Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

i hope you feel the same when the kkk shows up

Guess what? If nobody complains AND a black cop lets the supposed kkk member walk, I'll assume there was no crime committed.

It's called the rule of law.

Try looking up the definition of intimation.

OK, "trying to intimate that there was more going on than anyone knew" . Now what?
I can't take credit with post #189. The drones had it pointed out to them that they can't make a case without a complaintant long before I ever entered the thread. It's no use though. The fact is that what they think is and isn't intimidation is completely immaterial. In simpler words, what they think doesn't fucking matter. Righties have a hard time comprehending that their opinion doesn't amount to law however.

Go figure.
I can't take credit with post #189. The drones had it pointed out to them that they can't make a case without a complaintant long before I ever entered the thread. It's no use though. The fact is that what they think is and isn't intimidation is completely immaterial. In simpler words, what they think doesn't fucking matter. Righties have a hard time comprehending that their opinion doesn't amount to law however.

Go figure.

You're talking out your ass you filthy lying piece of shit nipple head.

The last case of voter intimidation against the black kittens was WON and DISMISSED by that racist fucking ****** eric holder, and that's the way the whole fucking black goon squad headed up by OWEbama rolls. Fuck the law. If you're a ******, you get a pass. If you're WHITE, you're FUCKED.

Now suck on that you ignorant fucking liberal obama butt licking jack off.
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Keep posting drone. You're doing the "it has nothing to do with race" people a lot of good i tell ya!
I'm not out of gas drone. The case was not "won" on the merits. No plaintiffs case was offered. No defense was offered. The clearly mentally unstable black guys didn't show up at a hearing.

Then the Obama administration decided to stop using the DoJ voting rights section to argue cases that have nothing to do with the voting rights act, which was written to protect minorities, predominantly in the South, from systematic voter suppression. They decided this case was a loser on the merits, which it is.

And then you go and call them ******* and try to act as though you, the white male, are part of the oppressed class in America.

It's idiocy. It's transparent. Nobody is fooled. The racists are given cover so they can hide their racism, only from themselves, and the more enlightened among us see it all for what it is, a cynical ploy to get out the "I hate *******" vote.
That's probably the best example of hypocritical, double standard, liberal psychobabble I've seen on the board in years libtard.

You win the prize for BULL SHIT tonight son.
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Whatever drone. There were other drones, smarter than yourself, who literally spent pages trying to convince God knows who that it had nothing to do with "i hate *******". You did more to destroy that idiocy in one post than i could have hoped to have done with hundreds.
And letting these guys off scott free had nothing to do with "I hate whitey"...


It never ceases to amaze me when a libtard such as yourself argues in favor of the indefensible.
No, letting them get off had to do with no actual crime being committed or at least there not being any evidence that any crime had been committed.

And your accusations of Obama and Holder "hating whitey" do nothing but show that everything I've said in this thread is spot on. As I said, i couldn't hope to prove things as brilliantly as you are doing it for me, however unwittingly.
NOTHING you have said is spot on about anything. Your ignorance and spin is colossal in scale, and your disregard for the truth staggering.

The facts of the matter are well known, and you have done nothing but lie from start to finish.

You're an A-typical liberal, and quite accurately denoted yourself as a "NUT."
Oh drone, atypical means not typical. Did your undereducated ass realize that?

Tell me drone, can you name one actual voter who was intimidated by those two buffoons? If you don't have a complaintant, how could you possibly win this case on the merits?
Really..all I am asking for is another case where this law has been applied. Comparisons would be valid? No?

That happens alot in courts. They check other cases.

Then provide some. This was the case that got covered.

That's kinda my point. This seems to be a fairly new federal law.

Which the Justice Department seems to interpret as only to protect minorities, that is not acceptable.

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