Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

What an epic witch hunt this is. Democracy is dead


And Ken Star was the BEST SC ever.

LOL! Stop

:CryingCow: Over your Dear Douche is in deep Doo.. Doo!
FFS! WEAK.. Deflecting your pains on us.

Slick Willie lied under oath

You think Trump has never lied under oath?

What we know about Trump under oath

There you have it.. Email Mueller and let him know he finally has something on Trump :420:

And Ken Star was the BEST SC ever.

What specifically is your problem with Ken Star?

Well, Legally nothang. He was doing the same thang Mueller is doing now.
Why are DOPers so upset? I'm not, Ken's deeds support my stand on the matter...

But than chasing the Blow Job was a waste of time for me. The Blow Job was legally scored..
If it was rape, that be fair game. Agian. Ken's deeds support my stand on the matter...

SO! As shown today! The then, GOP/DOPers approved investigating legal sex. DOPers don't care about these thangs now. This is SOoo unfair to our Great Douche.

btw. DOPers control everythang.
Why is these no bill on the floor making it illegal to investigate politicians sex lives?
Legal or not?

‘Spare me’: Tillis draws GOP fire with pro-Mueller push
Tillis doesn't think Trump will ultimately fire Mueller even as the president rages over the expanding Russia probe. But he has an impassioned response for his conservative critics nonetheless: "Spare me."

“Courage is when you know you’re going to do something that’s going to anger your base,” Tillis said in an interview in his Senate office.

“The same people who would criticize me for filing this bill would be absolutely angry if I wasn’t pounding the table for this bill if we were dealing with Hillary Clinton,” he argued. “So spare me your righteous indignation.”
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What an epic witch hunt this is. Democracy is dead


And Ken Star was the BEST SC ever.

LOL! Stop

:CryingCow: Over your Dear Douche is in deep Doo.. Doo!
FFS! WEAK.. Deflecting your pains on us.

Slick Willie lied under oath

It's always funny to me the way your kind uses what others did in the past as a "get out of jail" card.

It's like Republicans have no morals beyond what they imagine others have done.

It's always, "But he did it". It's like their morals and values are always the lowest common denominator.

The sad part is they don't even know what I'm talking about.

Look at how they use sick and disabled children for politics and don't have any understanding why that's a bad thing.


Or when they used the unemployed to blackmail the president into extending tax cuts for the rich.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

They have no clue why that's a shameful act.

And they call themselves Christian and pretend to follow a God that would be ashamed they carry his name.
And here's where you will say or do fuck-all ANYTHING to avoid acknowledging that Hannity was a client of Cohen's while he was sliming the FBI for the raid.

Regardless of whether you are a Progressive or Conservative or anything in between, you should be outraged at this abusive corruption of attorney-client privilege.
View attachment 188483
What was it Obama did about the red line?

You just can’t make this stuff up.
Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
So invasion of privacy is a good thing for you? Do you know that Hannity and Cohen are private citizens still? Who cares if he's talked to Cohen since he's a lawyer. You make it seem like like Hannity is secretary of state leaking emails.

This is a criminal investigation. Cohen is being investigated for crines. When you consort with criminals, you risk get caught up in their legal troubles.

Michael Cohen is being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations. Hannity’s name would never have come up if Cohen hadn’t tried to obtain a restraining order on the search.

And both men are public individuals.

OF COURSE he is cause the DNC and Crooked H put all their money into these "investiagations". We get it. The swamp DNC and Mccain holdovers cannot get the fact Trump is president. So the angle of them trying to smear everyone around him will just eventually help. You make it seem like this is "Fast and Furious" Obama let happen.

Lie all you want but Mueller isn’t going anywhere either. And even if he did, the Russia investigation and the prosecutions it's spawning aren’t going away either.

Again today, Trump bent over for Vladimir Putin, refusing to sanction Russia for their role in the Syrian gas attacks.

What Obama did was to go to Congress and ask for a Resolution approving military action in Syria, as required by the Constitution. (Something Trump couldn’t be bothered to do, BTW.). Congress refused to authorize any action in Syria.

Obama respected the Constitution and Congress and he didn’t proceed with military action. He then negotiated a deal with Russia who agreed to rein in Assad’s use of chemical weapons. To his credit, Assad didn’t use chemical weapons again during Obama’s Administration.

With Trump, despite the sham of his bombing the airfield last year and Russia's promise to take away Assad’s chemical weapons we’re told he’s been gassing his citizens relentlessly. It was only when he used Saran this past week that Trump did anything.

So really, Obama’s actions were more in keeping with the Constitution and more effective than Anything Trump has done.
What an epic witch hunt this is. Democracy is dead


And Ken Star was the BEST SC ever.

LOL! Stop

:CryingCow: Over your Dear Douche is in deep Doo.. Doo!
FFS! WEAK.. Deflecting your pains on us.

Slick Willie lied under oath

It's always funny to me the way your kind uses what others did in the past as a "get out of jail" card.

It's like Republicans have no morals beyond what they imagine others have done.

It's always, "But he did it". It's like their morals and values are always the lowest common denominator.

The sad part is they don't even know what I'm talking about.

Look at how they use sick and disabled children for politics and don't have any understanding why that's a bad thing.


Or when they used the unemployed to blackmail the president into extending tax cuts for the rich.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

They have no clue why that's a shameful act.

And they call themselves Christian and pretend to follow a God that would be ashamed they carry his name.

Your kind? That sounds racist

So why were they fighting so hard to keep it a secret. And why is Sean claiming they are lying?

Yes, every lawyer needs to make public all their clients on retainer and folks who pay for each consultation at the time of service! You would have loved Soviet Russia! :p

No, not every lawyer.

Just those who are ordered to do so by a judge.

WOW! Just, WOW!


What part of my post are you so shocked by?
View attachment 188483
What was it Obama did about the red line?

You just can’t make this stuff up.
Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
So invasion of privacy is a good thing for you? Do you know that Hannity and Cohen are private citizens still? Who cares if he's talked to Cohen since he's a lawyer. You make it seem like like Hannity is secretary of state leaking emails.

This is a criminal investigation. Cohen is being investigated for crines. When you consort with criminals, you risk get caught up in their legal troubles.

Michael Cohen is being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations. Hannity’s name would never have come up if Cohen hadn’t tried to obtain a restraining order on the search.

And both men are public individuals.

OF COURSE he is cause the DNC and Crooked H put all their money into these "investiagations". We get it. The swamp DNC and Mccain holdovers cannot get the fact Trump is president. So the angle of them trying to smear everyone around him will just eventually help. You make it seem like this is "Fast and Furious" Obama let happen.

Lie all you want but Mueller isn’t going anywhere either. And even if he did, the Russia investigation and the prosecutions it's spawning aren’t going away either.

Again today, Trump bent over for Vladimir Putin, refusing to sanction Russia for their role in the Syrian gas attacks.

Well Obama did whisper to Medvedev to tell Putin that he'd be more "flexible" after the election. Obama would need to be pretty flexible to give Putin a reach-around like he did.
What an epic witch hunt this is. Democracy is dead


More over, the rule of law is dead. It died with the presidency of Barack Obama and the Hillary Clinton campaign. It took a half-black Marxist community-organizer who believed the United States Constitution was an irrelevant piece of paper written by old, dead, white men to do it, but we've finally arrived at that point.

Are you referring to the constitutional scholar and professor, Barack Obama?

Yes. I am referring to the "constitutional scholar" Barack Obama.
Meanwhile, as Nero fiddles;

Trump is expected to golf at Mar-a-Lago as his presidency and the world erupts in crisis

Monday marks Trump’s 17th visit to Mar-a-Lago since he took office, according to The Palm Beach Post. As of early March, Trump had spent 100 days at his golf clubs since being sworn in as president, CNN tracked. Trump spent Easter weekend at his golf club and golfed three days after visiting survivors of the deadly shooting February in Parkland, Florida.

Trump has been called a hypocrite because he criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama, for hitting golf courses. "Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf," Trump tweeted in 2014.

Trump's visit to Palm Beach comes days after he ordered an airstrike on SyriaFriday, targeting research, storage and military sites in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged chemical attack on his own people.

I mean seriously. All hell is breaking loose, and off he sails!

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