Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Because in essence, it's none of anybody's business.

Completely disagree. Hannity has been 'reporting' on this story before his name came out and he didn't disclose that he had any relationship with Cohen. Not illegal but points to no-neck's journalistic ethics. Anyway, it's just a big huge incestuous mess going on between Fox News, Trump and his lawyer (and Ivanka).
Lemmee see...

Ailes Tossed for Womanizing/Abuse.
O'Reilly Tossed for womanizing Abuse.
Bolling Tossed for Womanizing/Abuse.
(Greta gone, Megyn gone)​

MAYBE Hannity has avoided this fate because of Non-Disclosure Agreements worked out by Cohen. His specialty.

Fox 'News' is FILTH/rotten to the core.
Liars and Molesters.
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Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Did it ever occur to anyone it’s no one else’s business? What reason is there to make it public? As I said before as far as everyone knows Hannity is not under investigation or being accused of anything so there really is no reason to have made this public.

As soon as Hannity did any reporting on this story it was everybody's business. Hannity played Trump and Cohen's slutty cheerleader and now that gets to come out into the public. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Why on earth would the crazy angry left want to know what legal representation a talk show host had? The freaking world is upside down in the fantasy mind of the crazy left.
You cannot be this stupid. The justice department wanted a listing of clients so as to establish any communication that should have client lawyer privilege.
The odd thing is why did Cohen's Lawyer make such a big deal of providing a client list. It is for possible protection of the clients.
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?

Conflict of interest. Hannity has a reason not to want his lawyer’s office searched and his reasons for consulting Cohen exposed. He didn’t disclose this conflict of interest before claiming the search violated ATC.
So it turns out that Sean Hannity wasn't really the "mystery 3rd client of Cohen"? And the entire kerfuffle was fabricated by the sock-puppet media and parroted to a crescendo by the autistic-screeching poop-flinging leftist monkeys?

Just another day in paradise, aint' it? :lmao:

Yes, he actually is the third client as was brought out in court today. Are you drunk?
Lemmee see...

Ailes Tossed for Womanizing/Abuse.
O'Reilly Tossed for Womanizing Abuse.
Bolling Tossed for Womanizing/Abuse.
(Greta gone, Megyn gone)​

MAYBE Hannity has avoided this fate because of Non-Disclosure Agreements worked out by Cohen. His specialty.

Fox 'News' is FILTH/rotten to the core.
Liars and Molesters.
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Because in essence, it's none of anybody's business.
YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Being a client of Cohen by Hannity would give any communications client attorney privacy privileges.
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?

Because he’s a “news” man a snow portrays himself as unbiased .

Oh the irony that he rails against the “bias mainstream media “.
Can someone explain to me why this is important? :dunno:

I would, but I can't figure it out myself.
Well, despite being kid of hilarious, it may shed light on some of Hannity's behavior. His coverage of the Mueller investigation, and ESPECIALLY his coverage of the investigation into what we now know is one of his attorneys, has become increasingly unhinged from truth or reason. And he tried to keep that relationship a secret.

And it may be ominous for Hannity. As we know, Cohen doesn't handle neighborhood code disputes and simple copyright infringement, so much as he is a "fixer" to handle messy situations.

Michael Cohen only had 3 clients. Cohen's attorney's did everything they could in court today to not reveal Sean Hannity's name. Finally the judge ruled that his name be released, immediately.
Sean Hannity Is Named as Client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s Lawyer

Number 1 client--Donald Trump

Number 2 client--Elliott Broidy
A major donor with close ties to the White House resigned on Friday as deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee after the revelation that he had agreed to pay $1.6 million to a former Playboy model who became pregnant during an affair.
R.N.C. Official Who Agreed to Pay Playboy Model $1.6 Million Resigns


Elliot Broidy far left. Both Michael Cohen & Elliot Broidy were both RNC finance chairmen. Elliott Broidy has resigned from that position after this news came out.

Now the MYSTERY 3RD CLIENT--Sean Hannity--:auiqs.jpg:

When you're asking an attorney questions, and the attorney is answering those questions, you have established an Attorney/Client relationship--and for Hannity to not disclose that relationship to his viewers, while he is interviewing (his attorney) Michael Cohen is beyond the pale. OBVIOUSLY--Michael Cohen and his attorney's considered Sean Hannity to be a CLIENT or his name would have never been released by them. Listening to the legal eagles on T.V. there will be a tape, a document or documents that will show Cohen involved with Sean Hannity, and that's the only reason that Cohen was forced to name Sean Hannity as a client. All this stuff was seized during the raid on Cohen's home, office and motel room, and Cohen knows exactly what they've seized.


Definiton of a sycophant: A person who flatters another in order to get ahead

Scroll back to post # 355 on this thread to see how far Sean Hannity has gone for Trump.
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Hannity was sweating out a potential advertiser boycott being organized by some of his political opponents. He may have put this crisis in Trump's ear. Then The Donald told him to contact Tom Hagen, er, ah, Michael Cohen to make it all go away.
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?

Conflict of interest. Hannity has a reason not to want his lawyer’s office searched and his reasons for consulting Cohen exposed. He didn’t disclose this conflict of interest before claiming the search violated ATC.

How on Earth can a talk show host have a conflict of interest?

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