Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

I have a witness who made a sworn affidavit and a video.

No you don't. The sworn affidavit isn't made by the supposed reporter of the vocalization that is claimed to be intimidating. And, of course, without putting forth a victim, someone who was actually intimidated, you have nothing, nada, the null set.

So a witness to an event isn't a witness to an event?

Pretty weak right there.

I still have a witness and a video. Evidence. Obviously not strong enough evidence to prove a case (since it was dismissed), but evidence nonetheless.
I don't know how good a witness this guy would be..

So? Someone's political views means that a sworn affidavit is a lie?

We can dismiss all witnesses based on their political views?

One doesn't invalidate the other.

In a highly charged political case? might not "invalidate" it..but it does put a huge burden on the prosecution.

Like I pointed's not cheap to bring these cases to you test the quality of your evidence. There really doesn't seem to be much there. A fair defense lawyer would tear this apart..a really good one would laugh you out of court.

if a child molester witnessed a murder, it doesn't invalidate his eyewitness account of the murder.
Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them?

Teabaggers have an insatiable-appetite for bullshit.​

"I'm not sure which is more annoying, watching overeager right-wing Obama critics concoct gotcha stories that have more holes than a Dunkin' Donut shop, or then watching `wingers whine that the mainstream media won't cover their concocted stories that have more holes than a Dunkin Donut shop."
OmiGod! Michelle Malkin is trying to make us afraid of black folks at the voting booths!


Team Fear!


Interesting, I thought the 'founder' of 'Team Fear' was the guy who said that calling people racists when they are not in fact racists is insulting. I guess this 'Team Fear' thing is just about more political point scoring. Pity, I thought Stewart made some good points. It's a pity that, instead of paying attention to him, his 'team' continue with the tactics that he himself speaks out against. Good to know.
OmiGod! Michelle Malkin is trying to make us afraid of black folks at the voting booths!

What would you expect from an All-American Girl, like her???


I still have a witness and a video. Evidence.

A witness to two black guys standing there and a video of two blak guys standing there. Congrats man. You have evidence that two black guys stood outside a polling place. Too bad you require evidence of intimidation. Now, i know others in this thread have claimed that standing in uniform with stick while black is prima facia evidence of intimidation, while they laughably claim not to be engaged in racism no less but I don't take you to be quite that dim.

Whew. I'm sure my 7th grade English teacher would lambast that as a run-on.

I never liked her ya know.
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I still have a witness and a video. Evidence.

A witness to two black guys standing there and a video of two blak guys standing there. Congrats man. You have evidence that two black guys stood outside a polling place. Too bad you require evidence of intimidation. Now, i know others in this thread have claimed that standing in uniform with stick while black is prima facia evidence of intimidation, while they laughably claim no racism no less, I don't take you to be quite that dim.

Whew. I'm sure my 7th grade English teacher would lambast that as a run-on.

I never liked her ya know.

No, I have a witness to what they said. I've already commented that simply standing in front of a polling place does not meet the burden of proof.

It's a message board, it's easier to communicate as you would in the spoken word, even though it is written. Everything except the most egregious (or unintentionally humorous) spelling and grammatical errors are forgiven by the majority of reasonable posters.
if a child molester witnessed a murder, it doesn't invalidate his eyewitness account of the murder.

Lawyer I: Is it true that you are a convicted child molester?

Lawyer II: Objection, relevance.

Lawyer I: Goes to credibility your honor.

Judge: Objection overruled.

Of course that information could, in the eyes of a juror, render testimony invalid. Duh.
if a child molester witnessed a murder, it doesn't invalidate his eyewitness account of the murder.

Lawyer I: Is it true that you are a convicted child molester?

Lawyer II: Objection, relevance.

Lawyer I: Goes to credibility your honor.

Judge: Objection overruled.

Of course that information could, in the eyes of a juror, render testimony invalid. Duh.

Lack of credibility doesn't automatically render invalid his eyewitness account, as Sallow was intimating. It is simply a factor to be considered by the jury.
I support the resurgence of the Black Panthers, since they stand in opposition to the KKK Tea Party.

Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.

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No, I have a witness to what they said.

Please name this witness.

I've already said it looks like this Bull character seems to be the witness. Without knowing exactly what was sworn in his affidavit, it is impossible to say for sure, of course. However, logically it does stand.

It also logically stands to reason that a person presented themselves as a witness to the verbal exchanges, since the words they allegedly said are in the public record.

So there is a witness. Whether or not people believe the witness(es) is another story. Whether or not the witness(es) were asked to participate in the legal proceedings concerning this story is also another matter. But someone or someones have presented themselves as witnessing the verbal exchanges.
If there is a reoccurrence of this at the Philly area stations, these people are going to have to deal with baseball bats.........I know this for a fact. Not sure about other places, but these Panther faggots try to pull this stunt this Tuesday, they best have something more than those gay battons..........
So there is a witness.

A witness who is possibly this guy and possibly not? A witness who may be an eyewitness or may be recounting nothing but hearsay?

Sorry, you need to be able to produce this witness.
So there is a witness.

A witness who is possibly this guy and possibly not? A witness who may be an eyewitness or may be recounting nothing but hearsay?

Sorry, you need to be able to produce this witness.

The proceedings need to continue in order to produce the witness. Otherwise, it is kind of difficult to legally produce a witness for a proceeding that is not taking place.
So there is a witness.

A witness who is possibly this guy and possibly not? A witness who may be an eyewitness or may be recounting nothing but hearsay?

Sorry, you need to be able to produce this witness.

We dont need to produce anything. They failed to show up for court and received a default judgement before liberal low life decided they were not the right color for prosecution. Then proceeded to drop the issue after it had been won.
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We dont need to produce anything.

Let me restate. If you are attempting to win the case on the merits...
The proceedings need to continue in order to produce the witness.

Lawyer I: Motion to dismiss your honor on the grounds that there is no complaintant and no witness to any act of intimidation.

Lawyer II: But your honor, I need the case to move forward to find out who the witness is.

Lawyer I: Is the prosecution seriously saying that this court needs to act as his investigatory arm?

Judge: It would seem so. Motion granted. Case dismissed.
The proceedings need to continue in order to produce the witness.

Lawyer I: Motion to dismiss your honor on the grounds that there is no complaintant and no witness to any act of intimidation.

Lawyer II: But your honor, I need the case to move forward to find out who the witness is.

Lawyer I: Is the prosecution seriously saying that this court needs to act as his investigatory arm?

Judge: It would seem so. Motion granted. Case dismissed.

No, the case was dismissed prior to any witness being legally brought forth.

I was not inferring that the case proceed without a witness.

Also, according to the same logic, it was wrong for the DoJ to dismiss the case since the defendants defaulted on their appearance.

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