Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.

That's debatable.

Was Al Capone insane for ordering the massacre of his enemies in the Saint Valentines Day's Massacre? Or did he have a sane, though immoral motive?

That's the flag of apartheid-era South Africa on Dylann Roof's jacket

Put him down like a rabid dog that he is.
Yeah...silence him quick.......................................................
Two predictions.

1) We are going to find out that the shooter was batshit crazy, and everyone in his life knew it.

2) We are going to find out that he was able to get a gun as easily as a pack of cigarettes.
His father gave him the .45 for is birthday.
Starting to look like a War. The Black on White crime rate is shockingly high. Now it looks like some Whites are gonna try to even the score. Congrats Obama/Democrats. You got your Race War.
Said with a gleam in your eye.....already set in your bunker?

No. Its ridiculous and was preventable. Unnecessary.

But we are seeing a race war slowly unfold.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

that's their disgusting line of BS they pull every time. It's not the right with the problems
that's just sick and is used to rip our country apart
"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.

That's debatable.

Was Al Capone insane for ordering the massacre of his enemies in the Saint Valentines Day's Massacre? Or did he have a sane, though immoral motive?

Oh, I believe AL Capone was insane. Insane doesn't necessarily equal stupid or unable to operate in the real world. Hitler for example, no doubt he was insane.

It's one reason I oppose the not guilty by reason of insanity defense.
I hope they catch this guy alive, maybe we can get some sort of explanation ..... That will prevent things from spinning out of control

explanation? The one thing the human NEVER runs out of is excuses...I dont give a dam why he did it to be honest

You certainly should care.

I , for one, believe that it is related to over medicating our children.

I'd like to know if that is true, and if so what we can do to prevent further incidents.

And there you have it folks...Lets start up the "lets understand the murderer" machine because he's white.

Just like Columbine "Why did they do it? Did they have a troublesome childhood?"

Black kid gets arrested for resisting arrest and nothing more and we get a 40 page thread on the problem with blacks.


What the fuck are you talking about? Go look i the threads about the black kids and I ask the same questions WHY do they do those things. Go ahead and go look.

But resisting arrest and mass murder are too entirely different crimes with entirely different reasons behind them.

Someone could certainly resist arrest for reasons other than "he crazy" , it's doubtful that any mass murderer was sane when they did so. Regardless of color.

They dismiss what you say in favor of what they "know" your really mean.

LIbs, minds so narrow as to be two dimensional, and they are sure they are open minded.
Starting to look like a War. The Black on White crime rate is shockingly high. Now it looks like some Whites are gonna try to even the score. Congrats Obama/Democrats. You got your Race War.
Said with a gleam in your eye.....already set in your bunker?

No. Its ridiculous and was preventable. Unnecessary.

But we are seeing a race war slowly unfold.

This moron was no soldier in any race war. He was merely a moron
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

Theres no denying that many very powerful people have pushed racial conflict for the past few years. Its hard to say it caused this. Its kinda like saying anti hunger campaigns cause obesity. Not creates an environment.

I hear ya. But Obama and Democrats have worked incredibly hard creating this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. It works for them. Sadly, many of em are actually hoping for more incidents.
"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.

That's debatable.

Was Al Capone insane for ordering the massacre of his enemies in the Saint Valentines Day's Massacre? Or did he have a sane, though immoral motive?
Capone was a sociopath. Ordering the death of a relatively small group is not 'mass murder'.
Hitler apparently ordered mass murder, but he didn't do it himself and he was not insane.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

You're right, the history of attacking churches and violence against blacks is all Obamas fault.

Obama was quoted as saying "Fuck the white man and his boats"

And that kids is how slavery started FOH
I hope they catch this guy alive, maybe we can get some sort of explanation ..... That will prevent things from spinning out of control

explanation? The one thing the human NEVER runs out of is excuses...I dont give a dam why he did it to be honest

You certainly should care.

I , for one, believe that it is related to over medicating our children.

I'd like to know if that is true, and if so what we can do to prevent further incidents.

And there you have it folks...Lets start up the "lets understand the murderer" machine because he's white.

Just like Columbine "Why did they do it? Did they have a troublesome childhood?"

Black kid gets arrested for resisting arrest and nothing more and we get a 40 page thread on the problem with blacks.


What the fuck are you talking about? Go look i the threads about the black kids and I ask the same questions WHY do they do those things. Go ahead and go look.

But resisting arrest and mass murder are too entirely different crimes with entirely different reasons behind them.

Someone could certainly resist arrest for reasons other than "he crazy" , it's doubtful that any mass murderer was sane when they did so. Regardless of color.

They dismiss what you say in favor of what they "know" your really mean.

LIbs, minds so narrow as to be two dimensional, and they are sure they are open minded.

It would help if there werent so many stupid conservatives blabbering about race wars and such
Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

Ruining someone is not criticizing them.
One person alone cannot ruin someone else....and if someone doesn't want people to fire them or stop going to their business, don't SHOUT your stupidity for all to see and read. The first amendment is not a blanket protection from consequences of your stupidity....tho I'm sure there are some out there who wish it was.
"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.

That's debatable.

Was Al Capone insane for ordering the massacre of his enemies in the Saint Valentines Day's Massacre? Or did he have a sane, though immoral motive?

Oh, I believe AL Capone was insane. Insane doesn't necessarily equal stupid or unable to operate in the real world. Hitler for example, no doubt he was insane.

It's one reason I oppose the not guilty by reason of insanity defense.

I always liked the insane but guilt idea, so they could be confined and not let out just because they completed their sentence.

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