Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

MSNBC's Ari Melber just reported that Hannity is also using two of Trump's other lawyers. Interesting...
God I so love this story. So Hannity claims that there were no payments, no invoices, no documents, and yet the hearing yesterday was ALL ABOUT DOCUMENTS and which ones would fall under AC Privilege. If it was merely a cocktail party conversation and documents weren't involved, then why did Cohen's legal team spend days attempting to protect Hannity from exposure of identity and documents?

Someone is lying - Someone is unethical for going after Mueller, the Southern District of NY, and the FBI for "Gestapo tactics" and defending Cohen without revealing that he was represented by Cohen. That someone is Trump Whisperer and Sycophant Sean Hannity.

Additionally hilarious are Cohen and his incompetent defense team. Judge Wood asked the dude if he wanted to write down the name. He could have done that, and Wood may have shelved it - Nope, he BLURTED IT OUT!!

Send in the clowns :D
Should these networks have disclosed their relationships in the WH while they were covering Benghazi? Or any story on Obama?

"CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi."

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi
Since we're talking about lawyers. Where's Crooked Hillary's lawyers at? The ones who were lawyers for the Clinton corruption going on with their "Clinton foundation". Funny how the Trump haters have that typical short term memory.
Former US Deputy Attorney General joins HSBC Board | Announcement

ames Brien Comey, Jr. (52), former United States Deputy Attorney General, has been appointed a Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from 4 March 2013. He will be an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.

Supplementary information:
As a non-executive Director Mr. Comey will not have a service contract with HSBC Holdings plc. He will be paid a Director’s fee of £95,000 per annum, as authorised by shareholders at the 2011 Annual General Meeting. Mr. Comey will also receive a fee of £30,000 per annum as a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee as approved by the Directors in January 2013.

Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank

The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank.

Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva.

They include Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and Richard Caring, the British retail magnate who, the bank’s internal records show, used his tax-free Geneva account to transfer $1m into the New York-based foundation.

Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War Is a Joke

If you're suspected of drug involvement, America takes your house; HSBC admits to laundering cartel billions, loses five weeks' income and execs have to partially defer bonuses

If you've ever been arrested on a drug charge, if you've ever spent even a day in jail for having a stem of marijuana in your pocket or "drug paraphernalia" in your gym bag, Assistant Attorney General and longtime Bill Clinton pal Lanny Breuer has a message for you: Bite me.

I would not be surprised if The Crooked Hillary Foundation is funneling money to that Stormy Daniels' lawyers!
Because he’s a “news” man a snow portrays himself as unbiased .

Oh the irony that he rails against the “bias mainstream media “.

Who could make this up?

I would not be surprised if The Crooked Hillary Foundation is funneling money to that Stormy Daniels' lawyers!

You sure do make up a lot of crap. You wouldn't be surprised? Got anything that would point to it, or is it like most of your posts, and pulled straight outta your ass?
I would not be surprised if The Crooked Hillary Foundation is funneling money to that Stormy Daniels' lawyers!
A bank with money laundering to drug cartels gets a slap on the wrist.........donated big to CF.............and Comey was a board member.........

Follow the money............and see the corruption....'s about Russia and Stormy.

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