Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Progressives have tried to portray every shooter for the past ten years as a right wing teaper extremist. So far, all the shooters have been progressives. Eventually you'll get it right. Law of averages and all. However, in this case we don't know yet. Odds are it is indeed some sick racist asshole who did the deed. And yes, were one of the folks armed in the church the asshole wouldn't have killed as many.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

wow, that is such a dumb thing to say.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

in no way does discussing the fact that blacks,13% of the population commit 50% of all murders, make all blacks guilty by racial association.
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
This is not a hate crime

It goes beyond is outright terrorism

Root killed twice as many people as the terrorists at the Boston Marathon bombing
What do numbers have to do with it? Fort Hood shooting was not considered an act of terrorism so how can this be?
when the punk says y'all are raping our white women and taking over the country that's a hate crime. the guy said he wanted to start a race war. did the guy at Fort Hood say that?
You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:
they joined IN 2009. Must have been sitting at the dailykos all this time

Did I miss your expressions of condolence for families of the victims, Stephanie ?

who the hell are you and what business is it of yours? go troll over someone else. loser

I just want to be know if you are a racist insensitive BITCH TROLL or just a poor misinformed appalachian waif programed by Fox News. Tell us won't you?

Not like you are. and you want to see a bitch. look at you post and nasty little self in a mirror. now kindly go diddle off

lol... poor steffie always spewing and then calling everyone else nasty.

stop whining. or maybe you could get a personality transplant and be something that isn't vile.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

in no way does discussing the fact that blacks,13% of the population commit 50% of all murders, make all blacks guilty by racial association.
According to NoNukes it makes them all guilty. If you are part of a group, or you associate with a group and you commit a crime, that crime is the fault of that whole group.
Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Both of them are crazy-assed Crackers.
Lanza is crazy in the true sense of the word. I'm not so sure about Roof. If what I've heard is true he has shown clear thinking even though the thinking was evil.
Perhaps......but he's still disturbed.
There's a lot of these people on the streets.
Given the right conditions......they crack.
They have pics of him wearing white supremacist patches, I just think he's evil but I guess time will tell.
I think we've established he has issues with minorities. We have a president that has set up the conditions for more of these types to come to the surface just so they can pontificate about the evils of guns.

Truth is....what he's doing is just as wrong as what this nutcase did.

MLK said you can't stop hate with more hate.

Obama never learned that lesson.
Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.

Hey dummy , EVERY person on Earth is related to a monkey. Whites are as you say cave monkeys, blacks are jungle monkeys.
Blacks arent mixed with subhuman neanderthals. Try again.
Only idiots think Africa is covered in jungle. Most of it grassland.
when the planet lost most of its trees monkeys stopped swing from vines and started walking further distance and that's when we evolved into human beings. we were on African once
BTW rightwinger
would you consider the Fort Hood Shooting (leaving 13 people dead)
an act of "terrorism" or "mass murder" or "workplace violence" as the govt classed it for political convenience.

If you are so adamant that this act constitutes Terrorism
what about Fort Hood, is that Terrorism or an individual committing mass murder?

This is not a hate crime

It goes beyond is outright terrorism

Root killed twice as many people as the terrorists at the Boston Marathon bombing
What do numbers have to do with it? Fort Hood shooting was not considered an act of terrorism so how can this be?
What would make the marathon bombings terrorism but not this massacre of innocent blacks?

Is it only terrorism when Muslims do it but not when racist whites do it?
Muslim terrorist killed the Boston Marathon victims and the WTC victims because they were AMERICAN'S.
Root killed the members of the church because they were black

How is that not terrorism?

The entire Jim Crow/KKK of the south was terrorism. How is this not the same?

Yes and no rightwinger
Even Muslims were killed in the buildings in 9/11 (not just the Radical Muslim Jihadist terrorists who died)
The Terrorists didn't just target White Americans or US Soldiers but anyone and everyone in those buildings
they were attacking to make a global statement even killing Muslim Americans as part of the collateral damage.

here, the shooter was targeting Blacks specifically
and YES I get your point that he targeted a historic black church
that would maximize the publicity and statement he wanted to make in the media.

PART of what he did was like other terrorist attacks, similar to the Aurora shooter whose act of murder also involves the element of terrorism.

Another difference in how these are viewed is whether these people are acting as part of a COLLECTIVE movement or entity acting as a "national or religious identity" on its own.

If they are acting alone, they tend to be categorized as mass murderers.

If the emphasis is on the group and agenda (like Al Qaeda and Taliban) and not on individual members acting alone, this gets labelled COLLETIVELY as "terrorism" and not as individual acts of murder.

BTW rightwinger
would you consider the Fort Hood Shooting (leaving 13 people dead)
an act of "terrorism" or "mass murder" or "workplace violence" as the govt classed it for political convenience.

If you are so adamant that this act constitutes Terrorism
what about Fort Hood, is that Terrorism or an individual committing mass murder?
OK ...lets put the latest red herring to bed and label Ft Hood as a terrorist attack

Was the attack on the black church an act of terrorism?
4:55 p.m.

A friend says the white man accused of killing nine people inside a historic black church in Charleston had told him recently that black people were taking over the world and that something needed to be done for the white race.

A. Misconception #1
If you look at the population of China, isn't it the Chinese that are poised to take over the world.
Why worry about Blacks who are doing just fine killing themselves off without any help from Whites.

B. Misconception #2
Why bother using guns and wasting bullets just to kill a few people?
When entire generations of Blacks can be wiped out without any bloodshed.
Well, maybe if you count elderly Blacks dying silently of heartbreak depression from being evicted
from their lifelong homes and separated from their community support. Maybe that form of killing might count.

See previous msg to Stephanie about how Democrats have mastered the art of using MILLIONS in taxpayers money to wipe out an ENTIRE Black district of historic churches, all legally, paying off their buddies and getting political support for office at the same time. No bullets, no bloodshed. Nothing visible to report in the media.
Everyone willing to be complicit, hush up and look the other way because developer money means elections.

Democrats destroyed the national historic district of Freedmen's Town, totally "legally" with millions of dollars exchanging hands between city and federal funding, property laundered through developer buddies, the works.
Also the entire school district of North Forest was shut down so Houston ISD could take that over as well.
Same thing, and nobody cares because the Blacks are expected to be victimized, exploited and pimped by Democrats. Everyone knows this happens, and nobody can say anything and go against Black Democrats doing it.

C. Misconception #3
Why sacrifice both the lives, rights and freedom of the victims and the shooter to make a statement?

The man could have run for office as a Democrat, commit genocide by supporting a system of welfare and prisons that everyone knows is a form of genocide against Blacks, and get paid for making political statements.

He could retire rich, and have any abuses or corruption completely excused and covered up.
All he needed was to do this as a Democrat and he'd be fine.

Too bad. If only he had known to join the Democrats, these church goers would still be alive. Giving praise to the fine work of Democrat leaders in killing off the Black community in ways that are politically acceptable.
if you ran into the shooter how many words into your long explanations would you get into explaining to him why he shouldn't shoot you before he off your ass lol where you been bitch?
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the Northern Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.
No the white community did. His reason for committing the murders smack of white privilege. The white culture taught him this. Whites dont have a shred of credibility when they claim Blacks have a culture problem but when a white boy does something he gets the lone wolf treatment. I know I wont allow that.

I'm predicting it's going to come out that his medication (prescribed and self prescribed) was the cause, not his culture.
Thats part of white culture. Drugs and plenty of them....self prescribed or not.

It might be part of the American culture, but it's not limited to only whites in this nation.

I've been hoping your views on race have grown. I'm disappointed to see that you're still stuck in the same loop.
Bullshit. I didnt say American culture. I said white culture. Being disappointed is dumb. Your disappointment doesnt register on my concern meter.

You're right, you did. I corrected you. I'm sorry my hopes for your growth annoy you.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the South Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.

Let me get this straight, the comment was made in text to place blame on a community of whites that surrounded his environment and now its the parents fault and not the community? However, if this thug was black, not only would the parents be dismissed and never mentioned, its blamed on every person of color that lives and breathes in this country, what a double standard!!!

Discussing the high rate of crime in the black community is not blaming the "every person of color".

Pointing out that the black community or at least black leaders have a tendency to support black criminals is just the truth.

As the white community and "white leaders" do not do that, it is not a double standard, but different behavior being judged differently.

But even discussing the actions of black leaders and/or the black community does not blame all blacks.
BTW rightwinger
would you consider the Fort Hood Shooting (leaving 13 people dead)
an act of "terrorism" or "mass murder" or "workplace violence" as the govt classed it for political convenience.

If you are so adamant that this act constitutes Terrorism
what about Fort Hood, is that Terrorism or an individual committing mass murder?

What do numbers have to do with it? Fort Hood shooting was not considered an act of terrorism so how can this be?
What would make the marathon bombings terrorism but not this massacre of innocent blacks?

Is it only terrorism when Muslims do it but not when racist whites do it?
Muslim terrorist killed the Boston Marathon victims and the WTC victims because they were AMERICAN'S.
Root killed the members of the church because they were black

How is that not terrorism?

The entire Jim Crow/KKK of the south was terrorism. How is this not the same?

Yes and no rightwinger
Even Muslims were killed in the buildings in 9/11 (not just the Radical Muslim Jihadist terrorists who died)
The Terrorists didn't just target White Americans or US Soldiers but anyone and everyone in those buildings
they were attacking to make a global statement even killing Muslim Americans as part of the collateral damage.

here, the shooter was targeting Blacks specifically
and YES I get your point that he targeted a historic black church
that would maximize the publicity and statement he wanted to make in the media.

PART of what he did was like other terrorist attacks, similar to the Aurora shooter whose act of murder also involves the element of terrorism.

Another difference in how these are viewed is whether these people are acting as part of a COLLECTIVE movement or entity acting as a "national or religious identity" on its own.

If they are acting alone, they tend to be categorized as mass murderers.

If the emphasis is on the group and agenda (like Al Qaeda and Taliban) and not on individual members acting alone, this gets labelled COLLETIVELY as "terrorism" and not as individual acts of murder.

BTW rightwinger
would you consider the Fort Hood Shooting (leaving 13 people dead)
an act of "terrorism" or "mass murder" or "workplace violence" as the govt classed it for political convenience.

If you are so adamant that this act constitutes Terrorism
what about Fort Hood, is that Terrorism or an individual committing mass murder?
OK ...lets put the latest red herring to bed and label Ft Hood as a terrorist attack

Was the attack on the black church an act of terrorism?
according to the definition of terrorism, the attack could be considered an act of terrorism.

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

Over 12 Mass shootings since Obama's become president, and all but one is that of white people who can not for the sake of advancement of time, get over the fact that times for this nation are changing and there is nothing and I mean nothing they or anyone can do about it. This nation in a few more decades will be dominated by brown people, either accept the inevitable or leave the country.

neither will happen.

Maybe you should adjust your behavior.
No. If guns were banned in the USA ----filthy meccaist slut whores would place bombs on their WHORE asses and murder people for the stinking pile of shit in Jannah. For those who do not know----under the STINK of shariah law-----non muslims are barred from any armaments at all------it is a STINKING MUSLIM THING. MUZZIE SHIT would be delighted if American citizens were completely disarmed

While I don't agree entirely, I will say I am kinda turned on by your energy. Mmm.... Go on. I was on the fence wherre to go this summer, but now I think I'm going to Israel.

stuff you do not know------that I do-----because I was a baby "reader" As a little kid I liked to READ. I read anything that was around. In my house----I could read superman comics. (ask me anything about baby KAEL and little superboy) and I also read stuff blowing in the breeze------pamphlets of Nazi propaganda. ----My childhood town was a
kinda Nazi enclave in the pre-world war II era. ------but with the BABY BOOM of the 1940s -------the little Nazi farming enclave
became a SUBURB. My Dad had a VA mortgage right and TOO BIG a family for a tiny apartment------so he bought a house in a NAZI TOWN. I grew up in a town replete with NAZI propaganda literature and I loved to read-------I have absolutely no education in thing "jewish" ------I did not even attend "Hebrew school"------but I did read the ISLAMO-NAZI literature even before reaching adolescence

See, I find the dichotomy of your life experience completely fascinating. I would love to share a meal and a few bottles of wine and just talk. You seem so interesting.

I do not understand to what dichotomy you refer. I am fascinated that you have a
shot of a retinal angiogram as your avatar. It happens that I have a bit of a retinal pathology as a result of a----"stroke" of a kind. -------more than ten years ago (not related to diabetes----GUESS!!)

Ok. You stated you were of Jewish descent but you were not educated in any traditional way. You said that you were raised with a sort of " Nazi propaganda" as a guide. You see no dichotomy given the era we are speaking of?

I was not educated in any traditional way?----you claim that I SO STATED? kinda funny I attended public school ---USA---for grammar school junior high school and high school and then went to state university for----the "degrees". I did state that I had no "religiously oriented"
education meaning that unlike lots of jewish kids I did not go to "Hebrew school"----or any jewish camp----etc. I was "raised on Nazi propaganda"????? nope----I simply lived in a town full of Nazi shit------
it had at one time been "restricted" and was
I free to roam--------I read whatever was "around" Where there are Nazi pigs there is Nazi literature--------my mom had too many children to pay attention to what I was doing or what I was reading during the
day. The Nazi kids did not read as much as I did. I was an avid "reader"----usually in other people's houses or just here and there. I had read the New Testament in whole by the time I was 12-----it was "there"-----in fact I read it before I read the
old testament-----which was barely there. ---gee---you JUMP to conclusions
Over 12 Mass shootings since Obama's become president, and all but one is that of white people who can not for the sake of advancement of time, get over the fact that times for this nation are changing and there is nothing and I mean nothing they or anyone can do about it. This nation in a few more decades will be dominated by brown people, either accept the inevitable or leave the country.
Im almost sorry that Im too old now to live till then to watch.
unless the "brown people" change, the United States is going to be a totally broke nation, nothing will be built because there will be no skilled workers, anything owned will be stolen, the country is going down fast when all that happens.
But, on the bright side, there will be some really pretty manicured lawns out there.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

in no way does discussing the fact that blacks,13% of the population commit 50% of all murders, make all blacks guilty by racial association.
According to NoNukes it makes them all guilty. If you are part of a group, or you associate with a group and you commit a crime, that crime is the fault of that whole group.

That is certainly the positions Liberals take regarding the owners of firearms.

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