Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

And here's where you will say or do fuck-all ANYTHING to avoid acknowledging that Hannity was a client of Cohen's while he was sliming the FBI for the raid.

Regardless of whether you are a Progressive or Conservative or anything in between, you should be outraged at this abusive corruption of attorney-client privilege.

What we should be outraged about is this blatant attempt to cloak the criminal activities of a corrupt businessman who happens to have a law degree, under the shield of attorney client privilege.

Shep Smith Calls Hannity ‘The Elephant In The Room’ For Reported Cohen Ties

Go Shep!

Says a queer from Ole Piss. He can suck a bag of wangs

Your kind can be both racist and homophobic.

I say, just stand up and be proud of who you are. Listen to Steve Bannon.
He never paid money, he was never a client in the "traditional" sense, yet he thinks he's protected via ACP?

Hannity apparently doesn't know how ACP works.

Shoot..................even some sitcoms have made jokes about ACP. I remember one where a woman was friends with a lawyer, and she wanted to tell her a secret, so she gave her friend a dollar, said she was a client, and then invoked ACP for the secret.

And, apparently, some of the posters on here who support Hannity don't understand how ACP works either.

Really? An imaginary sitcom is your authority for your fantasy?

Who could make this up?
Donald Trump’s new legal team comes straight from Sean Hannity’s greenroom

As special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election interference gets closer to President Donald Trump, he is shaking up his defense team. Fox News reports that as part of an ongoing shakeup that included the departure of lead lawyer John Dowd, the president’s legal team is adding Victoria Toensing. Toensing joins a group that includes her husband, Joseph diGenova, hired earlier in the week, and Jay Sekulow. All three share a common theme: Each was hired after making regular appearances on Fox News in which they vigorously defended the president and attacked the Russia probe.
He never paid money, he was never a client in the "traditional" sense, yet he thinks he's protected via ACP?

Hannity apparently doesn't know how ACP works.

Shoot..................even some sitcoms have made jokes about ACP. I remember one where a woman was friends with a lawyer, and she wanted to tell her a secret, so she gave her friend a dollar, said she was a client, and then invoked ACP for the secret.

And, apparently, some of the posters on here who support Hannity don't understand how ACP works either.

Really? An imaginary sitcom is your authority for your fantasy?

Who could make this up?

Gee. Let’s see. Lying loony uneducated trumptard on one side. Well regarded Judge on the other.

Pssst. You don’t know wtf you’re talking about.
Only in your world it is.
Meanwhile, as Nero fiddles;

Trump is expected to golf at Mar-a-Lago as his presidency and the world erupts in crisis

Monday marks Trump’s 17th visit to Mar-a-Lago since he took office, according to The Palm Beach Post. As of early March, Trump had spent 100 days at his golf clubs since being sworn in as president, CNN tracked. Trump spent Easter weekend at his golf club and golfed three days after visiting survivors of the deadly shooting February in Parkland, Florida.

Trump has been called a hypocrite because he criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama, for hitting golf courses. "Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf," Trump tweeted in 2014.

Trump's visit to Palm Beach comes days after he ordered an airstrike on SyriaFriday, targeting research, storage and military sites in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged chemical attack on his own people.

I mean seriously. All hell is breaking loose, and off he sails!
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

View attachment 188404

OMG---Trump's top political adviser and physco-babble interpreter is involved in this?


What could Hannity possibly need a "fixer" attorney like Michael Cohen for? Oh I remember now. FOX NEWS is involved in a Federal Law suit about manufacturing a conspiracy around the death of a DNC staffer, Seth Rich-with White House oversite.
Trump Linked To Fox News’ Bogus Seth Rich Story, Lawsuit Alleges | HuffPost
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

This story was concocted in an effort to deny the intelligence coming out of the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies that Russia did in fact hack into DNC databases and interferred into the 2016 election.

This was done with the help of Julian Assange--(Wikileaks) founder who stated that it wasn't Russia that gave him those hacked DNC emails. They were trying to spin it onto Seth Rich.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 5-1/2 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States to face charges on what he did during G.W. Bush's time. Basically putting a target on every American Soldiers back. Recently Assange leaked thousands of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Mike Pompeo--Trump's CIA director called Julian Assange a known intelligence enemy of this nation that often works with Russia.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics

Sean Hannity's best buddy--Julian Assange

Trump and his supporters loved Julian Assange (Wikileaks) too!

Sara Palin even apologized to Julian Assange--:auiqs.jpg:
Sarah Palin apologizes to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who she says 'finally opened people's eyes'

Here is what G.W. Bush did:
“The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post
Last edited:
The evidence is that Cohen isn’t really a practicing lawyer. He’s a businessman with a law degree. There’s a difference although I seriously doubt you would know the difference.

The judge asked for his client list as proof he had any right to claim privilege at all.

Are you joking?
Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.


Only in your world it is.
Meanwhile, as Nero fiddles;

Trump is expected to golf at Mar-a-Lago as his presidency and the world erupts in crisis

Monday marks Trump’s 17th visit to Mar-a-Lago since he took office, according to The Palm Beach Post. As of early March, Trump had spent 100 days at his golf clubs since being sworn in as president, CNN tracked. Trump spent Easter weekend at his golf club and golfed three days after visiting survivors of the deadly shooting February in Parkland, Florida.

Trump has been called a hypocrite because he criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama, for hitting golf courses. "Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf," Trump tweeted in 2014.

Trump's visit to Palm Beach comes days after he ordered an airstrike on SyriaFriday, targeting research, storage and military sites in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged chemical attack on his own people.

I mean seriously. All hell is breaking loose, and off he sails!

Breaking on CNN now. Cohen petitioned the judge with a filing to keep some names out of the discovery from the documents recovered from the FBI raid. Judge said no. So Cohen had to release Hannity's name.
I bet Trump's shittin' kittens.

View attachment 188404

OMG---Trump's top political adviser and physco-babble interpreter is involved in this?


What could Hannity possibly need a "fixer" attorney like Michael Cohen for? Oh I remember now. FOX NEWS is involved in a Federal Law suit about manufacturing a conspiracy around the death of a DNC staffer, Seth Rich-with White House oversite.
Trump Linked To Fox News’ Bogus Seth Rich Story, Lawsuit Alleges | HuffPost
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

This story was concocted in an effort to deny the intelligence coming out of the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies that Russia did in fact hack into DNC databases and interferred into the 2016 election.

This was done with the help of Julian Assange--(Wikileaks) founder who stated that it wasn't Russia that gave him those hacked DNC emails. They were trying to spin it onto Seth Rich.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 5-1/2 years, avoiding extradition back to the United States to face charges on what he did during G.W. Bush's time. Basically putting a target on every American Soldiers back. Recently Assange leaked thousands of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Mike Pompeo--Trump's CIA director called Julian Assange a known intelligence enemy of this nation that often works with Russia.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics

Sean Hannity's best buddy--Julian Assange

Trump and his supporters loved Julian Assange (Wikileaks) too!

Sara Palin even apologized to Julian Assange--:auiqs.jpg:
Sarah Palin apologizes to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who she says 'finally opened people's eyes'

Here is what G.W. Bush did:
“The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post

Hannity is Trumps fluffer before Old Orange goes to porn parties.

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