BREAKING: California man arrested and charged with trying to shoot Trump

They turned him over to the Secret Service. Under this administration, he might end up getting some kind of medal.

Yes, that crossed my mind too!

They might give him a a promotion...something! :mad-61:


JUN 20 2016, 4:21 PM ET

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say



LAS VEGAS — A federal officer says a man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the candidate.

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say

This was bound to happen, the way the MSM and the Far-Left have been whipping up hatred of The Donald and their increasingly violent rhetoric and name calling.


JUN 20 2016, 4:21 PM ET

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say



LAS VEGAS — A federal officer says a man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the candidate.

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say

This was bound to happen, the way the MSM and the Far-Left have been whipping up hatred of The Donald and their increasingly violent rhetoric and name calling.

Yes, he was probably inspired by the liberal punks a couple weeks back in San Jose who got violent towards Trump supporters.


JUN 20 2016, 4:21 PM ET

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say



LAS VEGAS — A federal officer says a man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the candidate.

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say

This was bound to happen, the way the MSM and the Far-Left have been whipping up hatred of The Donald and their increasingly violent rhetoric and name calling.

Yes, he was probably inspired by the liberal punks a couple weeks back in San Jose who got violent towards Trump supporters.

This sort of incident has been predicted because of them and the one's like them, the Organised Agitators who've been violently disrupting any rally The Donald has had.

So there's people out there in society, who either have mental health issues and/or are attention seekers who want to do something to become famous and that leads to this man in California pulling the sort of stunt that he did.
They turned him over to the Secret Service. Under this administration, he might end up getting some kind of medal.

Yes, that crossed my mind too!

They might give him a a promotion...something! :mad-61:

Well the Orlando Radical Islamist was an Obama and Hillary supporter, he was a registered Democrat, of course the MSM aren't allowed to mention this anymore, along with not even being allowed to mention Islam, Islamic, Radical Islamist and Jihad.

Soon The Inner Party and The Outer Party will occur, along with the "Unpersons".

America has now entered 1984, Winston Smith's re-writing stuff to fit the Party narrative already.

I wonder when America's Room 101 will be unveiled?

"You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world."

O'Brien, Part III, Chapter V (1984, George Orwell)
I wonder if it was some operative that was hired by those in the GOP that would like to see anyone but Trump?


JUN 20 2016, 4:21 PM ET

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say



LAS VEGAS — A federal officer says a man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the candidate.

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say

This was bound to happen, the way the MSM and the Far-Left have been whipping up hatred of The Donald and their increasingly violent rhetoric and name calling.

Yes, he was probably inspired by the liberal punks a couple weeks back in San Jose who got violent towards Trump supporters.

This sort of incident has been predicted because of them and the one's like them, the Organised Agitators who've been violently disrupting any rally The Donald has had.

So there's people out there in society, who either have mental health issues and/or are attention seekers who want to do something to become famous and that leads to this man in California pulling the sort of stunt that he did.

Over here, we just call them liberals.


JUN 20 2016, 4:21 PM ET

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say



LAS VEGAS — A federal officer says a man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the candidate.

Man at Vegas Rally Said He Wanted to Kill Trump, Feds Say

He's English, the UK Guardian newspaper now has the story, is the American MSM reporting that he's English?

British man tried to take officer’s gun to kill Trump at Las Vegas rally, police say

"Michael Sandford, who had a UK driver’s license, was arrested after grabbing at the holster and handle of a gun at the hip of an officer providing security

A British man has been detained and charged with attempting to seize a police officer’s gun at a Las Vegas rally in order to commit an act of violence against Donald Trump, authorities said on Monday.

Michael Steven Sandford was arrested at the Saturday rally after grabbing at the holster and handle of a gun at the hip of a Las Vegas police officer who was providing security at the event for the presumptive Republican nominee.

A federal magistrate on Monday found that Sandford was “a danger to the community and a risk of non-appearance” and ordered that he be held without bail, according to a spokesperson for the Department of Justice, who also confirmed that Sandford is a British citizen.

A spokesperson for Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: “We are providing assistance following the arrest of a British national in Las Vegas.” British authorities are understood to have become involved on Sunday.

- Snip -

The document also states that Sandford told Swierkowski that if he were on the street tomorrow, he would try it again. He claimed he had lived in the US for approximately a year and a half and had been planning to attempt to kill Trump for about a year but finally felt confident enough to try it on Saturday, according to Swierkowski’s report.

He also told Swierkowski that he had tickets for a Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona, later that day, and planned to try to kill Trump there as well."

Here's the rest of the article.

British man tried to take officer’s gun to kill Trump at Las Vegas rally, police say

Here's a picture of the filthy, rancid POS :evil:


Here's another one, the UK Telegraph newspaper.

British man arrested in Las Vegas tells police 'he wanted to kill Donald Trump'

British man arrested in Las Vegas tells police 'he wanted to kill Donald Trump'

So also I just put the BBC World Service on and in the news brief, they mentioned he's British also.

Edited to add comment.
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Holy shit !

Thanks Lucy, this is the first I've heard the dickhead is a Brit !

Well I was sent the link by a friend of mine and I thought WTF I hadn't heard this myself, so I thought I'd post it.

WTF?! The American MSM not mentioning he's English, I thought that should be the first thing they mention, in the same sentence that this filth had planned to assassinate The Donald for a year.

I wonder if that Cuckservative bedwetter David Cameron is going to condemn this attack by one of his own nationals, an attack on The Donald, the hope of Patriotic Americans AND Patriotic Europeans?
And he was here illegally -
Las Vegas Now reports that Sandford is in the country illegally and overstayed his visa. That status was revealed at his U.S. District Court arraignment.
Maybe he felt being in an American prison was better than being sent back to Britain, so he went for it.
Well looky here. Some morons here think attempted murder of a presidential candidate is funny. Why am I not surprised?
They turned him over to the Secret Service. Under this administration, he might end up getting some kind of medal.

Yes, that crossed my mind too!

They might give him a a promotion...something! :mad-61:
John Kerry The Stolen Valor winner has lots of medals.
He can give the fucking LIB scum-bag one of his.
The LIB scum-bag spends his entire day watching MSNBC.

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