Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?

Perhaps white folks should have left them where they were then it wouldn't be an issue at all for you.
The truth is, whatever beef you have with black folks is rooted solely in the actions of white folks.
the Supreme Court struck down the vast majority of the 1965 Voting Rights Act because it did not apply to all 50 states. So how can a "hate crime" be Constitutional?

I would say a white supremacist who shoots a black person through the head to further their cause no matter where it happens, is a hate crime, if not terrorism.
And visa versa?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?

Perhaps white folks should have left them where they were then it wouldn't be an issue at all for you.
The truth is, whatever beef you have with black folks is rooted solely in the actions of white folks.
I have no "beef" with Black people.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Or WORSE, Stephanie,
why not bring out how DEMOCRAT leaders have decimated an entire National historic district of Freed Slave Churches, and NOBODY has raised an issue on this. It's a form of GENOCIDE to wipe out the community, destroy historic houses, gravesites, churches and brick streets.

If you brought that out Stephanie what would Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee have to say?

How many churches were burned, torn down, or mysteriously bulldozed and nobody protested.
The locals have constantly protested, but are expected to sue, and win, before any of those protests count legally. In the meantime, many generations of community residents have had their rights deprived and denied over years of this continuing pattern of abuse, oppression and destruction (at taxpayers expense, there is a huge paper trail to show how much money has changed hands to destroy the only national district of Freed Slave churches of its kind in the US) due to lack of any legal representation or defense to speak of. Politics trumps all that.

Where are the Al Sharptons, the Cornel Wests, Jesse Jackson, and anyone else?

So too bad for this shooter!

If he wanted to "get rid of Blacks" just have the City of Houston hand over 3.4 million, 10 million, 15 million of taxpayers money to Corporate Developers to mow down their houses and churches. And it's all legal and gets the political nod. And silent treatment in the media.

No guns needed. No jail time, no nothing.

And no Liberals or Democrats will say a word. Zip. Nada. Because they want their candidates
to get financial support to run for office. So nobody goes against the powers that be.

That's the way to get away with genocide. Mask it as politics for Democrats to get in and stay in office. And suddenly it's okay to destroy national historic Black churches, deprive funding property and rights from Blacks, all this is okay if it is going to let Democrats get into office. Then it's forgivable and acceptable as just the way corporate politics works.

That's how to do it. The KKK and everyone else should take lessons from the City of Houston
how to commit genocide against Blacks, using MILLIONS in taxpayers money over several generations to justify all the damage done as "redevelopment". And not only get away with it, but run for office and get elected by going along with this.

Racists, take note! If you commit genocide as a Democrat, then it's okay. You will be backed by the Party.
And if your a Black Republican your an "Uncle Tom."
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

Not all Americans were expanding westward. The industrial corridor, where the jobs were, turned into a new battleground between Whites and blacks who competed for those jobs in the North. The KKK membership soared in both the North and the South .
Blacks were terrorized and killed for any reason or whim that suited whites for deades.

Not just killed but worse. Excluded from any meaningful aspect of livelihood.
If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

Not all Americans were expanding westward. The industrial corridor, where the jobs were, turned into a new battleground between Whites and blacks who competed for those jobs in the North. The KKK membership soared in both the North and the South .
Blacks were terrorized and killed for any reason or whim that suited whites for deades.
KKK membership in North was fueled by an anti Catholic backlash to immigration. Hence National Origins Act and Quota Acts of 1920's. Blacks were not even on the radar.

No the Irish were. So on to the next best thing. The new, easily exploited immigrants from the south. Ding.......Ding....round two!
Just saw the coverage on three networks: CNN, Fox and MSNBC. Was flipping around while Maddow's show was on. CNN and Fox both showed the full face shots of the suspected shooter. On Maddow's show his face was blurred out.

Anyone know why on her show he was blurred? Thought it was weird. You can get back to your fight now.

Weird. Saw the same thing.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Or WORSE, Stephanie,
why not bring out how DEMOCRAT leaders have decimated an entire National historic district of Freed Slave Churches, and NOBODY has raised an issue on this. It's a form of GENOCIDE to wipe out the community, destroy historic houses, gravesites, churches and brick streets.

If you brought that out Stephanie what would Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee have to say?

How many churches were burned, torn down, or mysteriously bulldozed and nobody protested.
The locals have constantly protested, but are expected to sue, and win, before any of those protests count legally. In the meantime, many generations of community residents have had their rights deprived and denied over years of this continuing pattern of abuse, oppression and destruction (at taxpayers expense, there is a huge paper trail to show how much money has changed hands to destroy the only national district of Freed Slave churches of its kind in the US) due to lack of any legal representation or defense to speak of. Politics trumps all that.

Where are the Al Sharptons, the Cornel Wests, Jesse Jackson, and anyone else?

So too bad for this shooter!

If he wanted to "get rid of Blacks" just have the City of Houston hand over 3.4 million, 10 million, 15 million of taxpayers money to Corporate Developers to mow down their houses and churches. And it's all legal and gets the political nod. And silent treatment in the media.

No guns needed. No jail time, no nothing.

And no Liberals or Democrats will say a word. Zip. Nada. Because they want their candidates
to get financial support to run for office. So nobody goes against the powers that be.

That's the way to get away with genocide. Mask it as politics for Democrats to get in and stay in office. And suddenly it's okay to destroy national historic Black churches, deprive funding property and rights from Blacks, all this is okay if it is going to let Democrats get into office. Then it's forgivable and acceptable as just the way corporate politics works.

That's how to do it. The KKK and everyone else should take lessons from the City of Houston
how to commit genocide against Blacks, using MILLIONS in taxpayers money over several generations to justify all the damage done as "redevelopment". And not only get away with it, but run for office and get elected by going along with this.

Racists, take note! If you commit genocide as a Democrat, then it's okay. You will be backed by the Party. need to look up what that word means.....

The first step in genocide is to strip people of their property and right to the land.

1. This was done consistently even abusing eminent domain to take property away from private owners and seize it for government control.
2. Then public resources were given to developers to seize historic houses to destroy the integrity of the district so it couldn't be saved under the residents' plans to preserve their identity and history there.

3. And the youth and next generations are prevented from inheriting the land because it is given granted and seized by corporate developers USING TAXPAYER resources. This isn't done by free market/free will, this is done SYSTEMATICALLY by Democrats abusing tax money, govt offices and political connections to make sure competing interests seize the land and take it away from local owners and churches. The Democrats have forced the churches to hand over their land to the City. So this bleeds out the community where they can no longer live there if outside HOSTILE interests and City control all the housing and take over the land. The city even demolished a historic church prematurely to make sure it had no chance of being saved.

Desecrating the gravesites and churches is another way to weaken and kill the spirit of the community. Shutting down and cutting off any support so the residents are forced to leave.

2/3 of the national historic landmark of Allen Parkway was demolished to make sure the historic significance was lost. Most of the houses that characterized the district were removed or torn down so the history and community is gone. Elders and leaders were evicted, to the point were COUNTLESS elderly residents died of depression from being removed from their native homes and community. This KILLED the spirit of the community, it was all done on purpose to prevent the community from defending and maintaining their culture and presence.

Yes, in that sense, it is a form of genocide. To tear up the gravesites that are a necessary part of the community history and culture. To evict the community elders and leaders to prevent them from assembling to defend their interests and rights.

Yes, this is a form of genocide to wipe out that community by attacking, dividing and stripping the ability to live there and sustain the culture.

Like the Native Americans, take the land, harass and evict the people, divide and remove the leaders from the community. Rob and destroy the culture so it is no longer viable. Until it is completely wiped out.
Last edited:
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

Not all Americans were expanding westward. The industrial corridor, where the jobs were, turned into a new battleground between Whites and blacks who competed for those jobs in the North. The KKK membership soared in both the North and the South .
Blacks were terrorized and killed for any reason or whim that suited whites for deades.
KKK membership in North was fueled by an anti Catholic backlash to immigration. Hence National Origins Act and Quota Acts of 1920's. Blacks were not even on the radar.

No the Irish were. So on to the next best thing. The new, easily exploited immigrants from the south. Ding.......Ding....round two!
You look past the Italian's, Polish, Lithuanians, and Germans. The % of Blacks who migrated North during the Great Migration period as compared to overall northern population and work force were infinitesimal by comparison. 8,9,10, yerrrr out!
Einstein said it best. Racism is a white persons disease.

Absolutely. You will not find an example on the planet that comes even close.
Whites have crashed like a tsunami over this planet decimating nearly every native population they have encountered.
the Supreme Court struck down the vast majority of the 1965 Voting Rights Act because it did not apply to all 50 states. So how can a "hate crime" be Constitutional?
What the fuck? I mean what?
How can "hate crimes" only be perpetrated by Whites only? Again I refer to Eric Holder comments before Congress. See the video I posted.
Stop embarrassing yourself. Blacks can commit hate crimes retard.

Sure they can. They just don't have quite the history of doing so.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Or WORSE, Stephanie,
why not bring out how DEMOCRAT leaders have decimated an entire National historic district of Freed Slave Churches, and NOBODY has raised an issue on this. It's a form of GENOCIDE to wipe out the community, destroy historic houses, gravesites, churches and brick streets.

If you brought that out Stephanie what would Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee have to say?

How many churches were burned, torn down, or mysteriously bulldozed and nobody protested.
The locals have constantly protested, but are expected to sue, and win, before any of those protests count legally. In the meantime, many generations of community residents have had their rights deprived and denied over years of this continuing pattern of abuse, oppression and destruction (at taxpayers expense, there is a huge paper trail to show how much money has changed hands to destroy the only national district of Freed Slave churches of its kind in the US) due to lack of any legal representation or defense to speak of. Politics trumps all that.

Where are the Al Sharptons, the Cornel Wests, Jesse Jackson, and anyone else?

So too bad for this shooter!

If he wanted to "get rid of Blacks" just have the City of Houston hand over 3.4 million, 10 million, 15 million of taxpayers money to Corporate Developers to mow down their houses and churches. And it's all legal and gets the political nod. And silent treatment in the media.

No guns needed. No jail time, no nothing.

And no Liberals or Democrats will say a word. Zip. Nada. Because they want their candidates
to get financial support to run for office. So nobody goes against the powers that be.

That's the way to get away with genocide. Mask it as politics for Democrats to get in and stay in office. And suddenly it's okay to destroy national historic Black churches, deprive funding property and rights from Blacks, all this is okay if it is going to let Democrats get into office. Then it's forgivable and acceptable as just the way corporate politics works.

That's how to do it. The KKK and everyone else should take lessons from the City of Houston
how to commit genocide against Blacks, using MILLIONS in taxpayers money over several generations to justify all the damage done as "redevelopment". And not only get away with it, but run for office and get elected by going along with this.

Racists, take note! If you commit genocide as a Democrat, then it's okay. You will be backed by the Party.
And if your a Black Republican your an "Uncle Tom."
Bullshit. Collin Powell and many other Black republicans are not Uncle Toms. You must not have a clue what Uncle Tom means.
Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.
They were too smart to. They didn't live in the fucking desert either.
They would have burned to death lacking melanin. Point is they are monkeys.

I don't go near the equator for that very reason.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Or WORSE, Stephanie,
why not bring out how DEMOCRAT leaders have decimated an entire National historic district of Freed Slave Churches, and NOBODY has raised an issue on this. It's a form of GENOCIDE to wipe out the community, destroy historic houses, gravesites, churches and brick streets.

If you brought that out Stephanie what would Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee have to say?

How many churches were burned, torn down, or mysteriously bulldozed and nobody protested.
The locals have constantly protested, but are expected to sue, and win, before any of those protests count legally. In the meantime, many generations of community residents have had their rights deprived and denied over years of this continuing pattern of abuse, oppression and destruction (at taxpayers expense, there is a huge paper trail to show how much money has changed hands to destroy the only national district of Freed Slave churches of its kind in the US) due to lack of any legal representation or defense to speak of. Politics trumps all that.

Where are the Al Sharptons, the Cornel Wests, Jesse Jackson, and anyone else?

So too bad for this shooter!

If he wanted to "get rid of Blacks" just have the City of Houston hand over 3.4 million, 10 million, 15 million of taxpayers money to Corporate Developers to mow down their houses and churches. And it's all legal and gets the political nod. And silent treatment in the media.

No guns needed. No jail time, no nothing.

And no Liberals or Democrats will say a word. Zip. Nada. Because they want their candidates
to get financial support to run for office. So nobody goes against the powers that be.

That's the way to get away with genocide. Mask it as politics for Democrats to get in and stay in office. And suddenly it's okay to destroy national historic Black churches, deprive funding property and rights from Blacks, all this is okay if it is going to let Democrats get into office. Then it's forgivable and acceptable as just the way corporate politics works.

That's how to do it. The KKK and everyone else should take lessons from the City of Houston
how to commit genocide against Blacks, using MILLIONS in taxpayers money over several generations to justify all the damage done as "redevelopment". And not only get away with it, but run for office and get elected by going along with this.

Racists, take note! If you commit genocide as a Democrat, then it's okay. You will be backed by the Party.
And if your a Black Republican your an "Uncle Tom."
Bullshit. Collin Powell and many other Black republicans are not Uncle Toms. You must not have a clue what Uncle Tom means.
Is it even possible for an uncle Tom to exist in it's historic form? I don't think so. The context is all wrong.
Einstein said it best. Racism is a white persons disease.

Absolutely. You will not find an example on the planet that comes even close.
Whites have crashed like a tsunami over this planet decimating nearly every native population they have encountered.

Dear Hutch Starskey

Don't leave out the Asians. The kamikaze genocides committed by one Asian entity against another are so horrible, I don't know if they've been fully documented. The Pol Pot / Cambodian genocides, the Japanese and Chinese massacres of entire villages and populations we may not ever know the full extent of.

The Whites such as Hitler and Imperial Expansionism may get more press and prominence in history books.
But that doesn't mean they are the only ones.

The Black slave issue gets more press and attention historically, but percentage wise that doesn't mean it is the largest in numbers. By population alone the Asian slavery is much larger, but that doesn't get as much attention.

As one math teacher joked in class, the next time someone tries to lay a guilt trip on you about the millions of starving people in China, tell them "Oh yeah? Name one" and shut them up.

Because you can't name any of the Asians killed or enslaved in historic and ongoing oppression,
how can any of those numbers be counted or compared. It can't be.

Racism is a projection and all people of all classes and cultures have projected some form of
class division to justify tribal warfare and dominance.

The Whites are better at documenting the history "linearly" which is part of the EuroLINEAR culture.

But holistically and collectively, the suffering from oppression and war from all cultures goes off the map.

If you only focus on Whites, of course, that is what you will see.
This is just a microcosm of what the whole of humanity goes through
in a learning curve to overcome injustice and work toward lasting peace and justice in stages.

The European culture tends to document things in HISTORICAL linear order
but really the process is holistic and crosses over and connects all cultures we may or may not hear about.
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this in the 1960's and you sir is demanding that Dr.King stay away. Al Sharpton, Jackson are not responsible for a young white male with a hate mentality.

Complete nonsense. King was a decent man who helped right a wrong. Sharpton, Jackson and others are typical Democrat operatives charged with stirring up as much chaos and racial animosity as they can within the black community.
What wrong did King right?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.
So when he said "you people are running the country and raping our women " he was referring to Christians?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.

Hey dummy , EVERY person on Earth is related to a monkey. Whites are as you say cave monkeys, blacks are jungle monkeys.
before cave monkeys existed we were all jungle monkeys. Whites are just a different breed a newer breed of human on the evolation tree. that means your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother was a black
Whites are a mutation. They arent a new breed.

"Light skin in Europeans stems from a gene mutation from a single person who lived 10,000 years ago.

This is according to a new U.S. study that claims the colour is due to an ancient ancestor who lived somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

So true!!!
EVERY other person on the Earth not born in northern Europe is some shade of brown. Brown is the natural shade of human. Only those few who ventured to the cold North are white. White is the genetic anomoly on the planet.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Or WORSE, Stephanie,
why not bring out how DEMOCRAT leaders have decimated an entire National historic district of Freed Slave Churches, and NOBODY has raised an issue on this. It's a form of GENOCIDE to wipe out the community, destroy historic houses, gravesites, churches and brick streets.

If you brought that out Stephanie what would Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee have to say?

How many churches were burned, torn down, or mysteriously bulldozed and nobody protested.
The locals have constantly protested, but are expected to sue, and win, before any of those protests count legally. In the meantime, many generations of community residents have had their rights deprived and denied over years of this continuing pattern of abuse, oppression and destruction (at taxpayers expense, there is a huge paper trail to show how much money has changed hands to destroy the only national district of Freed Slave churches of its kind in the US) due to lack of any legal representation or defense to speak of. Politics trumps all that.

Where are the Al Sharptons, the Cornel Wests, Jesse Jackson, and anyone else?

So too bad for this shooter!

If he wanted to "get rid of Blacks" just have the City of Houston hand over 3.4 million, 10 million, 15 million of taxpayers money to Corporate Developers to mow down their houses and churches. And it's all legal and gets the political nod. And silent treatment in the media.

No guns needed. No jail time, no nothing.

And no Liberals or Democrats will say a word. Zip. Nada. Because they want their candidates
to get financial support to run for office. So nobody goes against the powers that be.

That's the way to get away with genocide. Mask it as politics for Democrats to get in and stay in office. And suddenly it's okay to destroy national historic Black churches, deprive funding property and rights from Blacks, all this is okay if it is going to let Democrats get into office. Then it's forgivable and acceptable as just the way corporate politics works.

That's how to do it. The KKK and everyone else should take lessons from the City of Houston
how to commit genocide against Blacks, using MILLIONS in taxpayers money over several generations to justify all the damage done as "redevelopment". And not only get away with it, but run for office and get elected by going along with this.

Racists, take note! If you commit genocide as a Democrat, then it's okay. You will be backed by the Party.
And if your a Black Republican your an "Uncle Tom."
Bullshit. Collin Powell and many other Black republicans are not Uncle Toms. You must not have a clue what Uncle Tom means.
Is it even possible for an uncle Tom to exist in it's historic form? I don't think so. The context is all wrong.

Hi Asclepias and Hutch Starskey
YES today we have POLITICAL parties and leaders
playing the roles of "House Slaves" and "Field Slaves"
The House Slaves are the one called Uncle Toms.

Today it is the party of the rich divided from the party of the poor,
and both accusing the other of being criminal and taking advantage of govt at taxpayer expense.

So the labels have changed, to Democrats for the poor and Republicans for the rich,
but the game is the same to keep the two divided from each other
so they remain enslaved to politics and have no control over govt.

if you look at close to 40% tax rate, what does that remind you of?
If 60% of your labor and income is yours, but 40% automatically is govt's
then that is the equivalent of 3/5 free and 2/5 slave. We are forced to pay our
labor to govt, so that is the master and we as workers are REQUIRED to pay 2/5 BY LAW.

So that makes all taxpayers subject to govt at a similar rate
as when the country was founded and declared Blacks to be 3/5 free and 2/5 property.
Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.
The back flipping and suspension of reality the buffoon is engaging in is uncanny!

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