Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church


I don't think Haley can simply make the decision herself to not put up the state flag.
Of course not it was a rhetorical statement...she could have vetoed that and opposed it ...she supported it...the Dixie Flag is an Icon of Racism...Slavery
Charleston shooting Dylann Roof named as suspect - BBC News

Let's look at what we have.
A white racist
A legal gun

Perhaps the whites should be tossed out of America, then the gun laws can be changed.

Dear Indofred
Why doesn't anyone focus on the fact the shooter had a DRUG problem.
How messed up can you get with delusions and rebellion when DRUGS are involved
and you have no control over impulses and have twisted fear about life MADE WORSE?

Obama is quick to point out the access to guns:

"I don't need to be constrained about the emotions tragedies like this raise," the president said. "I've had to make comments like this too many times. Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times. We don't have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun."

What about
A. Access to drugs? legalizing drugs but pushing to ban guns?
so it's okay to have access to drugs? Nobody complains about that???

B. the fact the shooter TARGETED a place that he knew didn't have armed security to stop him.
Anyone mention that? any LIBERALS anyway?

C. What about the liberal and secular media campaign to segregate Christianity.
So people in need of healing help for mental sickness and addiction like this man
if Christian spiritual healing weren't demonized and rejected as "religious propaganda"

Anyone bring this up?
Or just blame guns and not talk about drugs
or how Christian healing has saved many people like this young
man from losing their minds, lives, health and relations to such sickness.

Just blame guns but don't mention the solution comes from Christian practice.
That would ruin politics for people who want dependence on power focused through govt.

If people invoked power to to change their lives and take back control spiritually,
then there would not be dependence on govt.

The church leaders really need to stand up and call for corrections.

Obama trying to play politics is more division that fuels the fire
and the sickness like this young man got no help for. In part because of the
demonization, rejection and segregation of churches from the mainstream.

Blame guns but don't look at the "rejection of Christianity"
for why sick people don't get help for their additions and afflictions.

I hope this causes the Christian community to reach out and establish
how forgiveness and healing have changed the lives of very sick people,
and to invite more people to get help if they know ANYONE in trouble like this young man.

Publicize the fact that mental illness and criminal addiction and abuse
CAN BE CURED and these methods taught and practiced in Christianity
should not be denied to people. so quit censoring and rejecting it.
Start supporting more medical research and practice in this field.

And stop the Dylann Roofs, the James Holmes Jared Loughners and Adam Lanzas,
by identifying and curing the sickness before anyone gets hurt or killed.

Quit promoting drugs as a positive choice and rejecting Christianity as negative.
Your Christianty is not a fucking solution. This prick was raised a good Christian. Lot of good it did him and victims.
And yet when a community riots, as they did in Ferguson and Baltimore, it is only a select few causing the problems, not the community as a whole.
go figure.
The Baltimore Black community as a whole never at any time supported the all on the other hand stand up for the lawless Cliven Bundy and for any violence inflicted by Police on Blacks .... ....and you all are racist to the very bone hate think Blacks are morally inferior as a people to you the great white assholes...,get bent
Note the white Supremacist to be a GOP voter
and you arrived at this conclusion how?
and when the Baltimore public officials tell the police to "stand down" and that the rioters "need a place to act up" I would pretty much call that support from the community.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

in no way does discussing the fact that blacks,13% of the population commit 50% of all murders, make all blacks guilty by racial association.
But bringing up such a statistic on this thread is tasteless at best and vicious at worst. In what way does that have anything even remotely to do with 9 of our fellow black citizens who were brutally and senselessly murdered at the hands of a racist white person?

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and when the Baltimore public officials tell the police to "stand down" and that the rioters "need a place to act up" I would pretty much call that support from the community.

I arrive at the conclusion the racist killer is a GOP voter because the GOP is the party of the Southern racists
not that conclusion, Im talking about this one.
you all on the other hand stand up for the lawless Cliven Bundy and for any violence inflicted by Police on Blacks .... ....and you all are racist to the very bone hate think Blacks are morally inferior as a people to you the great white assholes.
exactly how did you come to that conclusion.
and, should I assume that all left wing socialists are rioters because they are most often the ones burning their own communities down?
Another homegrown white terrorist

Another Facebook photo being widely circulated shows Roof wearing a jacket with an apartheid-era flag of South Africa, and another of Rhodesia, which was previously a white-ruled country before it became Zimbabwe, NPR reports.

A childhood friend with whom Roof had recently become reacquainted said Roof started railing about the Trayvon Martin case in recent weeks, complaining about black people "taking over the world" and about the need for someone to do something about it for the sake of "the white race."

More: Dylann Roof Was Planning Charleston Shooting For Six Months Roommate Says

This little white terrorist puke killed because he hated blacks - not because of their religion.
I bet all his friends that heard him talking about doing this and did nothing are feeling fine this AM.
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Both of them are crazy-assed Crackers.
Lanza is crazy in the true sense of the word. I'm not so sure about Roof. If what I've heard is true he has shown clear thinking even though the thinking was evil.
Perhaps......but he's still disturbed.
There's a lot of these people on the streets.
Given the right conditions......they crack.
They have pics of him wearing white supremacist patches, I just think he's evil but I guess time will tell.
I think we've established he has issues with minorities. We have a president that has set up the conditions for more of these types to come to the surface just so they can pontificate about the evils of guns.

Truth is....what he's doing is just as wrong as what this nutcase did.

MLK said you can't stop hate with more hate.

Obama never learned that lesson.


blah blah blah blah obama derangement syndrome blah blah blah blah
where have you been? The synagogue I attend on important holidays----has been instructed by the city police to hire and has hired armed guards FOR YEARS. It is a bit odd-----but it is NOTHING NEW ---nor is
the filth of islamo Nazism. It does create
are you carrying while in the way using the phrase "Islamo Nazis" is a rhetorical failure on your part

It is none of your damned business where I am at this moment. Your assertion
" 'islamonazis' is a rhetorical failure" has no meaning-----it is jibberish
If you do imagine that the term is a "rhetorical failure"-----you should SUPPORT your assertion rather than simply spitting the assertion into cyberspace. Having read islamo Nazi literature since age ten----(a very long time ago) I do have logical reasons for using the term

And that is what it comes down to

South Carolina fought to fly that flag to placate the racists in the state wishing to refight the Civil War. You can be sure the members of Emanuel AME opposed the flying of that flag

The little fucker had that wonderful flag on his license plate
I am thinking more and more that when found guilty, that little fucker needs to fry and then as far as I'm concerned, they can wrap his worthless carcass in that goddamned fucking confederate flag.

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Another homegrown white terrorist

Another Facebook photo being widely circulated shows Roof wearing a jacket with an apartheid-era flag of South Africa, and another of Rhodesia, which was previously a white-ruled country before it became Zimbabwe, NPR reports.

A childhood friend with whom Roof had recently become reacquainted said Roof started railing about the Trayvon Martin case in recent weeks, complaining about black people "taking over the world" and about the need for someone to do something about it for the sake of "the white race."

More: Dylann Roof Was Planning Charleston Shooting For Six Months Roommate Says

This little white terrorist puke killed because he hated blacks - not because of their religion.
I bet all his friends that heard him talking about doing this and did nothing are feeling fine this AM.

I bet most are not-----maybe some.
Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

What pharmaceuticals was Roof on?
We likely will never know because the media and the powers that be like to keep it a secret. But like the Colorado movie shooter, the creep at Sandy Hook, and so many others this shooter has all the same signs.

Some info here...
Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
Just another pharmaceutical drugged murdering idiot...but Obama and other foolish pols claim the problem is guns and millions of Americans are blind to the truth.

The elephant in the room is Big Pharma and yet many can't see the elephant.

What pharmaceuticals was Roof on?
We likely will never know because the media and the powers that be like to keep it a secret. But like the Colorado movie shooter, the creep at Sandy Hook, and so many others this shooter has all the same signs.

Some info here...
Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Lets hear what Alex Jones has to say on the matter

And that is what it comes down to

South Carolina fought to fly that flag to placate the racists in the state wishing to refight the Civil War. You can be sure the members of Emanuel AME opposed the flying of that flag

The little fucker had that wonderful flag on his license plate

the confederate flag has been a harmless symbol of southern regional pride for generations.

as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

And that is what it comes down to

South Carolina fought to fly that flag to placate the racists in the state wishing to refight the Civil War. You can be sure the members of Emanuel AME opposed the flying of that flag

The little fucker had that wonderful flag on his license plate

the confederate flag has been a harmless symbol of southern regional pride for generations.

as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.
Oh, fer Chrissakes...

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