Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

This kid obviously has mental issues and this shooting had nothing to do with politics, race , or rational thought of any kind.

Sad that so many have to make it so

I tend to doubt it

Looks like deep seated hatred here

He is making excuses already, the shooter is white so he has mental issues , if he was black he would be a savage thug

You a mind reader now Guno?

My feelings about WHY this dipshit did this have nothing to do with race.
This kid obviously has mental issues and this shooting had nothing to do with politics, race , or rational thought of any kind.

Sad that so many have to make it so

I tend to doubt it

Looks like deep seated hatred here

He is making excuses already, the shooter is white so he has mental issues , if he was black he would be a savage thug

Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually salivating at the thought. Lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.
This kid obviously has mental issues and this shooting had nothing to do with politics, race , or rational thought of any kind.

Sad that so many have to make it so

I tend to doubt it

Looks like deep seated hatred here

He is making excuses already, the shooter is white so he has mental issues , if he was black he would be a savage thug

Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane.

Exactly. Apparently Guno can't conceptualize a difference between a violent "thug" and an insane mass murderer.

And yes it is a fact, the insane mass murderers tend to be white. they aren't always, but they tend to be.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

And the medias have this blood on their hands too
Eventhrough it is bad,,,It is 1/5th that of the black community per capita. Certainly, we should address it and work to make it even lower.

Of course, at the same time you won't say shit about black violence.
Ah there we go. It's begun. Tomorrow there will be reports about how this was the black church goers fault, and our stormfront lighters will run amok with it.
They will be trying to paint the shooter as a liberal.

Progressives have tried to portray every shooter for the past ten years as a right wing teaper extremist. So far, all the shooters have been progressives. Eventually you'll get it right. Law of averages and all. However, in this case we don't know yet. Odds are it is indeed some sick racist asshole who did the deed. And yes, were one of the folks armed in the church the asshole wouldn't have killed as many.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Link to all those killings by the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

You're as bat shit crazy as Guno is. No Democrats are glad this happened. Jesus Christ.
I hope they catch this guy alive, maybe we can get some sort of explanation ..... That will prevent things from spinning out of control

explanation? The one thing the human NEVER runs out of is excuses...I dont give a dam why he did it to be honest

You certainly should care.

I , for one, believe that it is related to over medicating our children.

I'd like to know if that is true, and if so what we can do to prevent further incidents.

And there you have it folks...Lets start up the "lets understand the murderer" machine because he's white.

Just like Columbine "Why did they do it? Did they have a troublesome childhood?"

Black kid gets arrested for resisting arrest and nothing more and we get a 40 page thread on the problem with blacks.

"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

Odds are this guy will be found to have a long history of mental illness.

The racial tension in the background would just provide the trappings for the act, with no more real blame that JOdie Foster of the shooting of President Reagan.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

Theres no denying that many very powerful people have pushed racial conflict for the past few years. Its hard to say it caused this. Its kinda like saying anti hunger campaigns cause obesity. Not creates an environment.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

And the medias have this blood on their hands too

Yes. the Communist/Progressive Press is complicit. They were a crucial weapon in stirring up the racial division. The 24/7 Race-Baiting is pure brainwashing. Sadly, there will be more awful incidents like this one. And Obama/Democrats can't wait.
I hope they catch this guy alive, maybe we can get some sort of explanation ..... That will prevent things from spinning out of control

explanation? The one thing the human NEVER runs out of is excuses...I dont give a dam why he did it to be honest

You certainly should care.

I , for one, believe that it is related to over medicating our children.

I'd like to know if that is true, and if so what we can do to prevent further incidents.

And there you have it folks...Lets start up the "lets understand the murderer" machine because he's white.

Just like Columbine "Why did they do it? Did they have a troublesome childhood?"

Black kid gets arrested for resisting arrest and nothing more and we get a 40 page thread on the problem with blacks.


Yep. 40 pages of cons wanting to know why it occurs so that we can do what we can to reduce or prevent further incidents, and libs doing what they can to stop that.
I hope they catch this guy alive, maybe we can get some sort of explanation ..... That will prevent things from spinning out of control

explanation? The one thing the human NEVER runs out of is excuses...I dont give a dam why he did it to be honest

You certainly should care.

I , for one, believe that it is related to over medicating our children.

I'd like to know if that is true, and if so what we can do to prevent further incidents.

And there you have it folks...Lets start up the "lets understand the murderer" machine because he's white.

Just like Columbine "Why did they do it? Did they have a troublesome childhood?"

Black kid gets arrested for resisting arrest and nothing more and we get a 40 page thread on the problem with blacks.


What the fuck are you talking about? Go look i the threads about the black kids and I ask the same questions WHY do they do those things. Go ahead and go look.

But resisting arrest and mass murder are too entirely different crimes with entirely different reasons behind them.

Someone could certainly resist arrest for reasons other than "he crazy" , it's doubtful that any mass murderer was sane when they did so. Regardless of color.
Starting to look like a War. The Black on White crime rate is shockingly high. Now it looks like some Whites are gonna try to even the score. Congrats Obama/Democrats. You got your Race War.
Said with a gleam in your eye.....already set in your bunker?
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.
So you would admit that. Good. Where have you been in all those threads where blacks are held responsible for the actions of a few?

I like to focus on threads where liberals and liberal policies are held responsible for the hing number of black criminals.
Of course you do.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

Um...WHAT??? I was among the first here to mention his lead poisoning.

By the know lead poisoning eats away bone calcium. Which makes bones brittle. And...he had past neck injuries. Weakened bones. Prior injuries. His neck was like a wooden chop stick...waiting to break. Dont worry. It'll come out at trial.

But yeah...we mentioned the lead.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

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