Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

No, a legal retainer is definitely not required for any attorney-client privilege.

If that is your belief, you are or were a sorry, sorry employee. Just sayin'.

Moreover, why does it make any difference to you? You've never watched Sean Hannity's show and you've never believed anything he says anyway.

I don’t want him fired. I want FOX to continue to give him rope because he is completely hanging himself every time he opens his stupid mouth.

The private investigator on the Seth Rich documentary said that Sean was getting instructions from the White House on that story. I want Hannity to testify about this in open court, under oath.

Trump was manufacturing “fake news” while claiming other networks were putting out false news stories about his administration. All too often Trump accuses others of doing what he is doing.

Examples including:

1. Calling everyone else a “liar”. Lying Ted Cruz, Lying Hillary, Lying Comey.

2. Accusing Hillary of colluding with Russia. If she did, the Russians really screwed her over, since it’s clear they did everything possible to sabotage her election.

3. Parading Bill’s women at the debate. 19 women accused Trump of sexual assault. Trump associates paid off two women to buy their silence.

4. Trump complained about the money wasted by the Obama’s on vacations and golf. Trump spent more money on vacations in one year that than Obsma did in eight years. And he’s spent more time on the golf course in one year than Obsma did in 8 years.

Added to which, how much are the taxpayers being billed for The Japanese delegation’s visit to Mar-a-Lago this week? The American taxpayers already own a property for the purpose of hosting and entertaining foreign dignitaries. It’s called the White House. This is Trump selling access and personally profiting from the Presidency in violation of the Constitution.
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

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OMG---Trump's top political adviser and physco-babble interpreter is involved in this?


What could Hannity possibly need a "fixer" attorney like Michael Cohen for? Oh I remember now. FOX NEWS is involved in a Federal Law suit about manufacturing a conspiracy around the death of a DNC staffer, Seth Rich-with White House oversite.
Trump Linked To Fox News’ Bogus Seth Rich Story, Lawsuit Alleges | HuffPost
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

This story was concocted in an effort to deny the intelligence coming out of the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies that Russia did in fact hack into DNC databases and interferred into the 2016 election.

This was done with the help of Julian Assange--(Wikileaks) founder who stated that it wasn't Russia that gave him those hacked DNC emails. They were trying to spin it onto Seth Rich.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 5-1/2 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States to face charges on what he did during G.W. Bush's time. Basically putting a target on every American Soldiers back. Recently Assange leaked thousands of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Mike Pompeo--Trump's CIA director called Julian Assange a known intelligence enemy of this nation that often works with Russia.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics

Sean Hannity's best buddy--Julian Assange

Trump and his supporters loved Julian Assange (Wikileaks) too!

Sara Palin even apologized to Julian Assange--:auiqs.jpg:
Sarah Palin apologizes to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who she says 'finally opened people's eyes'

Here is what G.W. Bush did:
“The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post

Hannity is Trumps fluffer before Old Orange goes to porn parties.

Very true, in fact the White House Press core has often accused the White House Press secretary's of quoting Sean Hannity--

WOW..! Stormy WINNING! Yep, The Great Douche CIC Bone Spur Raw Dogged Pornstars..

Can someone explain to me why this is important? :dunno:

I would, but I can't figure it out myself.
Well, despite being kid of hilarious, it may shed light on some of Hannity's behavior. His coverage of the Mueller investigation, and ESPECIALLY his coverage of the investigation into what we now know is one of his attorneys, has become increasingly unhinged from truth or reason. And he tried to keep that relationship a secret.

And it may be ominous for Hannity. As we know, Cohen doesn't handle neighborhood code disputes and simple copyright infringement, so much as he is a "fixer" to handle messy situations.
Has anyone contacted this worlds Big Boob Blond Pornstar to see if she did the Great Douche?


Stormy may soon be the Greatest Blond Pornstar of all.
I'm watching Hannity now. While asking Alan Dershowitz a question about Comey Dershowitz called him out saying that he should have said he had a relationship with Cohen when he talked about him on the show previously.
Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Consulting with a lawyer doesn't mean you're a client of his/her. Have you ever sought legal advice from an attorney without retaining one? I've done it on several occasions. Hannity sought real estate advice without retaining Cohen. The rabid left and media are blowing this nothing burger out of proportions.
Hey why not. If there's nothing in your email, then you shouldn't mind the govt taking a look......right?
Why would Hannity not want it divulged he was a client of Cohen?
Consulting with a lawyer doesn't mean you're a client of his/her. Have you ever sought legal advice from an attorney without retaining one? I've done it on several occasions. Hannity sought real estate advice without retaining Cohen. The rabid left and media are blowing this nothing burger out of proportions.
You are sooo dumbed down by gatewaypundit and truepundit, it’s scary.

New York (CNN) Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen also represents Fox News host Sean Hannity, Cohen's attorneys said Monday afternoon.​
Jesus Christ. He comes back from a commercial break , and is still talking about Comey. I'm not watching your shitty show to listen to you cry about Comey for 45 minutes.

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