Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

I would not be surprised if The Crooked Hillary Foundation is funneling money to that Stormy Daniels' lawyers!

You sure do make up a lot of crap. You wouldn't be surprised? Got anything that would point to it, or is it like most of your posts, and pulled straight outta your ass?
I just pulled shit up out of my disprove it.

I don't have to disprove it. You already admitted it was shit you pulled outta your ass.
I would not be surprised if The Crooked Hillary Foundation is funneling money to that Stormy Daniels' lawyers!

You sure do make up a lot of crap. You wouldn't be surprised? Got anything that would point to it, or is it like most of your posts, and pulled straight outta your ass?
I just pulled shit up out of my disprove it.

I don't have to disprove it. You already admitted it was shit you pulled outta your ass.
Keep the blinders on then..............Their time is coming.

Burning bridges...........How's McCabe doing........when they have 3 possible Felony Lying under oath charges.......thank you IG.

You think this was gonna be a one sided fight.........LOL

FFS! 2018 election are heating UP!

A judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation into President Bill Clinton, following a CNN request Judge rules to unseal 11 cases related to Starr's Clinton investigation - CNNPolitics

btw: Can any of these old guys get it up?

btw2: This Judge was appointed by OBAMA!

From your link;

Clinton and others involved, through their private attorneys, said they didn't oppose making the records public, Howell wrote.

Who gives a fuck who they were appointed by dumbass. They're judges, and they're doing their jobs.

Scroll back to post # 355 on this thread and fhen come back on here and tell me that Sean Hannity has been acting truthfully & honorably in his reporting since Trump became POTUS.

Hell all of FOX NEWS as turned into a shithole of manufactured conspiracy theories, in a futile attempt to protect Donald Trump. Here is a good example of that.

Even FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit this network.

They have some good reporters on this network, but this network is completely inundated by primetime shows like Sean Hannity, the Five, FOX & FRIENDS and other programs that completely distort the news in an effort to protect Donald Trump.

A great book for you all to read right now. Top seller on Amazon. Very well written, easy to follow, informative & hard to put down. This book will prepare you for the open public hearings that will start on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. This book is verified by several trusted credible news sources and their reporting over the last year, that has not been reported on FOX NEWS or distorted to no end on FOX NEWS.

At that point FOX NEWS nor anyone else will be able to protect Donald Trump. (Hearings & Testimony will be on C-Span, National News 24/7).
Or choose to stay in the last row up in the nose bleed section of no information on FOX NEWS.


Doing a no knock raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant. That's how serious this is, and Sean Hannity is right in the middle of it.

Here is a REAL similarity. An age-old poster for Lenin and one or failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prior to his speech in Germany.

If there's nothing there, then why did Cohen resist to the point that he asked the judge if he could pass the name in an envelope rather than say it out loud?

Okay, you hate the US Constitution and the innocent until proven guilty concept. Fine. We get it. But Cohen does respect the law and attorney client privilege you snowflake!

So do you think Hannity banged Stormy Daniels and or colluded with Russia or what? :p

Fact is Cohen was apparently hired last year to find out what organizations were attacking his advertisers. ;)

Wow, what a leap. I think you should sit your sorry ass down and remember how your sorry ass revered Bob Mueller after 9/11.
Thing is, sorry asses like you make wild accusations followed by hollow opinions.
In other words, a Trump supporter.
So The Snowflake Theory is that Hannity colluded with Russia? :p

Looks like you haven't been paying attention to anything except what Fox Noise tells you.
This could mean that Sean Hannity has used Cohen to handle illegal matters, too. Has nothing to do with Russia.

Oh good grief!


What a brilliant, educated, informed response.
Your towering intellect stuns me into silence.
Your sorry ass is going to experience some REAL butthurt when Mueller comes out with his final report.
'If Hannity talked about Cohen on-air without disclosing he was a client, it's a clear breach of journalistic ethics, and a firing offense at any media outlet. Fox will have to choose between the professional code of journalism & their most popular host. Either will be a watershed"

He's a talk show host. Not a journalist. And FOX is backing Hannity.

Yeah, Fox will back Hannity right up until the time we find out he was lying and Trump's "Fixer" paid off somebody with their Slush Fund :)
I just gave you a taste of what this thread and the current investigation is about.............

It's about Corrupt high level officials attacking anything and anyone that can bring them down for their OWN Crimes and COLLUSION.........

It's about silencing Hannity on this thread on a fishing expedition to try and find ANYTHING to charge him with........and anyone who DARES TO EXPOSE THE REAL criminals......................

The last meme.............Judicial Watch................they got the emails that Hillary said DIDN'T EXIST.............By court orders against Huma.............You see Huma didn't learn well from her Life long friend and ummmmm other........and didn't Bleach bit her information.............

And handed it over via a Court Order.........Proving that Hillary didn't turn them over..........and that they were classified..........This is a matter of Court Records now..........No amount of LIES of MSM grandstanding can change that...............and the 3 ring circus of the investigation goes on..............

One thing about LIARS..............eventually the TRUTH reaches up and bites you in the matter what smoke screen you put up.
'If Hannity talked about Cohen on-air without disclosing he was a client, it's a clear breach of journalistic ethics, and a firing offense at any media outlet. Fox will have to choose between the professional code of journalism & their most popular host. Either will be a watershed"

He's a talk show host. Not a journalist. And FOX is backing Hannity.

Yeah, Fox will back Hannity right up until the time we find out he was lying and Trump's "Fixer" paid off somebody with their Slush Fund :)

What's Hannity's crime here?
'If Hannity talked about Cohen on-air without disclosing he was a client, it's a clear breach of journalistic ethics, and a firing offense at any media outlet. Fox will have to choose between the professional code of journalism & their most popular host. Either will be a watershed"

He's a talk show host. Not a journalist. And FOX is backing Hannity.

Yeah, Fox will back Hannity right up until the time we find out he was lying and Trump's "Fixer" paid off somebody with their Slush Fund :)

What's Hannity's crime here?
He's a Conservative trying to uncover the truth against the Deep State............LOL
The liberal banana brigade must be having a group strategy meeting on how to deflect the shit I just posted...........



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