BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?
We already have them....

1) You can't shoot other people with a gun...that is already illegal

2) you can't commit rape, robbery or murder with a gun

3) If you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun.

Already have the laws we need......

No, we don't.

You don't get a gun until we've done a thorough background check of your life, to make sure that you are not a crazy person.

If it takes you a year to get your gun, too fucking bad.

If you never get a gun. Too fucking bad.

Oh, yeah, and bring back the ability of victims to sue the gun industry. Once you take the profit out of mass slaughter, they'll be really fast to stop marketting to the nuts.

"You don't get a gun until we've done a thorough background check of your life, to make sure that you are not a crazy person."

It doesn't appear that would have made any difference with this Ohio shooter.
I think you're forgetting the wardrobe check. Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?
You do realize the vast majority of firearms in this country are in rural America, With lax gun control laws. And no significant violence.

Where the vast majority of violence in this country is, is in progressive controlled urban America with The strictest gun control laws.
And the vast majority of that violence is performed by repeat offenders, we have no criminal control in this country.

So firearms are not the problem dumbass
It is a gun control issue. Time to follow in the steps of Australia and New Zealand.

Good luck with that. :auiqs.jpg:
Mass murder is funny to Deplorables.

So what? You don't care how many people die in the "ghettos" because it doesn't effect you.

See my signature

I looked at your signature. He didn’t say he didn’t care. He said they aren’t a threat to him. most of us here, he doesn’t live in a ghetto or travel through one on a regular basis. But he probably does go to Walmart.

Which is likely to be a bigger threat?
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.

What laws were loosened?

You can pass laws all goddamn day and if someone wants to mass kill they will.

Emotional twits
The far left will stop at nothing to abolish the second amendment.

Abolish? NO! Regulate? Hell yes!!!

Laws to prohibit sale and ownership of assault rifles and extended magazines? HELL YES!!!!

So what if a few "Law abiding" 2nd Amendment fans are inconvenienced. Saving lives is much more important than their desires.

It is already illegal to own an assault weapon in the U.S. unless you have a federally issued license. If you don't think so, then you have no idea what it is that defines an assault rifle.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not
It`s hard to say how the gun dealers are getting the guns in but perhaps the cities need to check their boundaries for tunnels. Yes, I`m ridiculing you for your dumb remark.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.
IF making laws stronger can save just ONE mass shooting it'd be worth it
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.
IF making laws stronger can save just ONE mass shooting it'd be worth it

What law would do that, Einstein?

What law that is not already on the books will prevent someone hell bent on getting a gun?
Have you checked in with reality recently?

Yep. Researchers were shocked to find that racist beliefs have declined in whites, since Trump's election.

Where have YOU been?

Mostly home, I'm retired so I can peruse social media and read what white America believes. Trump supporters dominate his detractors on social median dozens to one. Most of the racsim is covert, but some are very open about their hate for minorities and even women.

I'm not surprised that a researcher could come to that conclusion, if they started to prove it. Reality is afoot at every mall in America where we see diverse crowds of friends together; in all shades of color, form deep black to blue eyed blondes and all in between.

Don't be surprised when the 18 to 25 year old set votes against the hate which has been spewed from the mouth and tweets by trump and those who support his lack of decorum.

Most of the links I found were behind pay walls, that I refuse to fund, but here is the conclusion. I suspect you are already on some of the news sites with better reports.

Despite Trump’s racial rhetoric, white prejudice has gone down, Penn study finds

"The researchers began with an assumption that prejudice is typically a stable tendency, acquired early in life. They wondered if Trump’s candidacy, speech, and policy positions on racial issues influenced white Americans’ prejudice.

They questioned whether the president may have normalized those views, essentially authorizing white Americans to more openly express prejudice. They also wondered if Trump would influence Americans in his role as an opinion leader, as some citizens adopt positions advocated by political elites, especially if those elites share the same political orientation, the study said.

“Our findings contradict both hypotheses,” the authors wrote, “as we primarily found declining prejudice and racial resentment, and certainly no increases.”


To the extent that you are right about the youth vote, what you are describing is the win of the Lie over the Truth.

You are in the wrong.

Racism, and the hate and fear of minorities have come out of the closet when the opportunity allows it. That being the anonymity on social media. If you wish to take a single survey as the be all, end all, that's fine - it likely confirms the narrative you've taken to believe.

You have no clue what real racism is… So shut the fuck up

I have no clue? Yyou are one of the dumbest, most cowardly inarticulate ignorant hacks on this message board. Keep on posting and proving what a piece of digested food you are.
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.
IF making laws stronger can save just ONE mass shooting it'd be worth it

What law would do that, Einstein?

What law that is not already on the books will prevent someone hell bent on getting a gun?
Why are these killing machines available to every nra repub nit wit ? AK 47's easy to get
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?
You do realize the vast majority of firearms in this country are in rural America, With lax gun control laws. And no significant violence.

Where the vast majority of violence in this country is, is in progressive controlled urban America with The strictest gun control laws.
And the vast majority of that violence is performed by repeat offenders, we have no criminal control in this country.

So firearms are not the problem dumbass
Seems firearms are never the problem when white guys kill just a mental problems WH press core could have written part of the mass murderers manifesto
Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?

How are strict laws working out in Chcago, Baltimore, etc?

Hint; They're not

How have loosening gun laws worked with mass shootings?

Hint: they haven’t.
IF making laws stronger can save just ONE mass shooting it'd be worth it

What law would do that, Einstein?

What law that is not already on the books will prevent someone hell bent on getting a gun?
Why are these killing machines available to every nra repub nit wit ? AK 47's easy to get
Sporting rifles are not hard to get, As the way it should be
The way you stop these know, the real way?

1) get the press to stop the 24/7 news coverage that glorify these shooters.

2) end gun free zones...we know from El Paso, and the other mass shooters the ones we capture or from the notes from the dead ones, they target gun free zones...or like the El Paso shooter, targets they believe will be easy....we also know, like El Paso, that as soon as someone with a gun confronts them, they commit suicide, run away, or surrender.....but the important thing is they stop shooting unarmed people to deal with the individual with the gun...

Do those 2 things and mass shootings will become even more rare.

Let’s forget about your predictable and incredible gymnastics of logic to try and convince everyone that all these killers are leftists, and consider this.

We have had decades of increasingly relaxed gun laws nationwide.

At the same time we are seeing an uptick in mass shootings, many in states with lax laws.

Your solution is let’s get rid of more of these laws and and have more guns.

Does that not strike you as the definition of insanity?
You do realize the vast majority of firearms in this country are in rural America, With lax gun control laws. And no significant violence.

Where the vast majority of violence in this country is, is in progressive controlled urban America with The strictest gun control laws.
And the vast majority of that violence is performed by repeat offenders, we have no criminal control in this country.

So firearms are not the problem dumbass
Seems firearms are never the problem when white guys kill just a mental problems WH press core could have written part of the mass murderers manifesto
Blame the individual not a firearm

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