Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Where does it say he did anything illegal talking to Michael Cohen? Since he's known him years before Trump ran for president.

When excoriating Mueller for the search of Cohen’s office, Hannity fails to disclose he’s a client. That makes his rants a blatant conflict of interest.

As a note of clarification: Hannity says he’s never retained Cohen nor has he ever received a bill from him. If what Hannity says is true, then none of his communications with Cohen are protected to attorney client privilege. Are you sure this is the sword you want to fall on Sean?

The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

View attachment 188404
So what.

Yeah I don't see the big issue here...something else to post stupid shit about


Where does it say he did anything illegal talking to Michael Cohen? Since he's known him years before Trump ran for president.

When excoriating Mueller for the search of Cohen’s office, Hannity fails to disclose he’s a client. That makes his rants a blatant conflict of interest.

As a note of clarification: Hannity says he’s never retained Cohen nor has he ever received a bill from him. If what Hannity says is true, then none of his communications with Cohen are protected to attorney client privilege. Are you sure this is the sword you want to fall on Sean?

The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
So invasion of privacy is a good thing for you? Do you know that Hannity and Cohen are private citizens still? Who cares if he's talked to Cohen since he's a lawyer. You make it seem like like Hannity is secretary of state leaking emails.
Where does it say he did anything illegal talking to Michael Cohen? Since he's known him years before Trump ran for president.

When excoriating Mueller for the search of Cohen’s office, Hannity fails to disclose he’s a client. That makes his rants a blatant conflict of interest.

As a note of clarification: Hannity says he’s never retained Cohen nor has he ever received a bill from him. If what Hannity says is true, then none of his communications with Cohen are protected to attorney client privilege. Are you sure this is the sword you want to fall on Sean?

The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.

From a legal standpoint, why should he have done that?

The irony is that Rosenstine and Mueller are probably sweating this right now. Probably nobody has a better understanding of the corruption of Rosenstine, Mueller and the Swamp's corrupt cast of characters than Hannity. Hannity is probably like, "Come at me bro, interview me!"

Lol oh right, this Fox News douche nozzle has NOTHING to be worried about. Fox News hosts always have the utmost integrity.

. :alcoholic:
Sean learned from Bill O'Reilly you know...
Yes, everyone knows they are such perfect gentleman. Fox hires no one less. Ever.

Just like trump hires the "best people."
Two out of the three clients had payments made for salacious sexual activity.

Think Sean is different?
When excoriating Mueller for the search of Cohen’s office, Hannity fails to disclose he’s a client. That makes his rants a blatant conflict of interest.

As a note of clarification: Hannity says he’s never retained Cohen nor has he ever received a bill from him. If what Hannity says is true, then none of his communications with Cohen are protected to attorney client privilege. Are you sure this is the sword you want to fall on Sean?

The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
So invasion of privacy is a good thing for you? Do you know that Hannity and Cohen are private citizens still? Who cares if he's talked to Cohen since he's a lawyer. You make it seem like like Hannity is secretary of state leaking emails.

This is a criminal investigation. Cohen is being investigated for crines. When you consort with criminals, you risk get caught up in their legal troubles.

Michael Cohen is being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations. Hannity’s name would never have come up if Cohen hadn’t tried to obtain a restraining order on the search.

And both men are public individuals.
Source familiar w/ Hannity/Cohen legal relationship tells @GloriaBorger:

“Michael Cohen has never represented Sean Hannity in any matter involving a third party. Hannity has occasionally asked Mr Cohen questions concerning the law that Mr Cohen indicated would be privileged”

Dianne Gallagher (@DianneG) April 16, 2018

That is what Hannity said. Records are coming out that say different.

The Justice Department now has business records of Trump, too!

Sorry your girl lost, but Trump isn't going anywhere.
The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.
So invasion of privacy is a good thing for you? Do you know that Hannity and Cohen are private citizens still? Who cares if he's talked to Cohen since he's a lawyer. You make it seem like like Hannity is secretary of state leaking emails.

This is a criminal investigation. Cohen is being investigated for crines. When you consort with criminals, you risk get caught up in their legal troubles.

Michael Cohen is being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations. Hannity’s name would never have come up if Cohen hadn’t tried to obtain a restraining order on the search.

And both men are public individuals.

OF COURSE he is cause the DNC and Crooked H put all their money into these "investiagations". We get it. The swamp DNC and Mccain holdovers cannot get the fact Trump is president. So the angle of them trying to smear everyone around him will just eventually help. You make it seem like this is "Fast and Furious" Obama let happen.
Hmm? If Cohen is shown to have lied about only three clients.
Will the Judge be pissed? As when they review his bank information
and emails and we see a few more Clients. As all his personal Doc's
are fair game here. IMO

So, What do we have here on state charges possible?
Bank Fraud in and over state lines.
Money Laundering in New York Real Estate.
Fraud with his Taxi Company Funds.
State income Tax Fraud on state returns.
Justice is about investigating after a crime has been committed, not investigations is search of a crime

Ass backwards

When excoriating Mueller for the search of Cohen’s office, Hannity fails to disclose he’s a client. That makes his rants a blatant conflict of interest.

As a note of clarification: Hannity says he’s never retained Cohen nor has he ever received a bill from him. If what Hannity says is true, then none of his communications with Cohen are protected to attorney client privilege. Are you sure this is the sword you want to fall on Sean?

The fixation is really that bad huh? We get it. You hate Hannity. We also get Fake News CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS all colluded with the DNC and Crooked H. So you're whole angle here it pretty redundant now.

Having worked in the legal trades for more than 30 years I have all kinds of experience with what constitutes a legal retainer and how attorney/client privilege works, as well as what a conflict of interest is.

You, on the other hand, seem particularly clueless in all regards

What is the conflict of interest you express? Sounds like you are talking about Mueller


Hannity’s public comments about the search of Cohen’s office, hotel room and electronic devices. He should have disclosed both his friendship with Cohen and his habit of consulting him on legal questions before commenting.

When the Washington Post reports Trump’s comments about Jeff Bezos and/or Amazon, the Post discloses that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon. Not just the first time it reported on his comments. Every. Single. Time. Without exception.

When I went to Landlord and Tenant Court with a client, the adjudicator recused himself because he was once a personal friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in 10 years but he still deemed it a conflict of interest.

Hannity should have disclosed his prior relationships with Cohen before commenting.

From a legal standpoint, why should he have done that?


I realize that FOX News has little concern for honesty or integrity but here’s why.

Was Hannity attacking the search of Cohen's office because he honestly believes that such a search is a violation of the Constitution and/or legal ethics, or was he saying it because he’s scared shirtless that his own personal dirt is about to be exposed.

If his contacts with Cohen are all above board and he has nothing hide, he should have disclosed.

Geez, my boss once asked me about a royal blue carpet in our new offices he was thinking about replacing and my response was “In the interests of full disclosure, royal blue is my favourite colour. I love it”.

Full disclosure reveals any personal bias or prejudice which might affect the opinion you are about to give.
Two out of the three clients had payments made for salacious sexual activity.

Think Sean is different?

And why does that matter?

The guy ranted wildly on Fox the unfairness of Cohen being investigated. Not once mentioning that he was a client. Conflict of interest coming from the Right Wing State TV?

They also followed the line on Nikki Haley throwing her under the bus after she announced Trump was going to put in new sanctions today. But it seems Russia called Trump and now he backpedaled throwing her under the bus.

But Fox said she "got ahead of herself".

I keep hearing that some journalists on Fox are actually honest. Who would they be? Shep Smith? Juan?

Talk about "Deep State". Trump and his minions ARE the Deep State.

Who is dumb enough to listen to that perv?

We already know the middle class is going to get royally screwed over the tax cuts for the rich.

We already know that with the HC subsidies ending in October, HC is going to be out of reach for at least 20 million Americans. Most of them Trump voters.

We already know that Trump's trade war will cost jobs for the people that voted for Trump.

Eventually, Trump voters are going to wake up with an a$$ they never knew could get so sore. It's inevitable. And are they going to be shocked. "But I trusted him. I believed him. How could he do this to us?" The WAIL is coming.

Well, I can tell you now he's still laughing at his base's support for those ridiculous tax cuts for the rich.

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