacy, speech, and policy positions on racial issues influenced white Americans’ prejudice.

They questioned whether the president may have normalized those views, essentially authorizing white Americans to more openly express prejudice. They also wondered if Trump would influence Americans in his role as an opinion leader, as some citizens adopt positions advocated by political elites, especially if those elites share the same political orientation, the study said.

“Our findings contradict both hypotheses,” the authors wrote, “as we primarily found declining prejudice and racial resentment, and certainly no increases.”


To the extent that you are right about the youth vote, what you are describing is the win of the Lie over the Truth.

You are in the wrong.

Racism, and the hate and fear of minorities have come out of the closet when the opportunity allows it. That being the anonymity on social media. If you wish to take a single survey as the be all, end all, that's fine - it likely confirms the narrative you've taken to believe.

You asked for a reality check. I gave you one. An academic study trumps anecdotal observations.

And I know that this is early in trying to judge Trump's impact. Hence my use of the word "Early".

But if it were a dem that gave such numbers, you would be encouraged.

You should read up on it. Most interesting is the inability of the researchers to consider the obvious implications of their own research.

WHy are you fighting good news about the decline of racism?

a. Your claim that, "if it were a dem that gave such numbers, you would be encouraged" is untrue. One data point on any issue is not convincing (to me) or any person who thinks about such issues.

b. I'm not, "fighting good news about the decline of racism", my sense using empirical evidence is the study is flawed. Your one data point is questioned by the number of overt racism on the pages of this message board, which is direct evidence.
guns are just the killing tools.
Do we really need readily available "killing tools"?

I do.

What you need is up to you.

Why do you feel the need to carry killing tools?

Because I don't want to take the chance sharing my Skittles with a thug set to attack me will work.

I see. Paranoia is at work. Must be difficult to be so scared all the time.
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?
Why do these tragedies always seem to occur in Democrat controlled places?

Because that's where the problem originates. BAD SOCIAL POLICIES.

The "Inconvenient Truth" that the Left Loves to ignore

And as always....ignore the problem and blame the tool is their consistently failed solution.
And the primary reason it is getting worse.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?
Trumps act is hard to follow
Wrong....the actual hate comes from the democrats and their antifa stormtroopers...the guy in El Paso hated immigrants because of his extreme environmentalism......that is the had nothing to do with Trump, you buffoon.

Wow, you are desperate today...

I need to repeat my post above, since this guy has posted his usual bullshit, lies all framed by his lack of empthy and selfish disregard for reality:

You have to wonder how this guy goes to bed at night, being completely oblivious to the pain and suffering his fetish causes.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?
Trumps act is hard to follow
How so? You and the other demented loons here hinge on his every word and then throw fits for days.
Young men. Both of them young men who have had a gutfull of demonization. Once these young men stop being deranged loners and organize then you can worry.

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