Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

that's their disgusting line of BS they pull every time. It's not the right with the problems
that's just sick and is used to rip our country apart

'Divide and Conquer.' That's what all Communist Organizers do. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's there for anyone who's interested.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

Um...WHAT??? I was among the first here to mention his lead poisoning.

By the know lead poisoning eats away bone calcium. Which makes bones brittle. And...he had past neck injuries. Weakened bones. Prior injuries. His neck was like a wooden chop stick...waiting to break. Dont worry. It'll come out at trial.

But yeah...we mentioned the lead.

Lead doesnt make bones brittle and he never had past neck injuries

Those stories that Freddie Gray had a preexisting spinal injury are totally bogus
Those stories that Freddie Gray had a preexisting spinal injury are totally bogus - The Washington Post
Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With incidents like yesterday, makes you wonder the value of the second in defending our freedom
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.
You know that's not a 1st amendment issue, right? You've actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at some time, right?

The intent was to have citizenry comfortable to express their opinions, and others to retort to those opinions. That a person can be ruined by a slip of the tongue, or by expressing an opinion unpopular to the elites flies in the face of the concept of the 1st amendment. Government doesn't HAVE to censor anymore, because certain people of a certain political motivation are more than happy to do it for government.
Show where any of those people have been arrested and jailed by the government.........
"Or it might have something to do with the fact that mass murderers are often insane."

"Mass murderer" and "insane" go together.

That's debatable.

Was Al Capone insane for ordering the massacre of his enemies in the Saint Valentines Day's Massacre? Or did he have a sane, though immoral motive?
Capone was a sociopath. Ordering the death of a relatively small group is not 'mass murder'.
Hitler apparently ordered mass murder, but he didn't do it himself and he was not insane.

7 sounds like a big number to me.

And not fair comparing murderers to Hitler. Just because you are not in the top 3 mass murderers in history, doesn't mean you are not a mass murderer.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

You're right, the history of attacking churches and violence against blacks is all Obamas fault.

Obama was quoted as saying "Fuck the white man and his boats"

And that kids is how slavery started FOH

Hey, you guys wanted your war. Well, here it is i guess. Shame on all you ugly Race-Baiters.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.
No what it is, is a white person (you) who wants to shift the blame for a white racist's actions onto someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

Some whites just can't seem to get their racism in order...

It's an ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible for it. Sadly, their Race War fantasy could be a reality.
So until Pres. Obama became the President, there were no racist hate groups that wanted to harm Black people???...what other excuses are you ready to give this murderer???
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.

Which is at the core of freedom of speech

You are free to say or post anything you wish. Others are also free to criticize you for your views

Ruining someone is not criticizing them.
One person alone cannot ruin someone else....and if someone doesn't want people to fire them or stop going to their business, don't SHOUT your stupidity for all to see and read. The first amendment is not a blanket protection from consequences of your stupidity....tho I'm sure there are some out there who wish it was.

You're exactly right. And there are consequences when someone spews racial division constantly. Whether its a white extremist group or the Black Panthers or Rush Limbaugh or Barack Obama. Powerful voices have it or not.
Freddie Gray ate fucking lead paint chips as a child and not one of you faggots took that into account.

This faggot shoots up a church and the arms of understanding attempt to embrace this bitch.

You guys are a fucking hoot

No one's embracing him. They're just pointing out that 24/7 Obama/Democrat Race-Baiting incitement made this awful incident inevitable. There will be more. And sadly, Obama and Democrats are salivating at the thought. Lots & lots of political mileage in Race-Baiting these days.

that's their disgusting line of BS they pull every time. It's not the right with the problems
that's just sick and is used to rip our country apart

'Divide and Conquer.' That's what all Communist Organizers do. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's there for anyone who's interested.

Obama was like "Fuck white people I wish they would" and thats how the murder of James Byrd, Jr. happened.
I wish I had some of your rich bullshit like this for my garden.

Our first amendment is stronger than it ever has been

With the advent of the internet and tools like smart phones and Twitter, freedom of speech has moved from the newspapers to the hands of every citizen

We have a stronger first amendment than at any time in history

Except when it's an opinion that progressives don't like, then instead of just disagreeing with them, progs try to ruin the person.

Progs have found end runs around the 2nd amendment, namely a pliable media and gutless corporations.
You know that's not a 1st amendment issue, right? You've actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at some time, right?

The intent was to have citizenry comfortable to express their opinions, and others to retort to those opinions. That a person can be ruined by a slip of the tongue, or by expressing an opinion unpopular to the elites flies in the face of the concept of the 1st amendment. Government doesn't HAVE to censor anymore, because certain people of a certain political motivation are more than happy to do it for government.
Show where any of those people have been arrested and jailed by the government.........

You don't have to be arrested or jailed, just silenced. Or even better make it so others see the writing on the wall and keep their mouth's shut.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.

Where are all the white leaders? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? David Duke? Why haven't they condemned this?

Do any of them show up screaming racism when a black on white crime occurs? If so, you'd have a point, as it stands............

I fail to see how you can justify the leaders in the white community failing to address the violence present in the white community.

Whites commit a far smaller % of violent crime relative to their % of the population. Sorry.

But only 100% more over all. Sorry.

And 99.99% of mass shootings.
Obama said "You cant blow up black people, we're go hard"

And that was the reason for the Birmingham church bombings
And it is time to address some ugly realities. The MSM needs to begin openly addressing Black on White crime in America. It's shockingly out of control. At the same time, White on Black crime is actually very rare.

So it's time to have some honest discussions. If the Communist/Progressive Press is gonna make it all about race, then they need to start discussing things rationally and honestly.
its white parenting I believe that is a big problem causing whites to do like those kids at Columbine HS

For some reason they are brought up to believe they own America and when they feel threatened or rejected they mow down a bunch of people in response.

Mmm, holding a whole race responsible for the crimes of one person...

Kind of racist of you.

Racist is the belief that one race is superior than others. Try again
Yup....that's the point.

Blacks are held to a different standard than whites.....exactly the point.
I wondered how long it would be before the Nuts on the Right tried to blame this on Obama.

He is somewhat to blame. He's done nothing but incite racial division. Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting did contribute to this awful incident. Sadly, it is what it is.
No what it is, is a white person (you) who wants to shift the blame for a white racist's actions onto someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

Some whites just can't seem to get their racism in order...

It's an ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible for it. Sadly, their Race War fantasy could be a reality.
So until Pres. Obama became the President, there were no racist hate groups that wanted to harm Black people???...what other excuses are you ready to give this murderer???

Obama and Democrats have incited racial division for years. It's what Communist Organizing is all about. They see big profit in Race-Baiting incitement.

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