Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Cohen's attorney outed Sean.

Hoping the new hit job sticks?

The judge wouldn't allow them to keep the identity a secret. It's not a hit job, it's a statement of fact. There's no way to twist the truth on this one.

Desperation kills when this wasted time and money on the Trump Russia Hoax and porn star make America horny again ploy gets old.

Sorry, that sentence structure has rendered your post invalid.
What is even funnier, is that shortly after this story broke, in addition to the tweet, he phoned in a statement and said basically the same thing.

He did not phone in anything. :p He actually said that on his radio show probably after consulting the excellent, jewish lawyer Alan Dershowitz or his other lawyers! Don't you listen to Hannity on the radio 3-6 PM? Low information folks are so quick to jump to crazy conspiracy theories. :p
Cohen's attorney outed Sean.

Hoping the new hit job sticks?

The judge wouldn't allow them to keep the identity a secret. It's not a hit job, it's a statement of fact. There's no way to twist the truth on this one.

Desperation kills when this wasted time and money on the Trump Russia Hoax and porn star make America horny again ploy gets old.

Sorry, that sentence structure has rendered your post invalid.

Again with no substance but just pure Trump hate. While throwing shit against the wall hoping it sticks. You're getting older than Trump, broh.
So...Cohen lied about Hannity being a client......

When did he say Hannity was a client?

In court, today.
No he didn't.

If you want to be pedantic, his lawyer said it in court today.

Do you believe that the lawyer made that up?

He did?

Yes, Michael Cohen's lawyer disclosed the "other" client of Cohen's - Sean Hannity - in court today.

I don't know why you're having a hard time following this.
When did he say Hannity was a client?

In court, today.
No he didn't.

If you want to be pedantic, his lawyer said it in court today.

Do you believe that the lawyer made that up?

He did?

Yes, Michael Cohen's lawyer disclosed the "other" client of Cohen's - Sean Hannity - in court today.

I don't know why you're having a hard time following this.

Too many years of lying, projecting, deflecting, etc.
What is even funnier, is that shortly after this story broke, in addition to the tweet, he phoned in a statement and said basically the same thing.

He actually said that on his radio show probably after consulting the excellent, jewish lawyer Alan Dershowitz his other lawyers! Don't you listen to Hannity on the radio 3-6 PM?

Actually, no I don't listen to him. However, other news outlets do, and that is how I heard that sound bite. I thought that it was funny as hell when he said he had never been a client then claimed attorney/client privilege.

It's either one or the other. Either he was a client, or he wasn't. He can't claim both.
So why were they fighting so hard to keep it a secret. And why is Sean claiming they are lying?

Yes, every lawyer needs to make public all their clients on retainer and folks who pay for each consultation at the time of service! You would have loved Soviet Russia! :p

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