Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Sadly, it does look like Obama and the Democrats are getting the Race War they've been pushing for so many years. Their ugly hate & division Race-Baiting agenda seems to be paying off for em. It's very sad.

White Man Kills 9 At Black Church

Police widened the search Thursday for a gunman who opened fire and killed nine people during a prayer service at a historic African American church here, in one of the worst attacks on a place of worship in the United States in recent memory.

At least one other person was injured in the Wednesday night assault, which began about an hour after the assailant entered the church and observed the service, authorities said.

“We believe this is a hate crime; that is how we are investigating it,” said Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen.

9 dead in hate crime shooting at historic African American church in Charleston - The Washington Post

I was reading that earlier. Someone is really trying the wrong way to stop blacks hating on whites and cops. Someone has been pushed over the edge and he deserves to be caught and shot.

Sitting ducks in a church, in a gun-free zone, no doubt. This is beyond grief. :(

It's a climate of Race-Baiting incitement. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible. Believe it or not, many Democrats are actually celebrating this behind closed doors. It's an ugly climate right now.
Hey Correll...did you miss this one? Consider it a public service for me to point it out again.
and that party of tolerance and compassion is OFF and foaming at the mouth already
man oh man

Former Obama Admin Official Blames South Carolina Church Shooting On GOP Gov. Nikki Haley’s Defense Of Confederate Flag…



Via Washington Times:

A former Obama administration official used breaking news of a mass shooting at a black South Carolina church Wednesday night to blast Gov. Nikki Haley.

Brandon Friedman, former deputy assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, tweeted an old Talking Points Memo story on the Republican governor’s defense of flying the Confederate flag.

ALL of it here:
Former Obama Admin Official Blames South Carolina Church Shooting On GOP Gov. Nikki Haley s Defense Of Confederate Flag Weasel Zippers
And it is time to address some ugly realities. The MSM needs to begin openly addressing Black on White crime in America. It's shockingly out of control. At the same time, White on Black crime is actually very rare.

So it's time to have some honest discussions. If the Communist/Progressive Press is gonna make it all about race, then they need to start discussing things rationally and honestly.

Dont care about white on white crime huh?
With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.
You know that's not a 1st amendment issue, right? You've actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at some time, right?

The intent was to have citizenry comfortable to express their opinions, and others to retort to those opinions. That a person can be ruined by a slip of the tongue, or by expressing an opinion unpopular to the elites flies in the face of the concept of the 1st amendment. Government doesn't HAVE to censor anymore, because certain people of a certain political motivation are more than happy to do it for government.
Show where any of those people have been arrested and jailed by the government.........

You don't have to be arrested or jailed, just silenced. Or even better make it so others see the writing on the wall and keep their mouth's shut.
Ridicule will do that
Bad parents? Explain please.
Parents who teach fear and hatred of Blacks ...its very common in white culture......teach them that the Blacks are here to rape the white woman and that gunning down a Black person is not like killing a real person...

Charleston terrorist reveals his motive: 'You rape our women and you're taking over our country -- and you have to go'
A survivor says a man who killed nine worshipers at a historic South Carolina black church reloaded five times during the massacre and offered a chilling statement of his motives.

Except it is not common in white culture.

I grew up in white culture. I've have had mostly white friends and co-workers. Your words to not match my observations of white culture.

Well, in a way, it doesn't match.

His English is superior to yours: "Your words to not match my observations"

its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again
Yup....that's the point.

Blacks are held to a different standard than whites.....exactly the point.

how you feel isnt reality
Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.
You know that's not a 1st amendment issue, right? You've actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at some time, right?

The intent was to have citizenry comfortable to express their opinions, and others to retort to those opinions. That a person can be ruined by a slip of the tongue, or by expressing an opinion unpopular to the elites flies in the face of the concept of the 1st amendment. Government doesn't HAVE to censor anymore, because certain people of a certain political motivation are more than happy to do it for government.
Show where any of those people have been arrested and jailed by the government.........

You don't have to be arrested or jailed, just silenced. Or even better make it so others see the writing on the wall and keep their mouth's shut.
Ridicule will do that

it's not the ridicule, it's the ruining.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.
No what it is, is a white person (you) who wants to shift the blame for a white racist's actions onto someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

Some whites just can't seem to get their racism in order...

It's an ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible for it. Sadly, their Race War fantasy could be a reality.
So until Pres. Obama became the President, there were no racist hate groups that wanted to harm Black people???...what other excuses are you ready to give this murderer???

Obama and Democrats have incited racial division for years. It's what Communist Organizing is all about. They see big profit in Race-Baiting incitement.

So your last defense is to troll and throw out any garbage you can...
Liberal media already calling it a "hate crime." Liberal's want it to be a "hate crime", they need it to be a "hate crime" so they can spin it politically.

You are so behind the times, you poor RW creature.

The POLICE CHIEF of Charleston, a white guy, called this a hate crime. So did the Mayor of Charleston, a white guy.

Now, back under your rock with you.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

And the medias have this blood on their hands too
And more blame shifted from the actual murderer. You ROLLLLLLLL, Stephanie.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

You're right, the history of attacking churches and violence against blacks is all Obamas fault.

Obama was quoted as saying "Fuck the white man and his boats"

And that kids is how slavery started FOH

Hey, you guys wanted your war. Well, here it is i guess. Shame on all you ugly Race-Baiters.

Yeah, but when you have to lie about it it highlights you're full of shit and projecting your desire for a race war on other people.

Actually no one but you have even mentioned anything about a race war.
And it is time to address some ugly realities. The MSM needs to begin openly addressing Black on White crime in America. It's shockingly out of control. At the same time, White on Black crime is actually very rare.

So it's time to have some honest discussions. If the Communist/Progressive Press is gonna make it all about race, then they need to start discussing things rationally and honestly.

You do understand this is classified as a hate crime and not the media.
He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.
No what it is, is a white person (you) who wants to shift the blame for a white racist's actions onto someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

Some whites just can't seem to get their racism in order...

It's an ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible for it. Sadly, their Race War fantasy could be a reality.
So until Pres. Obama became the President, there were no racist hate groups that wanted to harm Black people???...what other excuses are you ready to give this murderer???

Obama and Democrats have incited racial division for years. It's what Communist Organizing is all about. They see big profit in Race-Baiting incitement.

So your last defense is to troll and throw out any garbage you can...

Just stating fact. Obama and Democrats have been inciting racial division for years. They see big profit in it. It is what it is.
His full name is Dylann Storm Roof. Weird. He has now been captured. Oh, thanks for the link.
WFMY News 2 ‏@WFMY

#BREAKING: Suspect in Charleston shooting ID'd as Dylann Roof, 21. Police Charleston Suspect in Church Hour Before Mass Shooting
Oh Hell, there is the problem.

You have to seriously question the parenting of any kid named Dylan(n).
Do his parents smell of unwashed ass and patchouli, like the Bergdahls?

We will have to get CNN's Fredericka Whitfield right on it.

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