Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.

Hey dummy , EVERY person on Earth is related to a monkey. Whites are as you say cave monkeys, blacks are jungle monkeys.
before cave monkeys existed we were all jungle monkeys. Whites are just a different breed a newer breed of human on the evolation tree. that means your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother was a black
Whites are a mutation. They arent a new breed.

"Light skin in Europeans stems from a gene mutation from a single person who lived 10,000 years ago.

This is according to a new U.S. study that claims the colour is due to an ancient ancestor who lived somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

So true!!!
EVERY other person on the Earth not born in northern Europe is some shade of brown. Brown is the natural shade of human. Only those few who ventured to the cold North are white. White is the genetic anomoly on the planet.

Dear Hutch Starskey
White or lighter skin has become associated with the Management or Owner class that works indoors
and does not have to work out in the fields doing manual labor, production or crop work.

Brown skin is associated with the working classes at manual labor whose work is valued less than the management and owners.


This light skin/dark skin class distinction is found in
* Asians, where I read about girls trying to scrub their skin white so they aren't seen as "brown"
* Latino and Black (look at the controversy over Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce, and skin and hair and looking white. A whole class issue over this. and it isn't about becoming white but being associated with upper class)
* slave issues with both Irish and Black, where the mulattos could not be distinguished,
and also Black slaves were considered more valuable, and rapes/forced breeding was done to produce more Black skinned slaves in order to distinguish them. again for CLASS purposes, to tell them apart for STATUS.

if you look up the history, it was pointed out to me that as the meat gathering and storage of food went to new levels with the industrial revolution and division of labor, then the MANAGEMENT classes associated with the technology to manage the production and distribution VS the WORKING classes who did the field labor,
this caused an even greater divide in VALUING the work and ownership of higher classes over workers who are considered more common and less valuable at the bottom of the scale.

Yes, race has been historically used to pit one group over another to dominate.
so it is mixed in, and impossible to separate.

But if you look at the bigger pattern, it's CLASS division and social pecking order that is driving it.

This explains why you will see Blacks discriminate and abuse other Blacks. It's class perception mixed in also.
did he go visit racist websites? maybe the owners of those web sites should be held accountable
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
I believe there is such a thing s a hate crime. Hate cries can be tied to motive or intent. They can be spontaneous. While it is true that other crimes can be planned and given some thought before executing them, the hate crime takes on a special flavor all it's own.
Consider that hate against a single individual does not qualify as a nexus for hate against an entire race or group. When one starts to hate people in general because of race, gender or sexual orientation it usually manifests itself through vandalism, assault, murder, or mental abuse and escalates from less serious to serious. It does not end with one victim!

A hate crime has a larger more detrimental affect on society. Look at the recent unrest that has occured simply because of the perception of coordinated bias. Law enforecemnt has a vested interest in calling this shit out and squashing it before it escalates.
No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.

Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.
I think the colloquial term is "jungle bunnies", not "jungle monkeys".

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.

Hey dummy , EVERY person on Earth is related to a monkey. Whites are as you say cave monkeys, blacks are jungle monkeys.
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.

Hey dummy , EVERY person on Earth is related to a monkey. Whites are as you say cave monkeys, blacks are jungle monkeys.
before cave monkeys existed we were all jungle monkeys. Whites are just a different breed a newer breed of human on the evolation tree. that means your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother was a black
Whites are a mutation. They arent a new breed.

"Light skin in Europeans stems from a gene mutation from a single person who lived 10,000 years ago.

This is according to a new U.S. study that claims the colour is due to an ancient ancestor who lived somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

So true!!!
EVERY other person on the Earth not born in northern Europe is some shade of brown. Brown is the natural shade of human. Only those few who ventured to the cold North are white. White is the genetic anomoly on the planet.

Dear Hutch Starskey
White or lighter skin has become associated with the Management or Owner class that works indoors
and does not have to work out in the fields doing manual labor, production or crop work.

Brown skin is associated with the working classes at manual labor whose work is valued less than the management and owners.


This light skin/dark skin class distinction is found in
* Asians, where I read about girls trying to scrub their skin white so they aren't seen as "brown"
* Latino and Black (look at the controversy over Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce, and skin and hair and looking white. A whole class issue over this. and it isn't about becoming white but being associated with upper class)
* slave issues with both Irish and Black, where the mulattos could not be distinguished,
and also Black slaves were considered more valuable, and rapes/forced breeding was done to produce more Black skinned slaves in order to distinguish them. again for CLASS purposes, to tell them apart for STATUS.

if you look up the history, it was pointed out to me that as the meat gathering and storage of food went to new levels with the industrial revolution and division of labor, then the MANAGEMENT classes associated with the technology to manage the production and distribution VS the WORKING classes who did the field labor,
this caused an even greater divide in VALUING the work and ownership of higher classes over workers who are considered more common and less valuable at the bottom of the scale.

Yes, race has been historically used to pit one group over another to dominate.
so it is mixed in, and impossible to separate.

But if you look at the bigger pattern, it's CLASS division and social pecking order that is driving it.

This explains why you will see Blacks discriminate and abuse other Blacks. It's class perception mixed in also.

None of which has to do with genetics.
the Supreme Court struck down the vast majority of the 1965 Voting Rights Act because it did not apply to all 50 states. So how can a "hate crime" be Constitutional?

I would say a white supremacist who shoots a black person through the head to further their cause no matter where it happens, is a hate crime, if not terrorism.
And visa versa?

Please tell us more about the long and brutal history of blacks wielding their superiority over whites.
What legislation has been passed to protect whites from black discrimination?
Einstein said it best. Racism is a white persons disease.

Absolutely. You will not find an example on the planet that comes even close.
Whites have crashed like a tsunami over this planet decimating nearly every native population they have encountered.

Dear Hutch Starskey

Don't leave out the Asians. The kamikaze genocides committed by one Asian entity against another are so horrible, I don't know if they've been fully documented. The Pol Pot / Cambodian genocides, the Japanese and Chinese massacres of entire villages and populations we may not ever know the full extent of.

The Whites such as Hitler and Imperial Expansionism may get more press and prominence in history books.
But that doesn't mean they are the only ones.

The Black slave issue gets more press and attention historically, but percentage wise that doesn't mean it is the largest in numbers. By population alone the Asian slavery is much larger, but that doesn't get as much attention.

As one math teacher joked in class, the next time someone tries to lay a guilt trip on you about the millions of starving people in China, tell them "Oh yeah? Name one" and shut them up.

Because you can't name any of the Asians killed or enslaved in historic and ongoing oppression,
how can any of those numbers be counted or compared. It can't be.

Racism is a projection and all people of all classes and cultures have projected some form of
class division to justify tribal warfare and dominance.

The Whites are better at documenting the history "linearly" which is part of the EuroLINEAR culture.

But holistically and collectively, the suffering from oppression and war from all cultures goes off the map.

If you only focus on Whites, of course, that is what you will see.
This is just a microcosm of what the whole of humanity goes through
in a learning curve to overcome injustice and work toward lasting peace and justice in stages.

The European culture tends to document things in HISTORICAL linear order
but really the process is holistic and crosses over and connects all cultures we may or may not hear about.

Stop and think for a moment. Just consider what the British, Spanish and portuguese are responsible for alone. On what continents?
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WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.

What sort of sick racist bastard guns down more than a dozen innocent people praying?

How many mass shootings is this so far, America? Don't you think that perhaps you can actually prevent this from happening if you fucking banned guns?
Just another black on black crime.

Do like being a racist prick?
Race doesn't exist. I fail to see how lumping people into an arbitrary group matters in a time like this. We should be mourning, not hating.

A lot are. I hate that it takes such horror.

But im downtown now. You should see the unity and literally singing Christian hymns in the street...white and black joining arms....its a heartwarming scene.

The national media and Al Sharpton and white supremacists will swoop in and ruin it. But for now...its quite humbling to watch.
How will Reverend Al Sharpton ruin it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Michael Ian Black @michaelianblack
Charleston: white dude
Aurora, CO: white dude
Boston: white dudes
Newtown : white dude

Time to start racially profiling white dudes.

8:02 AM - 18 Jun 2015

Amen....I personally am more afraid of white loner white boys under the age of 25 than of any muslim or thug running the streets.

then you are stupid------white loner white supremacists are------THE SAME as jihadist dogs and pigs and bitches. I am an American kid----daughter of two American jews---born in the USA -----THEIR parents---one from Europe----one from England and the other two born in the USA way back in the 1800s. THUS ----I am a jewish yankee doodle dandy. I got news for you----I learned about ISLAM ---from islamo Nazi propaganda promulgated in the USA------since the early 1900s ------in fact since the late 1800s---then I learned about it from muslims with home I have worked and socialized for more than 40 years. -----You Nazis and meccaist scum are ONE AND THE SAME and have been so for more than 1000 years
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.

What sort of sick racist bastard guns down more than a dozen innocent people praying?

How many mass shootings is this so far, America? Don't you think that perhaps you can actually prevent this from happening if you fucking banned guns?

No. If guns were banned in the USA ----filthy meccaist slut whores would place bombs on their WHORE asses and murder people for the stinking pile of shit in Jannah. For those who do not know----under the STINK of shariah law-----non muslims are barred from any armaments at all------it is a STINKING MUSLIM THING. MUZZIE SHIT would be delighted if American citizens were completely disarmed
Just another black on black crime.

Do like being a racist prick?
Race doesn't exist. I fail to see how lumping people into an arbitrary group matters in a time like this. We should be mourning, not hating.

A lot are. I hate that it takes such horror.

But im downtown now. You should see the unity and literally singing Christian hymns in the street...white and black joining arms....its a heartwarming scene.

The national media and Al Sharpton and white supremacists will swoop in and ruin it. But for now...its quite humbling to watch.
How will Reverend Al Sharpton ruin it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Ruin the opposition's narrative maybe.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.

What sort of sick racist bastard guns down more than a dozen innocent people praying?

How many mass shootings is this so far, America? Don't you think that perhaps you can actually prevent this from happening if you fucking banned guns?

No. If guns were banned in the USA ----filthy meccaist slut whores would place bombs on their WHORE asses and murder people for the stinking pile of shit in Jannah. For those who do not know----under the STINK of shariah law-----non muslims are barred from any armaments at all------it is a STINKING MUSLIM THING. MUZZIE SHIT would be delighted if American citizens were completely disarmed

While I don't agree entirely, I will say I am kinda turned on by your energy. Mmm.... Go on. I was on the fence where to go this summer, but now I think I'm going to Israel.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.

What sort of sick racist bastard guns down more than a dozen innocent people praying?

How many mass shootings is this so far, America? Don't you think that perhaps you can actually prevent this from happening if you fucking banned guns?

No. If guns were banned in the USA ----filthy meccaist slut whores would place bombs on their WHORE asses and murder people for the stinking pile of shit in Jannah. For those who do not know----under the STINK of shariah law-----non muslims are barred from any armaments at all------it is a STINKING MUSLIM THING. MUZZIE SHIT would be delighted if American citizens were completely disarmed

While I don't agree entirely, I will say I am kinda turned on by your energy. Mmm.... Go on. I was on the fence wherre to go this summer, but now I think I'm going to Israel.

stuff you do not know------that I do-----because I was a baby "reader" As a little kid I liked to READ. I read anything that was around. In my house----I could read superman comics. (ask me anything about baby KAEL and little superboy) and I also read stuff blowing in the breeze------pamphlets of Nazi propaganda. ----My childhood town was a
kinda Nazi enclave in the pre-world war II era. ------but with the BABY BOOM of the 1940s -------the little Nazi farming enclave
became a SUBURB. My Dad had a VA mortgage right and TOO BIG a family for a tiny apartment------so he bought a house in a NAZI TOWN. I grew up in a town replete with NAZI propaganda literature and I loved to read-------I have absolutely no education in thing "jewish" ------I did not even attend "Hebrew school"------but I did read the ISLAMO-NAZI literature even before reaching adolescence
Those around him who knew of his plans - or at least that's what I'm reading in the news - need to be held accountable. As well as the parents who gave him a gun, and probably the hatred and ideology that drove him.
So we should hold this standard to Bloods, Crips, and Gansta Disciples as well?

To anyone, yeah. I read a quote from a friend of this guy who said he'd been planning something like this for six months. Now, if that's true - and the threat had any kind of credibility (which obviously, it did), this moron is culpable. And if the parents are pumping this kid full of violent hatred and then turn around and give him a gun on his 21st birthday, they clearly share responsibility for his actions. You'd have to prove that, of course, and we really don't know at this point. But I do think we need to start holding parents accountable for releasing these dangerous animals on society.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

I have. Members of the SPLC have murdered more people in the last three years than the Klan has in the past 20 years. That's a fact. Deal with it.
If it is a fact, provide some proof that you are even making sense.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

I have. Members of the SPLC have murdered more people in the last three years than the Klan has in the past 20 years. That's a fact. Deal with it.
Bullshit -

Yes, your lack of facts is indeed BS.
You have not provided any facts, just wild allegations.
Charleston shooting Dylann Roof named as suspect - BBC News

Let's look at what we have.
A white racist
A legal gun

Perhaps the whites should be tossed out of America, then the gun laws can be changed.

Dear Indofred
Why doesn't anyone focus on the fact the shooter had a DRUG problem.
How messed up can you get with delusions and rebellion when DRUGS are involved
and you have no control over impulses and have twisted fear about life MADE WORSE?

Obama is quick to point out the access to guns:

"I don't need to be constrained about the emotions tragedies like this raise," the president said. "I've had to make comments like this too many times. Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times. We don't have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun."

What about
A. Access to drugs? legalizing drugs but pushing to ban guns?
so it's okay to have access to drugs? Nobody complains about that???

B. the fact the shooter TARGETED a place that he knew didn't have armed security to stop him.
Anyone mention that? any LIBERALS anyway?

C. What about the liberal and secular media campaign to segregate Christianity.
So people in need of healing help for mental sickness and addiction like this man
if Christian spiritual healing weren't demonized and rejected as "religious propaganda"

Anyone bring this up?
Or just blame guns and not talk about drugs
or how Christian healing has saved many people like this young
man from losing their minds, lives, health and relations to such sickness.

Just blame guns but don't mention the solution comes from Christian practice.
That would ruin politics for people who want dependence on power focused through govt.

If people invoked power to to change their lives and take back control spiritually,
then there would not be dependence on govt.

The church leaders really need to stand up and call for corrections.

Obama trying to play politics is more division that fuels the fire
and the sickness like this young man got no help for. In part because of the
demonization, rejection and segregation of churches from the mainstream.

Blame guns but don't look at the "rejection of Christianity"
for why sick people don't get help for their additions and afflictions.

I hope this causes the Christian community to reach out and establish
how forgiveness and healing have changed the lives of very sick people,
and to invite more people to get help if they know ANYONE in trouble like this young man.

Publicize the fact that mental illness and criminal addiction and abuse
CAN BE CURED and these methods taught and practiced in Christianity
should not be denied to people. so quit censoring and rejecting it.
Start supporting more medical research and practice in this field.

And stop the Dylann Roofs, the James Holmes Jared Loughners and Adam Lanzas,
by identifying and curing the sickness before anyone gets hurt or killed.

Quit promoting drugs as a positive choice and rejecting Christianity as negative.

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