Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Liberal media already calling it a "hate crime." Liberal's want it to be a "hate crime", they need it to be a "hate crime" so they can spin it politically.

What will they do if it turns out he was an atheist........?

Claim the Christian girlfriend that dumped was the cause of his rampage.
With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

You have that exactly wrong.

Our second amendment guarantees the right to exercise our first amendment.

Probably not as much today as early in our history, but the fact remains RW that without guns to back up intent, words would be meaningless to stop an over reaching government.

Our second amendment guarantees events like we saw yesterday

It does not protect our freedom
Can't we do something to fix the white culture ? its too violent


And we are only 111 for murder rate around the world.....and of course as more Americans own and carry guns for protection, our gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and our gun accident death rate has gone down, not up......

And each year on average 2 million violent criminals are stopped or prevented from completing their crimes, and lives are saved by armed Americans.....
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Sadly, it does look like Obama and the Democrats are getting the Race War they've been pushing for so many years. Their ugly hate & division Race-Baiting agenda seems to be paying off for em. It's very sad.

White Man Kills 9 At Black Church

Police widened the search Thursday for a gunman who opened fire and killed nine people during a prayer service at a historic African American church here, in one of the worst attacks on a place of worship in the United States in recent memory.

At least one other person was injured in the Wednesday night assault, which began about an hour after the assailant entered the church and observed the service, authorities said.

“We believe this is a hate crime; that is how we are investigating it,” said Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen.

9 dead in hate crime shooting at historic African American church in Charleston - The Washington Post
With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

"Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms"

The Second ensures you have a First.

Name a single time in which it did
Please tell how in that post I blamed Obama.

Stat just says stuff. He doesn't mean anything by it.
You don't speak for me, troll.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Then speak for yourself, and tell me how I blamed Obama.

"Never heard of reverend Wright's church? You're messiah went there over twenty years."
I was referring back to a racist that said racism isn't taught in the black church. Now tell me how in that statement I said Obama was to blame in the shooting. I am actually surprised you haven't blamed Bush yet.
Congratulations. You are the first to bring former Presidents Bush into this thread.
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.

No shit dumbass, who cares? We have a killer on the loose and you are worried about the killer being a racist. Wow I just want him caught and brought to justice.

Oh, you want him brought to justice......good thing he's white, because he will be caught and brought to justice......otherwise as a black man, he'd just be buying time before some white cops pops his head open with a bullet!!
I hope a cop kills him, saves the tax payers money, but you want to prove you are racist is noted.

My prediction and you heard it here first...and i want my creds.....chances are the coward has killed himself, he will in fact have one of the famous white boy 3 names, Billy Ray Bud and I would bet the house, prior to this, he was a nice white quiet white boy who was a boy scout leader, etc.

You're disgusting.
Can't we do something to fix the white culture ? its too violent


And we are only 119 for murder rate around the world.....and of course as more Americans own and carry guns for protection, our gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and our gun accident death rate has gone down, not up......

And each year on average 2 million violent criminals are stopped or prevented from completing their crimes, and lives are saved by armed Americans.....

It is sad the low esteem you have in our country

"We are only 119 in murder rate" Care to identify the company you put us in?
This has nothing to do with politics


This is the American gun culture we have embraced.

Disagree vehemently.

When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

Let's wait until the particulars are in on the perp, shall we?

In terms of the "gun culture", indeed you have lost that war entirely. Guns are not sentient, bipedal entities, the 2nd Amendment has rightfully forced itself upon you, and there's no going back to draconian infringements.

I'm surprised how much the Left is beginning to rehash old tired arguments in light of the upcoming election.

We have 300 million guns in circulation in this country

Incidents such as this are just the price we are willing to pay for our love of guns

No......our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each year......those victims are glad they had the right to have a gun for protection....

And did anyone in that church have a gun to stop this guy? Was it a gun free zone ( with an exemption for mass shooters) as most churches are?

And who was it that posted the dipshit comment about "Who needs a gun in Church?"
Can't we do something to fix the white culture ? its too violent


And we are only 119 for murder rate around the world.....and of course as more Americans own and carry guns for protection, our gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and our gun accident death rate has gone down, not up......

And each year on average 2 million violent criminals are stopped or prevented from completing their crimes, and lives are saved by armed Americans.....

It is sad the low esteem you have in our country

"We are only 119 in murder rate" Care to identify the company you put us in? is a nice video on it...

Bearing ArmsNumber One With A Bullet - Bearing Arms

Points out America is #111 for murder rate

--countries 1-110 many socialist left wing paradises

--names 13 cities in U.S. that distort our murder rate up...all democrat cities..

This has nothing to do with politics


This is the American gun culture we have embraced.

Disagree vehemently.

When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

Let's wait until the particulars are in on the perp, shall we?

In terms of the "gun culture", indeed you have lost that war entirely. Guns are not sentient, bipedal entities, the 2nd Amendment has rightfully forced itself upon you, and there's no going back to draconian infringements.

I'm surprised how much the Left is beginning to rehash old tired arguments in light of the upcoming election.

We have 300 million guns in circulation in this country

Incidents such as this are just the price we are willing to pay for our love of guns

No......our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each year......those victims are glad they had the right to have a gun for protection....

And did anyone in that church have a gun to stop this guy? Was it a gun free zone ( with an exemption for mass shooters) as most churches are?

And who was it that posted the dipshit comment about "Who needs a gun in Church?"

I didn't read all 350+ posts but was wondering when someone would blame the victims for not packing as they went to Church. Really that is such a low place to go.
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!

So you cross the street when you see a couple of white guys heading your way?
Jesse Jackson does just the opposite.
Your bullshit is the price we pay for the first.

All freedom comes at a cost.

Because our country has a strong first amendment, we do not need a second

Freedom of speech has done more to preserve our liberty than the right to bear arms ever has

Considering the whole "micro-aggression" trend the 1st isn't as strong as you think. Besides, progressives have learned to try to ruin people themselves using the media instead of government.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Thanks to the 2nd Amendment backing it up.....ask the Chinese and Russians about freedom of speech......
our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each yea

I have a horseshoe im my pocket that has prevented bad luck juju thousands of times

And when a nut comes into a building you are in and starts shooting....tell me how well that worked for you....or...I'll wait for the seance.....
Obama's election certainly brought out the batshit crazy racist in droves, that's for sure.
  • Thanks
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Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

"Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms"

The Second ensures you have a First.

Name a single time in which it did

That's sort of the point , we've always had guns, so the government has never tried to take our other rights.

If you went to China and asked 1 million chinese if they would rather have guns or the right to post inane BS on the internet, which do you think they would choose?
We get the "no true scotsman" we will get here.

And the worst mass murderers in history were all atheists and socialists...and mcveigh wasn't a right there that is wrong.......and the worst mass murderer of all time was atheist socialist......

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