Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Why are some of you so worried about Hannity?

What's your problem leftwingers?

what on earth is your stupid problem?
Bless all patriots.... bless Hannity too .... bless all of them ...every one of them....:2up:

WOW... Stormy looks good! Sitting there as the Scumbag Thrug
the crew is answering the questions.
That will lead to many more legal issues...
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Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?

Conflict of interest. Hannity has a reason not to want his lawyer’s office searched and his reasons for consulting Cohen exposed. He didn’t disclose this conflict of interest before claiming the search violated ATC.

How on Earth can a talk show host have a conflict of interest?

Are you really this stupid?
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.

How is that unethical?

Conflict of interest. Hannity has a reason not to want his lawyer’s office searched and his reasons for consulting Cohen exposed. He didn’t disclose this conflict of interest before claiming the search violated ATC.

How on Earth can a talk show host have a conflict of interest?

Are you really this stupid?

what's your problem, woman?

arent you the obnoxious one ??? woman ?...

Lord ... pleaae give us strengh
FFS! 2018 election are heating UP!

Eleven court cases associated with independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky will largely be made public, a federal judge decided Monday in response to a request from CNN

A judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton, following a CNN request Judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to Starr's Clinton investigation - CNNPolitics

btw: Can any of these old guys get it up?

btw2: This Judge was appointed by OBAMA!
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Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?

Michael Cohen only had 3 CLIENTS:

Cohen's attorney's did everything they could in court today to not reveal Sean Hannity's name. Finally the judge ruled that his name be released, immediately.
Sean Hannity Is Named as Client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s Lawyer

Number 1 client--Donald Trump

Number 2 client--Elliott Broidy
R.N.C. Official Who Agreed to Pay Playboy Model $1.6 Million Resigns


Elliot Broidy far left. Both Michael Cohen & Elliot Broidy were both RNC finance chairmen. Elliott Broidy has resigned from that position after this news came out.

Now the MYSTERY 3RD CLIENT--Sean Hannity--:auiqs.jpg:

When you're asking an attorney questions, and the attorney is answering those questions, you have established an Attorney/Client relationship--and for Hannity to not disclose that relationship to his viewers, while he is interviewing (his attorney) Michael Cohen is beyond the pale. OBVIOUSLY--Michael Cohen and his attorney's considered Sean Hannity to be a CLIENT or his name would have never been released by them. Listening to legal eagles right now, the reason Michael Cohen released his name is because there are documents, or tapes--(because Cohen) did report his conversations that will involve Sean Hannity, that were seized in a no knock raid last week.

Hannity has done nothing but concoct conspiracy stories since Trump has been elected, and has done everything possible to attack Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and others involved in it. He may have been seeking Michael Cohen's advice on these conspiracies, or sought advice on other matters related to TRUMP, and how he was going to report on it.

A good example of Sean Hannity in action, go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 355.
Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen
FFS! 2018 election are heating UP!

A judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton, following a CNN request Judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to Starr's Clinton investigation - CNNPolitics

btw: Can any of these old guys get it up?

btw2: This Judge was appointed by OBAMA!

From your link;

Clinton and others involved, through their private attorneys, said they didn't oppose making the records public, Howell wrote.
FFS! 2018 election are heating UP!

A judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton, following a CNN request Judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to Starr's Clinton investigation - CNNPolitics

btw: Can any of these old guys get it up?

btw2: This Judge was appointed by OBAMA!

From your link;

Clinton and others involved, through their private attorneys, said they didn't oppose making the records public, Howell wrote.
Yes, I read that.
Just they are chasing this in 2018! Sex, Sex, Sex!

Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Why is Hannity not allowed his freedom of privacy afforded to him by our constitution?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No one said he commited a crime (yet). He’s just a fraud that’s all.

It’s comical that you righties dismiss media members as being bias just because they vote dem. Suddenly having personal relationships doesn’t mean squat ??
Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Why is Hannity not allowed his freedom of privacy afforded to him by our constitution?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No one said he commited a crime (yet). He’s just a fraud that’s all.

It’s comical that you righties dismiss media members as being bias just because they vote dem. Suddenly having personal relationships doesn’t mean squat ??
I didn't say anything about the media. Why are you deflecting? Just answer my question.
Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Why is Hannity not allowed his freedom of privacy afforded to him by our constitution?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No one said he commited a crime (yet). He’s just a fraud that’s all.

It’s comical that you righties dismiss media members as being bias just because they vote dem. Suddenly having personal relationships doesn’t mean squat ??
I didn't say anything about the media. Why are you deflecting? Just answer my question.

I did in your other thread .
FFS! 2018 election are heating UP!

A judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton, following a CNN request Judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to Starr's Clinton investigation - CNNPolitics

btw: Can any of these old guys get it up?

btw2: This Judge was appointed by OBAMA!

From your link;

Clinton and others involved, through their private attorneys, said they didn't oppose making the records public, Howell wrote.

Who gives a fuck who they were appointed by dumbass. They're judges, and they're doing their jobs.

Scroll back to post # 355 on this thread and fhen come back on here and tell me that Sean Hannity has been acting truthfully & honorably in his reporting since Trump became POTUS.

Hell all of FOX NEWS as turned into a shithole of manufactured conspiracy theories, in a futile attempt to protect Donald Trump. Here is a good example of that.

Even FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit this network.

They have some good reporters on this network, but this network is completely inundated by primetime shows like Sean Hannity, the Five, FOX & FRIENDS and other programs that completely distort the news in an effort to protect Donald Trump.

A great book for you all to read right now. Top seller on Amazon. Very well written, easy to follow, informative & hard to put down. This book will prepare you for the open public hearings that will start on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. This book is verified by several trusted credible news sources and their reporting over the last year, that has not been reported on FOX NEWS or distorted to no end on FOX NEWS.

At that point FOX NEWS nor anyone else will be able to protect Donald Trump. (Hearings & Testimony will be on C-Span, National News 24/7).
Or choose to stay in the last row up in the nose bleed section of no information on FOX NEWS.


Doing a no knock raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant. That's how serious this is, and Sean Hannity is right in the middle of it.
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Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Why is Hannity not allowed his freedom of privacy afforded to him by our constitution?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No one said he commited a crime (yet). He’s just a fraud that’s all.

It’s comical that you righties dismiss media members as being bias just because they vote dem. Suddenly having personal relationships doesn’t mean squat ??
I didn't say anything about the media. Why are you deflecting? Just answer my question.
IT'S established precedent from previous court cases that it is NOT against the law to reveal a client's name, but the attorney client conversations are private, and without knowing the 3rd client, the search team wouldn't necessarily know that the conversations between hannity and cohen should be pulled out and kept from the prosecutors....
Can someone explain to me why this is important? :dunno:

I would, but I can't figure it out myself.
Well, despite being kid of hilarious, it may shed light on some of Hannity's behavior. His coverage of the Mueller investigation, and ESPECIALLY his coverage of the investigation into what we now know is one of his attorneys, has become increasingly unhinged from truth or reason. And he tried to keep that relationship a secret.

And it may be ominous for Hannity. As we know, Cohen doesn't handle neighborhood code disputes and simple copyright infringement, so much as he is a "fixer" to handle messy situations.

Hannity has always been a rabid partisan. That’s nothing new
You got to love the fact Judge Wood was a playboy bunny and now ruling on Cohen who screws over bunnies.
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Sean Hannity Defends Withholding Link To Trump’s Attorney: ‘I Have A Right To Privacy’
“It was such a minor relationship,” Hannity said.

Poor Hannity, wants his privacy, his aninimity, his Go the Trump card....LOLOLOL.

How many, shall I count the many suckers have fallen because of ascosiation with Trump?
and counting....:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

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