BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?
Whatever jerks off your evil boss. You all bought the evil and voted for it, and now the scum of the earth Trump voters own it.
Thank you!
Your support for these killings and Trump's Stochastic terrorism won't go unnoticed. I'm sure you will be on the radar.
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?

Advocating and promoting for more murder is probably not a good idea. I imagine it's coming from a place of frustration but It's a tasteless comment.
You must not have any idea what a lot of words mean. Trump hasn't killed anyone. But don't let that stop you.
He supports it through Stochastic terrorist tactics. It's what he has been using since day one.
WTF are you babbling idiotically about? The topic here is mass murder.

Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Just like an abuser blaming the victim.

Some posters have zero credibility. Rustic is one of them.
Telling the truth to liars and monsters always results in the false claim of zero credibility.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

There it is, everyone.

Hey, minorities, here is how much the average Leftists cares about you. Shootings "in the ghetto aren't a threat to me" so who cares? Little black babies die...who cares?

But mass shootings, now we're talking, see.

Leftists, everyone. I used to be a liberal, more than 20 years ago. When I saw the real heart of Leftism, that all the "compassion" was one big fake, I ran as far and fast as I could. One of the best decisions I ever made. I never looked back.

You should too. Run. Fast and far. All their compassion is fake.
And your racism and. Bigotry is very evident.
El Paso and Dayton 2 pretty safe places in America BUT when the swine in the WH spews his hate speech NO area in America is safe
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?

Advocating and promoting for more murder is probably not a good idea. I imagine it's coming from a place of frustration but It's a tasteless comment.
I suspect he or she is on the radar for someone to look at. These Trump supporters are mentally disturbed.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Shhhhh....we can’t talk about that. The violence epidemic in the black community cannot be acknowledged, much less dealt with. The narrative here is that whites are evil, so anytime a white man shoots someone, it must make national headlines.
Blacks were/are victims of white privilege in this country. Stop trying to scapegoat the blame on minorities.

Blacks actually benefit from “white privilege”, that’s why they love it here and refuse to go back to Africa. They would rather live in a white culture, speak a white language, and work in a white society. If they actually acted like whites then there wouldn’t be any problems. Instead half of them just like collecting welfare, paid by tax paying white people.
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?

Advocating and promoting for more murder is probably not a good idea. I imagine it's coming from a place of frustration but It's a tasteless comment.
I suspect he or she is on the radar for someone to look at. These Trump supporters are mentally disturbed.
You are a liar.
Stop muslims they gonna kill us
Stop Latinos they gonna kill us
Jail blacks they gonna kill us
Turns out most massacres are or commited by none of these groups...solution? Keep on killing and thoughts and prayers.
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This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Shhhhh....we can’t talk about that. The violence epidemic in the black community cannot be acknowledged, much less dealt with. The narrative here is that whites are evil, so anytime a white man shoots someone, it must make national headlines.
Blacks were/are victims of white privilege in this country. Stop trying to scapegoat the blame on minorities.

And back at you--stop trying to scapegoat the blame on white people. Every individual, regardless of color, has choices.

The issues are more complicated than finger-pointing will solve.
No, they don't have choices. Most never did. They have been victims ever since they arrived. Section 8 Housing was not a choice. It was the only option back in the sixties to keep them segregated, and it remains the only option today. If they don't make it in entertainment or sports, most stay where they are.

They all have a choice. Fly back to Africa and be free of white “oppression”, or continue to live off the welfare of whites and complain about it while you are at it.
"Fly back to Africa".....Why don't CRCs fly back to Europe?
  • Thanks
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OMG! Are you defending this monster who was one of Trump's finest? 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
You didn't answer, so is wearing body armor a crime, girl?
So when you see some one wearing body armor you think it's just a fashion statement??
So, since you are too much of a coward to answer, let me ask again. Is wearing body armor a crime?
Look at this Trump voter who promotes Trump's murdering agenda, asking a useless question.
Look at the hate-spewing coward who refuses to answer a question. Is wearing body armor a crime or not?
For someone who supports Trump's agenda for terrorism, I guess these would be important things for you to know. As a supporter of Terrorism, are you getting yourself one?
What a horrible thing. I awoke this morning to this news! Between El Paso and Dayton 29 people are dead this morning and about 50 injured. This is horrific something has to be done, I don’t know what.
Nothing will be done...T's & P's to all.
New frivolous gun control laws will only make violence Proliferate... fact

Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

Gunfire on Saturday night in Dayton, Ohio, has resulted in multiple fatalities, according to local media reports.

The death toll could be at least 10, the Dayton Daily News reported, citing unidentified sources. An unspecified number of “walking wounded” were also spotted in the area, according to the report.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports

It wasn't the same day. Dems can't even get their facts straight.
We already have them....

1) You can't shoot other people with a gun...that is already illegal

2) you can't commit rape, robbery or murder with a gun

3) If you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun.

Already have the laws we need......

No, we don't.

You don't get a gun until we've done a thorough background check of your life, to make sure that you are not a crazy person.

If it takes you a year to get your gun, too fucking bad.

If you never get a gun. Too fucking bad.

Oh, yeah, and bring back the ability of victims to sue the gun industry. Once you take the profit out of mass slaughter, they'll be really fast to stop marketting to the nuts.

"You don't get a gun until we've done a thorough background check of your life, to make sure that you are not a crazy person."

It doesn't appear that would have made any difference with this Ohio shooter.
I am sure the left will blame Trump for this. As they have already blamed him for the shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, TX.
The ‘left’ blames Trump for propagating fear, hate, bigotry, and racism, for using fear and hate to divide the American people, for working to turn the American people against each other, for vilifying other Americans who rightfully oppose Trump – blame directed at Trump which is both appropriate and warranted.

And this climate of fear, hate, bigotry, and racism the creation of Trump clearly facilitates the violence we’ve witnessed this weekend.
Blame political correctness for violence, it makes people fucking retarded
Trump is a cowardly Stochastic terrorist who has given his winks and nods for murder to his base.
Good, we put him where he's needed most.
And his base took the bait. Thank you Trump for your contribution to killing and terrorism in this country. What a piece of shit; 9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours
maybe trumps killings will equal his lies. What do you think? 150,000 by next election?

Advocating and promoting for more murder is probably not a good idea. I imagine it's coming from a place of frustration but It's a tasteless comment.
You must not have any idea what a lot of words mean. Trump hasn't killed anyone. But don't let that stop you.
Hitler didn't kill anyone either His FN people did
Because humans are capable of horrible evil, and just as fences make for good neighbors, guns function in the same way.
When was the last time someone took their fence to Walmart and mudered a couple dozen people with it?
I know of many cases where guns have saved lives in public places.
I know of many cases where someone has been shot with their own gun. So?
Shit happens...
Frivolous gun control laws will not stop any of that you stupid motherfucker
So Mark Cuban retweeted Tim Cook:

Mark Cuban Retweeted

Tim Cook

I'm heartbroken about what's happening in my country. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. It's time for good people with different views to stop finger pointing and come together to address this violence for the good of our country.

My response to him:

Replying to
Maybe if rich people like you spent some of that money to out spend gun lobbyist, something would happen. Let's be honest, politicians are crooks and the only way to get their attention is to fill their pockets. Not sure which is more sad, the shootings or government.
Funny thing is firearms have nothing to do with the problem... fact
Have you checked in with reality recently?

Yep. Researchers were shocked to find that racist beliefs have declined in whites, since Trump's election.

Where have YOU been?

Mostly home, I'm retired so I can peruse social media and read what white America believes. Trump supporters dominate his detractors on social median dozens to one. Most of the racsim is covert, but some are very open about their hate for minorities and even women.

I'm not surprised that a researcher could come to that conclusion, if they started to prove it. Reality is afoot at every mall in America where we see diverse crowds of friends together; in all shades of color, form deep black to blue eyed blondes and all in between.

Don't be surprised when the 18 to 25 year old set votes against the hate which has been spewed from the mouth and tweets by trump and those who support his lack of decorum.

Most of the links I found were behind pay walls, that I refuse to fund, but here is the conclusion. I suspect you are already on some of the news sites with better reports.

Despite Trump’s racial rhetoric, white prejudice has gone down, Penn study finds

"The researchers began with an assumption that prejudice is typically a stable tendency, acquired early in life. They wondered if Trump’s candidacy, speech, and policy positions on racial issues influenced white Americans’ prejudice.

They questioned whether the president may have normalized those views, essentially authorizing white Americans to more openly express prejudice. They also wondered if Trump would influence Americans in his role as an opinion leader, as some citizens adopt positions advocated by political elites, especially if those elites share the same political orientation, the study said.

“Our findings contradict both hypotheses,” the authors wrote, “as we primarily found declining prejudice and racial resentment, and certainly no increases.”


To the extent that you are right about the youth vote, what you are describing is the win of the Lie over the Truth.

You are in the wrong.

Racism, and the hate and fear of minorities have come out of the closet when the opportunity allows it. That being the anonymity on social media. If you wish to take a single survey as the be all, end all, that's fine - it likely confirms the narrative you've taken to believe.
You have no clue what real racism is… So shut the fuck up
All those blacks voting against Trump sure know what racism is

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