Breaking! British Ambassador to U.S. Quits Over Donald Trump Leak Storm

I'm convinced Republicans are retarded on foreign policy.

W. Bush alienated a bunch with his Iraq war & Trump alienated a bunch with his mouth.

He didn't alienate me.

Pretty soon the USA & Israel will be fighting the World.

Because one after another US allies keep splintering from the USA....Because of Republican retardation.

Started on Alienating France with W. Bush.
Then Alienating Canada & Germany with Trump.
Trump has moved onto Alienating Poland & the UK.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

A good president should not and would not say anything or trash his own fellow Americans or lie to his people. On regular basis like Trump.....

Why are you questioning the ineptness of this POTUS? Is there any doubt?

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Barry went on a world tour trashing Americans.

Barry Manilow trashed Americans?

That would be your hero..
Barry Soetoro.

I don't know Barry Soetoro no more than you don't know Donald Drumpf.

I figured you'd know your heros life story....
Alienating Britain a USA ally...Gee how smart.

So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different than the USA where 63% were White.
& in
generation Z only 52% were White.
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Alienating Britain a USA ally...Gee how smart.

So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx
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Alienating Britain a USA ally...Gee how smart.

So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant, aggressive, war mongering & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in just California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.
Last edited:
Alienating Britain a USA ally...Gee how smart.

So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.
Alienating Britain a USA ally...Gee how smart.

So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.
So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.
Much of Britain isn't a mindless, leftist buffoon like you are either. There's plenty of good conservatives left in all of Europe that want the muslims gone. They know what's going on and don't like it. But they can't say anything since you Nazi's elected SPEECH CONTROL GESTAPO to watch over what you say.

You've been had and you let it happen, you're lost, entirely because of morons like you, and you think that us Americans should listen to your dumbass, leftard opinions?

No... fucking... thanks. We kicked your asses out of America over 200 years ago. Let's keep it that way.
Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.
Much of Britain isn't a mindless, leftist buffoon like you are either. There's plenty of good conservatives left in all of Europe that want the muslims gone. They know what's going on and don't like it. But they can't say anything since you Nazi's elected SPEECH CONTROL GESTAPO to watch over what you say.

You've been had, and you're lost, entirely because of morons like you.

Haha. I'm a Leftist?
See...Brits are dumb.

Brits are super Individualist & Egalitarian.

To make matters worse they're very violent & war mongering by Euro standards.

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.
Much of Britain isn't a mindless, leftist buffoon like you are either. There's plenty of good conservatives left in all of Europe that want the muslims gone. They know what's going on and don't like it. But they can't say anything since you Nazi's elected SPEECH CONTROL GESTAPO to watch over what you say.

You've been had, and you're lost, entirely because of morons like you.

Haha. I'm a Leftist?
See...Brits are dumb.

Brits are super Individualist & Egalitarian.

To make matters worse they're very violent & war mongering by Euro standards.
Yes, you're a leftist, and you're no more individualist than an EGG PLANT. You can't think or speak your mind over there or you can be THROWN IN JAIL, and apparently you like it that way. There is NOTHING, INDIVIDUALIST about that. You are under TOTAL CONTROL.
Excellent! Draining the embassy swamp.


Brit ambassador to US QUITS after Trump branded him 'very stupid' in leak row

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.
Precisely! Diplomacy is all about getting along, so if you can’t get along, you’re useless to that country.

So you think all private memos and communications are as polite as the public ones?
Irrelevant! No ambassador should publicly or privately criticize President Trump, ever! If so, consequences should be dealt with accordingly.
A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.
Much of Britain isn't a mindless, leftist buffoon like you are either. There's plenty of good conservatives left in all of Europe that want the muslims gone. They know what's going on and don't like it. But they can't say anything since you Nazi's elected SPEECH CONTROL GESTAPO to watch over what you say.

You've been had, and you're lost, entirely because of morons like you.

Haha. I'm a Leftist?
See...Brits are dumb.

Brits are super Individualist & Egalitarian.

To make matters worse they're very violent & war mongering by Euro standards.
Yes, you're a leftist, and you're no more individualist than an EGG PLANT. You can't think or speak your mind over there or you can be THROWN IN JAIL, and apparently you like it that way. There is NOTHING, INDIVIDUALIST about that. You are under TOTAL CONTROL.

A.) You seem to think I live in the UK.
Gee..How dumb.

B.) I'm an American born Catholic Pole.
That's pretty obvious.

C.) I'm on the far- Right of the Authoritarian / Fascist type.

D.) I'm anti- Islamic Refugee.

E.) Brits + USA come out the most Individualist.

Judging groups as individuals is Individualism.

Brits are big on that.
So tell me...will Britain be an ally when they are run under Sharia law?

Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.

And you dont think the natives are pissed about that?
We're talking about the heartland that got Trump elected.
They're PISSED about the influx of immigrants!!!
This will lead to war at some point,you can count on it.
Britain is not much more or less than 5% Muslim.

I believe I've read that recently nearly 93% of the UK were White.

That's a lot different thhan the USA where 63% were White.
& in u
generation Z only 52% werw White.

Wise up.....
Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

A.) My opinion of the British isn't favorable.
All over including the US the British Protestants seem to be really dumb, arrogant, ignorant & Liberal.

B.)That's 2050.
Theres Nearly 13 million Mexicans in California as we speak.

C .) Muslims aren't much better or worse than Latinos.
The USA is in worse shape.

The US is big enough to absorb some migration.
Although the left wants total population replacement in the US for a perpetual underclass and voting block.
I believe the left jumped the gun and Americans have wised up.

Sort of.
But I suspect the issues will spread deeper into the Heart of the USA.
I've read some towns in even Kansas that used to be all White are now over 70% Latino because of meat packing jobs.

And you dont think the natives are pissed about that?
We're talking about the heartland that got Trump elected.
They're PISSED about the influx of immigrants!!!
This will lead to war at some point,you can count on it.

Oh but we're not pissed here?

One neighbor here has a big banner on his front lawn reading President Build That Wall.

Another dude in Pawling has a White lifted Pick Up with Build the Wall in big letters across his windshield.

I actually think we're more pissed here.

I tend to think Anglos are Autistic about cutting taxes in the USA.
Not necessarily social Conservatives.

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