Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Here are 10 of the worst domestic terror attacks by extreme Christians and right-wing white men

And, how many were excused or defended by Christians and right wing white men?
Then speak for yourself, and tell me how I blamed Obama.

"Never heard of reverend Wright's church? You're messiah went there over twenty years."
I was referring back to a racist that said racism isn't taught in the black church. Now tell me how in that statement I said Obama was to blame in the shooting. I am actually surprised you haven't blamed Bush yet.

Why did you refer to Obama at all, then? You call him "You're messiah", but everyone in the room knows who you mean. Why did you need to invoke his name at all, or Rev. Wright? They have absolutely NOTHING to do with this.

I was referring to something different, learn to read.

He knows that.

He's lying.

He wants to smear you with ODS, and from there is's a micro jump to the Gold Standard of Liberal Propaganda, THE RACE CARD.

Keep trolling, it's all you've got. Stick with your strength, racist troll.

This has nothing to do with politics


This is the American gun culture we have embraced.

Disagree vehemently.

When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

Let's wait until the particulars are in on the perp, shall we?

In terms of the "gun culture", indeed you have lost that war entirely. Guns are not sentient, bipedal entities, the 2nd Amendment has rightfully forced itself upon you, and there's no going back to draconian infringements.

I'm surprised how much the Left is beginning to rehash old tired arguments in light of the upcoming election.
"Never heard of reverend Wright's church? You're messiah went there over twenty years."
I was referring back to a racist that said racism isn't taught in the black church. Now tell me how in that statement I said Obama was to blame in the shooting. I am actually surprised you haven't blamed Bush yet.

Why did you refer to Obama at all, then? You call him "You're messiah", but everyone in the room knows who you mean. Why did you need to invoke his name at all, or Rev. Wright? They have absolutely NOTHING to do with this.

I was referring to something different, learn to read.

He knows that.

He's lying.

He wants to smear you with ODS, and from there is's a micro jump to the Gold Standard of Liberal Propaganda, THE RACE CARD.

Keep trolling, it's all you've got. Stick with your strength, racist troll.


I'm not trolling. I admit to being off topic.

Why can't you be honest?

Do you consciously realize that you cannot defend your position(s) honestly, or is it more of a instinctual thing?
The race of the suspect does not make the comments here any less stupid.
Great. I'm glad you feel that way about a white on black crime thread. Please try to apply it to all other crime threads in the future.
I always wait for the facts to be presented when talking about a crime on here don't you?

Well, the first and only truly immutable fact is that this kind of crime should never happen, anytime, anywhere, with any group of people at all.

Murdering people in the middle of worshipping is as low as a person can go. There is, imo, no lower point than this.

I feel this way when Jews get murdered while worshipping in a Synagogue, or the Sikhs who were murdered in a Temple somewhere in the Snowbelt last year (Wisconsin? Minnesota?), or Christians in a Church and yes, Muslims in a Mosque.

Some things in life should be instinctively completely off limits, and this is one of them.
Happens every day in the Middle-East. Has been for over a decade. Christians murdered by Muslims. That's what ISIS is doing right now.

Not a peep out of you because of it.

Uhm, no. I have spoken out against it a lot, espeicially since I am a Jew. Try again.
Sure you have.

It's why you like Obama so much.......cuz he's almost a Jew himself.
its possible that there are problems in the white culture that cause white people to lash out like savages and may also be simply bad white parents not teaching values...

Seems unlikely considering how rare mass shootings like this are.

But what problems are you thinking of?

Bad parents? Explain please.
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW


,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."

Which is why he shot 3 men, and 6 women.

Black women are well known for raping white (?).

(this was sarcasm)
Bad parents? Explain please.
Parents who teach fear and hatred of Blacks ...its very common in white culture......teach them that the Blacks are here to rape the white woman and that gunning down a Black person is not like killing a real person...

Charleston terrorist reveals his motive: 'You rape our women and you're taking over our country -- and you have to go'
A survivor says a man who killed nine worshipers at a historic South Carolina black church reloaded five times during the massacre and offered a chilling statement of his motives.
Where are all the white leaders? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? David Duke? Why haven't they condemned this?

Do any of them show up screaming racism when a black on white crime occurs? If so, you'd have a point, as it stands............

I fail to see how you can justify the leaders in the white community failing to address the violence present in the white community.

Eventhrough it is bad,,,It is 1/5th that of the black community per capita. Certainly, we should address it and work to make it even lower.

Of course, at the same time you won't say shit about black violence.
Ah there we go. It's begun. Tomorrow there will be reports about how this was the black church goers fault, and our stormfront lighters will run amok with it.
They will be trying to paint the shooter as a liberal.
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW


,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."

Which is why he shot 3 men, and 6 women.

Black women are well known for raping white (?).

(this was sarcasm)
He's a bad shot.
Bad parents? Explain please.
Parents who teach fear and hatred of Blacks ...its very common in white culture......teach them that the Blacks are here to rape the white woman and that gunning down a Black person is not like killing a real person...

Charleston terrorist reveals his motive: 'You rape our women and you're taking over our country -- and you have to go'
A survivor says a man who killed nine worshipers at a historic South Carolina black church reloaded five times during the massacre and offered a chilling statement of his motives.

Except it is not common in white culture.

I grew up in white culture. I've have had mostly white friends and co-workers. Your words to not match my observations of white culture.

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