Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.

So why does the lawyer say Hannity was a cliant, and Hannity say he wasn't? One of them is lying. Which do you think that might be, and why?
One was speaking in court, the other on a show. Guess which has penalties for telling lies?
These weak attempts at deflection are so laughable. Obama’s behaviour has never been under investigation by the FBI. He hasn’t paid off any porn stars nor had a “fixer” on retainer.

Trump is a thug, a liar and a disgrace as a human being. Only idiots and Russian trolls are defending his behaviours.
What's going on with the crazy angry left? The former FBI director admitted that he tried to undermine the legitimate elected President of the United States and the crazy left is going crazy about Hannity's legal representation.
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

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So realestate buying is suspicious. If so you need to look at one of Hilly's friends who just bought a 22 mil estate in NY. Wonder who paid for it. (Russia(
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.

So why does the lawyer say Hannity was a cliant, and Hannity say he wasn't? One of them is lying. Which do you think that might be, and why?
One was speaking in court, the other on a show. Guess which has penalties for telling lies?
One may consider Hannity a client Hannity might not the one thing that is clear is none of the far left loons can give a single reason why this should be considered a big deal. But you guys keep acting like you have a big scandal it seems to be the only way you can get through the day.
Meanwhile, as Nero fiddles;

Trump is expected to golf at Mar-a-Lago as his presidency and the world erupts in crisis

I mean seriously. All hell is breaking loose, and off he sails!

Where was failed former President Barack Hussein Obama during the 2015 Brussels terrorist attack?



lest you forget:

Gave up defending the Great Douche there, You're a Proud DOPer? Check! Carry on!
Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

No, a legal retainer is definitely not required for any attorney-client privilege.

If that is your belief, you are or were a sorry, sorry employee. Just sayin'.

Moreover, why does it make any difference to you? You've never watched Sean Hannity's show and you've never believed anything he says anyway.
In NY, they seem to require one!
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
These weak attempts at deflection are so laughable. Obama’s behaviour has never been under investigation by the FBI. He hasn’t paid off any porn stars nor had a “fixer” on retainer.

Trump is a thug, a liar and a disgrace as a human being. Only idiots and Russian trolls are defending his behaviours.
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Because in essence, it's none of anybody's business.
So it turns out that Sean Hannity wasn't really the "mystery 3rd client of Cohen"? And the entire kerfuffle was fabricated by the sock-puppet media and parroted to a crescendo by the autistic-screeching poop-flinging leftist monkeys?

Just another day in paradise, aint' it? :lmao:
I'm watching Hannity now. While asking Alan Dershowitz a question about Comey Dershowitz called him out saying that he should have said he had a relationship with Cohen when he talked about him on the show previously.

Bingo. Old Flintstone head had an unreported conflict of interest.
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Because in essence, it's none of anybody's business.
So, he WAS a CLIENT of Cohen's and not just a friend seeking free legal advice?
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .

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