Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Fredo and Gomer...

Tucker, Hannity, and Laura (and the rest of us normal people) were laughing our asses off on the MSM hysterics over the "revelation" Hannity knows Cohen.
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

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So there Cohen and his attorneys were in court, sworn and testifying at a hearing that Hannity is among Cohen's three clients, and yet Sean Hannity asserts that he was not at all Cohen's client.
What makes Cohens attestation in court be not perjury?
The guy claims he has three clients and one of them is Hannity

Would he claim Hannity as a client if they only had a few informal conversations?

Someone is not being truthful
Anderson Cooper: "Have you ever heard the President lie?" Republican lawmaker Jim Jordan: “I have not.” Anderson Cooper: "Really?..."
"How the HELL is Sean Hannity simultaneously claiming that Michael Cohen was not his attorney BUT that he assumed their conversations were covered by attorney/client privilege?!!!"
'If Hannity talked about Cohen on-air without disclosing he was a client, it's a clear breach of journalistic ethics, and a firing offense at any media outlet. Fox will have to choose between the professional code of journalism & their most popular host. Either will be a watershed"
Tucker Carlson defends Hannity: "Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody's business"
Sean was never a 'client' of Cohens.
Sean was an acquaintance who happened to ask Cohen about a couple of legal matters.
God I so love this story. So Hannity claims that there were no payments, no invoices, no documents, and yet the hearing yesterday was ALL ABOUT DOCUMENTS and which ones would fall under AC Privilege. If it was merely a cocktail party conversation and documents weren't involved, then why did Cohen's legal team spend days attempting to protect Hannity from exposure of identity and documents?

Someone is lying - Someone is unethical for going after Mueller, the Southern District of NY, and the FBI for "Gestapo tactics" and defending Cohen without revealing that he was represented by Cohen. That someone is Trump Whisperer and Sycophant Sean Hannity.

Additionally hilarious are Cohen and his incompetent defense team. Judge Wood asked the dude if he wanted to write down the name. He could have done that, and Wood may have shelved it - Nope, he BLURTED IT OUT!!

Send in the clowns :D
Tucker Carlson defends Hannity: "Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody's business"
Sean was never a 'client' of Cohens.
Sean was an acquaintance who happened to ask Cohen about a couple of legal matters.
And out the window, goes attorney-client privilege.
. So you are saying that the corrupt FBI might go looking into things it has no business looking into ??? New precedents being set here ? Just remember that the sword cuts both ways in this stuff, and Pandora's box is slowly being opened.
Tucker Carlson defends Hannity: "Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody's business"
Sean was never a 'client' of Cohens.
Sean was an acquaintance who happened to ask Cohen about a couple of legal matters.
And out the window, goes attorney-client privilege.
. So you are saying that the corrupt FBI might go looking into things it has no business looking into ??? New precedents being set here ? Just remember that the sword cuts both ways in this stuff, and Pandora's box is slowly being opened.

'If Hannity talked about Cohen on-air without disclosing he was a client, it's a clear breach of journalistic ethics, and a firing offense at any media outlet. Fox will have to choose between the professional code of journalism & their most popular host. Either will be a watershed"

He's a talk show host. Not a journalist. And FOX is backing Hannity.
Wow...............even long time guest on Hannity, Alan Dershowitz chewed him out. And on television!

Dershowitz confronts Hannity: 'You should have disclosed your relationship with Cohen'

Dershowitz, who has defended Trump amid his legal woes, was brought on to discuss former FBI Director James Comey’s Sunday night interview on ABC News's "20/20," but first addressed the Monday revelation that Hannity is Cohen's previously unnamed client.

“I really think you should have disclosed your relationship with Cohen,” Dershowitz said, calling it a “complicated situation.”
“It was minimal,” Hannity responded.

“I understand that, and you should’ve said that,” Dershowitz, an opinion contributor for The Hill, replied. "You were in a tough position because, A, you had to talk about Cohen, and, B, you didn’t want the fact hat you had spoken with him to be revealed.”

“I have the right to privacy,” Hannity interjected. “It was such a minor relationship.”

“You should have said that,” Dershowitz said.

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