Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.
Considering the whole "micro-aggression" trend the 1st isn't as strong as you think. Besides, progressives have learned to try to ruin people themselves using the media instead of government.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again
Liberal media already calling it a "hate crime." Liberal's want it to be a "hate crime", they need it to be a "hate crime" so they can spin it politically.
Considering the whole "micro-aggression" trend the 1st isn't as strong as you think. Besides, progressives have learned to try to ruin people themselves using the media instead of government.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views
Speech is not free when MSM can ruin a life, any life, over a slip of the tongue or a misinterpreted post.
Yep, here we go.

Is anyone surprised?

Horrible. At a church. The predictable result of constant efforts to divide us. No doubt more on the way, tragically.

Congratulations, folks.


Yep, see how under Obama and his party we have been the MOST UNITED?
Our country is a mess. The worst I've seen since the 60's
Yea when whites use one persons behavior to talk about an entire race about blacks its racist, but its acceptable to use one persons behavior to talk about whites.

You need to learn, racism is a one way street, buddy.
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Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms
No, you simply like to read what you want to read. It's radical to leap to judgement before the cause has been fully determined. We all know what it might be, but I will wait for the authorities to make that conclusion.


So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Here we go, rationalizing white murderers, rationalizing the need for calm, rationalizing his intent.....if the roles were reversed....he'd be a gotdamned animal, a f**kin thug, not fit to breath motherf*** air....give me a break and shut up!!

You stupid cvnt!!
There isnt a person here that doesnt want the little shit dead...except maybe the progressives who would prefer life in prison.
How about you show the same desire when a black man commits a crime like this?
When will you people get it through your head that we want ALL criminals to pay for their crimes,not just the black ones.
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again

And claiming that all American Whites are on the verge of being mass murders is not saying that they are inferior?


Libs all the self awareness of turnips and the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

You have that exactly wrong.

Our second amendment guarantees the right to exercise our first amendment.

Probably not as much today as early in our history, but the fact remains RW that without guns to back up intent, words would be meaningless to stop an over reaching government.
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Nope. No racism intended here. Nosirree.

Racists are so very translucent.
Especially when it was the mob with their tommy guns during Prohibition that "invented" the drive-by.

So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Here we go, rationalizing white murderers, rationalizing the need for calm, rationalizing his intent.....if the roles were reversed....he'd be a gotdamned animal, a f**kin thug, not fit to breath motherf*** air....give me a break and shut up!!

You stupid cvnt!!
There isnt a person here that doesnt want the little shit dead...except maybe the progressives who would prefer life in prison.
How about you show the same desire when a black man commits a crime like this?
When will you people get it through your head that we want ALL criminals to pay for their crimes,not just the black ones.

Yeah except you clearly see he is not talking about who wants that guy locked up.

Nice deflection tho, I like the faux anger at the beginning. But I noticed you didnt blame bad parenting, music, style of clothes or white culture.

THAT'S the difference
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?

Black criminals murder for money, status, and reputation....much like criminals of any other race.....
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

What? No. CK is obviously under no obligation to give you your "first amendment rights" to post on this board.

No he is not...his board, his rules

But this is not the only outlet I have to express my views. I can literally post to tens of thousands of sites. At no time in history has the common citizen had such open access to freedom of speech

Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms

"Our First Amendment ensures we do not need a second amendment. We have never needed a right to bear arms to protect our freedoms"

The Second ensures you have a First.
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again

And claiming that all American Whites are on the verge of being mass murders is not saying that they are inferior?

No. Being inferior and being murderous are two separate things
Liberal media already calling it a "hate crime." Liberal's want it to be a "hate crime", they need it to be a "hate crime" so they can spin it politically.

What will they do if it turns out he was an atheist........?
Can't we do something to fix the white culture ? its too violent


Your graph measures gun ownership, not violence.

And not white violence.

But you knew that right?

Yes....let's not show a real breakdown of race and crime.....that becomes...problematic..... for the race hustlers in the democrat party.....
I was wondering how long it would take for this to migrate over to "this is all Obama's fault".
Please tell how in that post I blamed Obama.

Stat just says stuff. He doesn't mean anything by it.
You don't speak for me, troll.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Then speak for yourself, and tell me how I blamed Obama.

"Never heard of reverend Wright's church? You're messiah went there over twenty years."
Must be a private or homeschool education.

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