Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

"Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms"

The Second ensures you have a First.

Name a single time in which it did

Every campaign speech, every presidential speech.

What country do you think is going to be stupid enough to invade, when 1/3 or more of the households have personal weapons, when there are 300+ million firearms in the hands of the populace.
The First is protected DAILY by our stance on firearms.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
I am white and hope he did not do this because he's racist which I suspect he is. I'm an atheist and hope he didn't do it for atheism.
Great. I'm glad you feel that way about a white on black crime thread. Please try to apply it to all other crime threads in the future.
I always wait for the facts to be presented when talking about a crime on here don't you?

Well, the first and only truly immutable fact is that this kind of crime should never happen, anytime, anywhere, with any group of people at all.

Murdering people in the middle of worshipping is as low as a person can go. There is, imo, no lower point than this.

I feel this way when Jews get murdered while worshipping in a Synagogue, or the Sikhs who were murdered in a Temple somewhere in the Snowbelt last year (Wisconsin? Minnesota?), or Christians in a Church and yes, Muslims in a Mosque.

Some things in life should be instinctively completely off limits, and this is one of them.
Happens every day in the Middle-East. Has been for over a decade. Christians murdered by Muslims. That's what ISIS is doing right now.

Not a peep out of you because of it.

Uhm, no. I have spoken out against it a lot, espeicially since I am a Jew. Try again.
Sure you have.

It's why you like Obama so much.......cuz he's almost a Jew himself.
Oh lookie...more fun from Mudguy.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!

The day you disarm all thugs,black and white,you might be able to get a little traction on your gunless utopia idea.
I never did understand hate crimes.

If I put a cap in yo azz, it ain't cuz I luvz ya. I don't care what race you are.
Here are 10 of the worst domestic terror attacks by extreme Christians and right-wing white men

And, how many were excused or defended by Christians and right wing white men?
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW


,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."

Which is why he shot 3 men, and 6 women.

Black women are well known for raping white (?).

(this was sarcasm)
He's a bad shot.

Reloaded 5 times?

2 deaths per magazine?

Yes, he was a BAD shot

Has that been confirmed...because according to gun grabbers he should have been tackled by the victims when he was reloading.....right? We don't know what he used...

One thing for sure....the anti gun extremists are the most mad because he didn't use an AR-15 to kill those are they going to ban it when they can't get more mass shooters using it.....?
In my opinion the first amendment has become the battle cry of the racist. Either liberal or conservative.


Slander a person and see where the first amendment gets you. Hell there is an ex-Navy seal making a living off of suing people for slander.

Of course crying fire in a theater will get you in jail.

Threaten a president and see what that brings down on you.

What right we really are guaranteed is our right to speak out against the government.
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW


,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."

Which is why he shot 3 men, and 6 women.

Black women are well known for raping white (?).

(this was sarcasm)
He's a bad shot.
And more fun stuff from Mudguy. The hits keep on coming....what a credit to the white race you are.
That the zealots on both ends of the spectrum can convince themselves that their behavior has nothing to do with this is an indication of how ideology paralyzes critical thinking.

These people are allowing themselves to buy into what the division pimps are selling them.

our love of guns keeps us free and stops on average 2 million violent criminal attacks each yea

I have a horseshoe im my pocket that has prevented bad luck juju thousands of times

And when a nut comes into a building you are in and starts shooting....tell me how well that worked for you....or...I'll wait for the seance.....

That wont ever happen because as mentioned I have a horseshoe that prevents that from happening just like guns have prevented phantom attacks!
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Your bullshit is the price we pay for the first.

All freedom comes at a cost.

Because our country has a strong first amendment, we do not need a second

Freedom of speech has done more to preserve our liberty than the right to bear arms ever has

Considering the whole "micro-aggression" trend the 1st isn't as strong as you think. Besides, progressives have learned to try to ruin people themselves using the media instead of government.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been
It most certainly is.
If Obama has been inciting the black muslim Kenyan anti-christs, he's obviously failed. LOL. Them blacks is taken' a whoopin
And, how many were excused or defended by Christians and right wing white men?
#BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW


,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."

Which is why he shot 3 men, and 6 women.

Black women are well known for raping white (?).

(this was sarcasm)
He's a bad shot.

Reloaded 5 times?

2 deaths per magazine?

Yes, he was a BAD shot

Has that been confirmed...because according to gun grabbers he should have been tackled by the victims when he was reloading.....right? We don't know what he used...

One thing for sure....the anti gun extremists are the most mad because he didn't use an AR-15 to kill those are they going to ban it when they can't get more mass shooters using it.....?

Someone else posted that one of the survivors made that claim.
Salon and daily beast and the other former obama guy....they see a glimmer of hope...perhaps they can drag these victims in front of the camera and blame whites, and grab guns....there is much rejoicing on the left...especially in the anti gun community....

Funny....the pro 2nd Amendment people celebrate victims surviving violent attacks....the anti gun extremists....get hot and bothered when there are lots of victims...and hopefully the guy used and AR-15....

the left and anti gun extremists are batshit crazy....
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again

And claiming that all American Whites are on the verge of being mass murders is not saying that they are inferior?

No. Being inferior and being murderous are two separate things

If I said that all blacks were murderous thugs, would you hesitate to call that a racist statement?

Yet, you say it about American Whites, and it is not racist.


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