Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

This is the result of Identity Politics - promoting separateness to the point of hatred.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.

He's done nothing to incite racial division,

not counting his crime of being born with a certain skin color.
This has nothing to do with politics


This is the American gun culture we have embraced.

Disagree vehemently.

When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

Let's wait until the particulars are in on the perp, shall we?

In terms of the "gun culture", indeed you have lost that war entirely. Guns are not sentient, bipedal entities, the 2nd Amendment has rightfully forced itself upon you, and there's no going back to draconian infringements.

I'm surprised how much the Left is beginning to rehash old tired arguments in light of the upcoming election.

We have 300 million guns in circulation in this country

Incidents such as this are just the price we are willing to pay for our love of guns

No......our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each year......those victims are glad they had the right to have a gun for protection....

And did anyone in that church have a gun to stop this guy? Was it a gun free zone ( with an exemption for mass shooters) as most churches are?

And who was it that posted the dipshit comment about "Who needs a gun in Church?"

I'm sorry...but your 2 million claim is just gun nut fantasy. Repeating it endlessly does not make it any more believable

Your NRA fantasies of open shootouts are just plain creepy
Has the War begun?

May have.

That the zealots on both ends of the spectrum can convince themselves that their behavior has nothing to do with this is an indication of how ideology paralyzes critical thinking.

These people are allowing themselves to buy into what the division pimps are selling them.


There's no doubt Obama and the Democrats have intentionally divided the People. Their 24/7 Race-Baiting is pure brain washing. They've worked very hard to sow the seeds of hate & division. They desperately wanted a Race War. And sadly, it looks like they may get their wish.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.

He's done nothing to incite racial division,

not counting his crime of being born with a certain skin color.
It's amazing the RW nutters have this implanted in their brains. It's like an old XFiles episode. LOL
I just found out about this. How horrible. No words can express how awful.

yes, and the medias are already out there Stirring up the pot. some of the titles has been disgusting. get ready

Just last night, mr. boe and I were talking about how great it was that we had a celebration for the Warriors in Oakland without any violence and looting. I really fear for tonight and tomorrow when the big crowd gathers for the parade. I know this is a narrow way of looking at it - but we Oakland needs some positive healing. Incidents like this one are used to attack our community.
Which don't you remember?

the Beer Summit?

Or, If I had a son....?
This has nothing to do with politics


This is the American gun culture we have embraced.

Disagree vehemently.

When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

Let's wait until the particulars are in on the perp, shall we?

In terms of the "gun culture", indeed you have lost that war entirely. Guns are not sentient, bipedal entities, the 2nd Amendment has rightfully forced itself upon you, and there's no going back to draconian infringements.

I'm surprised how much the Left is beginning to rehash old tired arguments in light of the upcoming election.

We have 300 million guns in circulation in this country

Incidents such as this are just the price we are willing to pay for our love of guns

No......our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each year......those victims are glad they had the right to have a gun for protection....

And did anyone in that church have a gun to stop this guy? Was it a gun free zone ( with an exemption for mass shooters) as most churches are?

And who was it that posted the dipshit comment about "Who needs a gun in Church?"

I'm sorry...but your 2 million claim is just gun nut fantasy. Repeating it endlessly does not make it any more believable

Your NRA fantasies of open shootouts are just plain creepy

As in the vast majority of those cases no shoots were fired, it would be "fantasies" of gun brandishing ending criminal assaults and robberies.
For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again

And claiming that all American Whites are on the verge of being mass murders is not saying that they are inferior?

No. Being inferior and being murderous are two separate things

If I said that all blacks were murderous thugs, would you hesitate to call that a racist statement?

Yet, you say it about American Whites, and it is not racist.


Yes because as I noted, that doesnt fit the definition. Its not hard to understand words mean something. Also, what I do doesnt pardon your own actions
Because our country has a strong first amendment, we do not need a second

Freedom of speech has done more to preserve our liberty than the right to bear arms ever has

Considering the whole "micro-aggression" trend the 1st isn't as strong as you think. Besides, progressives have learned to try to ruin people themselves using the media instead of government.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.
You know that's not a 1st amendment issue, right? You've actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at some time, right?
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW

We get the "no true scotsman" we will get here.

Ah, so you tacitly admit that none were excused or defended by Christians and right wing white men? How refreshingly honest of you.
LOL I guess the racial stereotypes in this thread are okay, b/c they are about whites..............

Yeah......but.....really.......sure........but whites are the real racists. Blacks
Explain. Does the black community have to think long and hard about every act of violence one black asshole commits??????

That would be a good idea, actually. Thanks in large part to the race goading of the Democrats and the sheer number of incidents, each incident now paints the entire community, and "Black Fatigue" is settling in across the country at an astounding pace. That will only hurt the black community and could ultimately result in the undoing of sixty years of progress in relations.

The Democrat's racial politics are intentional, of course. They thrive on chaos.
And some's the fault of the black community....Old School wasn't wrong at all.
Old School is usually wrong......and you are usually irrelevant.
Oh contrare......but I do love when you post, Mudboy......a credit to the white race.
Can't we do something to fix the white culture ? its too violent


And we are only 119 for murder rate around the world.....and of course as more Americans own and carry guns for protection, our gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and our gun accident death rate has gone down, not up......

And each year on average 2 million violent criminals are stopped or prevented from completing their crimes, and lives are saved by armed Americans.....

It is sad the low esteem you have in our country

"We are only 119 in murder rate" Care to identify the company you put us in? is a nice video on it...

Bearing ArmsNumber One With A Bullet - Bearing Arms

Points out America is #111 for murder rate

--countries 1-110 many socialist left wing paradises

--names 13 cities in U.S. that distort our murder rate up...all democrat cities..

These are the countries you should compare us to ....not Swaziland, Nigeria and Columbia


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