Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Are they charging Hannity with a crime.................for what reason does this fishing operation and this judge declare that his clients names should be made public.........

Public so the MSM can go on an unofficial fishing operation against any name released............

This matter needs to appealed all the way to the Supreme Court and force a answer on the Constitutional grounds of Attorney Client Privilege............
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
Then why did Hannity contact Cohen's lawyers and tell them that he did not want it to be known that he was a CLIENT of Cohen's before the hearing today, and these lawyers told the judge today that this CLIENT did not want it out in the open?
Did it ever occur to anyone it’s no one else’s business? What reason is there to make it public? As I said before as far as everyone knows Hannity is not under investigation or being accused of anything so there really is no reason to have made this public.
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.
Riddle me this.............the last Supreme Court justice was appointed by who........

Boring watching the utter desperation of the far left.

According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.

Here’s the thing. Because Hannity has gone to such lengths to conceal his relationship with Cohen, and has failed to make any sort of disclosure of this relationship, it looks like he has something big he’s trying to hide.

What is especially troublesome for Hannity is his publically attacking the legality of the search of Cohen’s office without disclosing that he’s a client.

Dershowitz was absolutely right. Sean should have disclosed his relationship with Cohen before discussing the search warrant.
Knowing that he has worked on real estate deals for Trump, Hannity consulted Cohen on a real estate matter. Presumably, Cohen made a record of the conversation, and may have billed him.

I believe Hannity's official statement was that he had never hired Cohen to represent him on any matter.

It ain't that complicated.
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.

Here’s the thing. Because Hannity has gone to such lengths to conceal his relationship with Cohen, and has failed to make any sort of disclosure of this relationship, it looks like he has something big he’s trying to hide.

What is especially troublesome for Hannity is his publically attacking the legality of the search of Cohen’s office without disclosing that he’s a client.

Dershowitz was absolutely right. Sean should have disclosed his relationship with Cohen before discussing the search warrant.
What lengths? A talk show host is supposed to disclose the name of everyone they have ever had a conversation with? The only reason anyone is trying to make this into a big deal is because Hannity supports Trump if he didn’t this would not be a story.

Judge Woods was going to be AG for Clinton in 94'! FFS! WOW!
But withdrew her name for employing an illegal back in 94' But paid
ALL taxes due for her employee totally right. Not under the table.
This be running story from credible source..

FFS! She gets to Screw Over the Great Douche in this case. LOL!

Seems a Women in New York gots the Great Douche legacy history
in her hands. Looks BAD for the Douche!
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Are they charging Hannity with a crime.................for what reason does this fishing operation and this judge declare that his clients names should be made public.........

Public so the MSM can go on an unofficial fishing operation against any name released............

This matter needs to appealed all the way to the Supreme Court and force a answer on the Constitutional grounds of Attorney Client Privilege............
if you read the transcript, the judge was going to take the name in private, but needed the name so that the ''taint team'' could make certain those communications could be left out and not given the to the prosecutors due to hannity being a client...

BUT a lawyer representing the Associated Press, Rueters and all press in general, objected....and gave the Judge some settled case name that ruled that kind of information could not be held private and the judge HAD TO have the name released....

and some more back and forth went on and the judge agreed with the case law ruling, and Cohen's lawyer gave the name out loud.

the whole court room let out a gasp and erupted.
Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Consulting with a lawyer doesn't mean you're a client of his/her. Have you ever sought legal advice from an attorney without retaining one? I've done it on several occasions. Hannity sought real estate advice without retaining Cohen. The rabid left and media are blowing this nothing burger out of proportions.
why would Hannity care if it came out he asked for real estate from Cohen
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.
The drama was caused by Cohen's lawyers. T hey spent 20 minutes in court arguing the should not have to divulge the name of the third client, Why would it embarrass him?
Shows what a hack Hannity is . How many times do U listen to newscasters and they admit connections when covering stories .
Shows nothing............shows he may have asked for a legal opinion on something that is none of your damned business..............

Everyone knows what this is................and the battle for this should be a Supreme Court answer.

What it shows is that he is an unethical douche.

What’s with you righties.
According to Hannity he is not and never has been a client as for why he or anyone else might not want the fact he's gotten legal advice or ask for Cohen's opinion on a legal matter known all the speculation and consiparcy theroy garbage we have seen in the last few hours should answer that. Putting aside how one feels about Hannity as far as we all know he is not being accused of anything illegal or under investigation for anything so all this drama over the fact he has had conversations with Tumps personal attorney is beyond silly.

So why does the lawyer say Hannity was a cliant, and Hannity say he wasn't? One of them is lying. Which do you think that might be, and why?
One was speaking in court, the other on a show. Guess which has penalties for telling lies?
One may consider Hannity a client Hannity might not the one thing that is clear is none of the far left loons can give a single reason why this should be considered a big deal. But you guys keep acting like you have a big scandal it seems to be the only way you can get through the day.

It’s a big deal for a number of reasons.

Cohen isn’t the kind of lawyer you go to for real estate advice. He’s a lawyer you go to clean up your less than legal messes. A guy with no ethics or morals.

The other reason it’s a big deal is because Hannity has been so vocal in his criticism of the Mueller investigation in general and the search warrant executed of Michael Cohen in particular.

Hannity had an ethical responsibility to disclose both his personal and professional relationship with Cohen before he launched into a diatribe about the lacks of ethics in the search of his lawyer’s office.

Hannity is in big trouble - even FOX has some ethical standards and Sean has been on thin ice since the Seth Rich documentary got the network involved in defending two lawsuits for a story they were forced to retract.

As for why the left is enjoying this so very much - schadenfreude.


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