Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?

So...which American Conservative Republican would ever burn the American flag? Hmmm...seems to me the only people who would join him in burning the flag would be leftists......
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?

He is of course a Right wing conservative and a nut bag but I repeat myself...
I am shocked shocked that there are ties between Roof and organized Right wing Terror Hate groups ...who knew ? got that wrong...racism is part of the democrat party and they are left of center...far left.....
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?

He is of course a Right wing conservative and a nut bag but I repeat myself...

You don't know what those words mean because you keep using them wrong......American Conservatives believe in individual liberty, and a color blind society, the left wing democrats see minorities as inferior and in need of their control......try to get it right moron...
Teaperism at its best. Did USMB and its racist members celebrate when news of the shooting came on. How many posts by non_racist members were edited or deleted by the mods? How many non racists wete put on a slowdown or banned for condemning this terrorist act....or for disagreeing with the USMB hate narrative?
Either bet....less than 7 degrees of seperation between roof and an esteemed USMB hate monger
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves

So...he was old school democrat is what you are saying.......right?

So...which American Conservative Republican would ever burn the American flag? Hmmm...seems to me the only people who would join him in burning the flag would be leftists......

Odd that the NYTimes didn't identify the website or print any of the other pictures it describes. I don't doubt that the guy is a nut, but I can't imagine he was publicly display hat weapon in that manner.
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

The home of racism has been and always will be the democrat party....the President of the Confederate states, jefferson first grand wizard of the kkk, nathan beford

modern day democrats are the repository of race hate....from la raza, hispanic racists, to the NAACP, the southern poverty law center, the congressional black caucus, jesse jackson, al sharpton and barak obama (who acrtually attended an openly racist church for 20 years and had the racist pastor, jeremiah wright marry him and michelle and baptize their kids) jeremiah wright, the black racists, and bill clinton, the serial sexual predator had a political mentor j. william fulbright an old school segregationist, and the kkk member robert byrd....the white racists.......
Now...the socialists in Germany, let's put the number of people they murdered at 12 million.....could be more.

They started the killings in 1939.

that was 74 years ago......

12 million divided by 74 is......162,162 people a year for Europe.....on top of those killed by regular criminals.....I'd say we are far more peaceful...they just rest longer between periods of mass murder....

Wow.....just wow. SMH.

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