BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents

A flight log released at the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell revealed that former President Donald Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jets six more times than had previously been known. The 118-page log, covering 1991 to 2006, show that Trump—who in 2002 said “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years, terrific guy” but in 2009 insisted that “I had a falling out with him a long time ago; I don’t think I’ve spoken to him for 15 years. I wasn’t a fan”—flew with Epstein between Palm Beach and New York City seven times in the 1990s. The log also shows several previously unreported flights with violinist Itzhak Perlman, and separate 1994 flights with a person named Bobby Kennedy Jr. and with former Sen. George Mitchell.
Jeffrey Epstein knew things about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that, if they had been revealed to the public, could have blown up the 2016 presidential race, the late pedophile’s younger brother told the New York Post on Wednesday. “Here’s a direct quote: ‘If I said what I know about both candidates, they’d have to cancel the election.’ That’s what Jeffrey told me in 2016,” Mark Epstein said. The 69-year-old property developer declined to provide further details on the alleged scuttlebutt. Trump ran in the same circles as Epstein on the Palm Beach scene of the 1990s, and was also a frequent guest on his private jet, flying the so-called “Lolita Express” at least seven times, according to flight logs.

Jeffrey Epstein knew things about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that, if they had been revealed to the public, could have blown up the 2016 presidential race, the late pedophile’s younger brother told the New York Post on Wednesday. “Here’s a direct quote: ‘If I said what I know about both candidates, they’d have to cancel the election.’ That’s what Jeffrey told me in 2016,” Mark Epstein said. The 69-year-old property developer declined to provide further details on the alleged scuttlebutt. Trump ran in the same circles as Epstein on the Palm Beach scene of the 1990s, and was also a frequent guest on his private jet, flying the so-called “Lolita Express” at least seven times, according to flight logs.

Of course he was fos TOTALLY
Jeffrey Epstein knew things about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that, if they had been revealed to the public, could have blown up the 2016 presidential race, the late pedophile’s younger brother told the New York Post on Wednesday. “Here’s a direct quote: ‘If I said what I know about both candidates, they’d have to cancel the election.’ That’s what Jeffrey told me in 2016,” Mark Epstein said. The 69-year-old property developer declined to provide further details on the alleged scuttlebutt. Trump ran in the same circles as Epstein on the Palm Beach scene of the 1990s, and was also a frequent guest on his private jet, flying the so-called “Lolita Express” at least seven times, according to flight logs.

More sensationalism from the vermin pervert Moonglow LOL
I am nominating you as stupidest forum blogger. Congrats dummy
It isn't so much the Sex-Crimes that bother me about what Bill The Rapist Clinton was/is.

What bothers me the most is that Hitlery (aka' Ubercunt) had Epstein murdered without batting an eye.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the DoJ and the DNC simply couldn't give a fuck less.

Nobody but you cares that Epstein is dead.
It won't be there.
And I already said, if Trump went to one of his PRIVATE events, I will say exactly the same thing.
All of Trumps connections with Epstein was via PUBLIC events such as fundraisers. NOT private island visits.
Clinton 100% went to pedo island. There are photos of him waiting in a private room at the airport before getting on his plane.

There are no photos of Clinton on the island nor are there any flight manifests showing he went there. One person says she saw him there.
Of course Bill never took his pants off when he visited the island. No one is buying that.


Moans the delusional freak who still can't find the election fraud he's been whining about for more than 3 years now.
Man walks into a house with a gun in his hand. A few minutes later, a shot is heard. The Police are called and find a dead, recently shot, Man on the floor.

It's called 'circumstantial evidence. And, in case you didn't know, the VAST majority of criminal cases in the USA, where the defendant is found guilty, it is through the use of Circumstantial Evidence.

ABC is a piece of shit. They are owned and operated by Disney


Great, if Clinton is guilty of some crime for flying on Epstein's jet, even though no one ever accused him of wrong doing, then so is Trump. You still gonna vote for that pedophile in November?
Raping an 18 year old is “better” to you? Wow…you dembot cultist are sick

Which 18 year old accused Clinton of rape? I know Trump was accused of raping 2 girls, aged 12 & 13 at the time of the alleged rapes.
Jeffrey Epstein knew things about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that, if they had been revealed to the public, could have blown up the 2016 presidential race, the late pedophile’s younger brother told the New York Post on Wednesday. “Here’s a direct quote: ‘If I said what I know about both candidates, they’d have to cancel the election.’ That’s what Jeffrey told me in 2016,” Mark Epstein said. The 69-year-old property developer declined to provide further details on the alleged scuttlebutt. Trump ran in the same circles as Epstein on the Palm Beach scene of the 1990s, and was also a frequent guest on his private jet, flying the so-called “Lolita Express” at least seven times, according to flight logs.

And when Trump was president, Epstein gets suicided
Literally DNA evidence proves Bill is a piece of shit.

You Hillary supporters should have told her to divorce his cheating ass.

You condone adultery because of politics.


Slobbers a hypocritical Trump voter.


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