Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

No...they want people to present I.D. to they do around the world. Racism is what the democrats did by imposing poll taxes and literacy tests against blacks to keep them from voting....try reading history a little you fucking liar.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you upset bro ? have failed and now resort to this......what a child you are....
I am a child of the universe no less than the sun and the stars ...govern yourself accordingly...
No, I am saying a nut with his racist views is a perfect fit for the democrat party,

So you are predicting what that the Democratic party is going to carry the Southern is a wing nut...

The south today is not the racist democrats have moved into large urban centers to control minorities. Check out the status of blacks in democrat controlled cities..the democrat kkk could not have achieved that much chaos for blacks than elected racist democrats have done in our cities...
No...they want people to present I.D. to they do around the world. Racism is what the democrats did by imposing poll taxes and literacy tests against blacks to keep them from voting....try reading history a little you fucking liar.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you upset bro ? have failed and now resort to this......what a child you are....
I am a child of the universe no less than the sun and the stars ...govern yourself accordingly...

the are reactionary to the point of turning the clock back past the enlightenment.

but still there are the murders perpetrated by the white fellow traveler to the conservative cause. tap dancing to other subjects any subject just to change the subject will work well a wing nut ?

Are there?



Would you have an example of People who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Laws of Nature that Govern human behavior; laws that provide humanity with rights, which come with the responsibility to recognize that everyone has the same rights and that there is NO POTENTIAL to take the life of an innocent, for any reason, taking the lives of innocent people, in the name of the Philosophy that RECOGNIZES THE RESPONSIBILITY TO NOT DO SO ?

I for one would LOVE to see what ya have on THAT.

(Reader, there will be no examples forthcoming, because the individual making the claim is LYING... I only offered the challenge as a means to help them PROVE that they're lying... and when sufficient time has passed to reasonably conclude that they have passed upon the opportunity to support their deceitful claim; THAT THEY ARE LYING, will be established.

Do ya see how easy this is?
the are reactionary to the point of turning the clock back past the enlightenment.

but still there are the murders perpetrated by the white fellow traveler to the conservative cause. tap dancing to other subjects any subject just to change the subject will work well a wing nut ?

Are there?



Would you have an example of People who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Laws of Nature that Govern human behavior; laws that provide humanity with rights, which come with the responsibility to recognize that everyone has the same rights and that there is NO POTENTIAL to take the life of an innocent, for any reason, taking the lives of innocent people, in the name of the Philosophy that RECOGNIZES THE RESPONSIBILITY TO NOT DO SO ?

I for one would LOVE to see what ya have on THAT.

(Reader, there will be no examples forthcoming, because the individual making the claim is LYING... I only offered the challenge as a means to help them PROVE that they're lying... and when sufficient time has passed to reasonably conclude that they have passed upon the opportunity to support their deceitful claim, THAT THEY ARE LYING, will be established.

Do ya see how easy this is?

Yeah...they can never get past that.....
Correll what do you think a national poll result would be on>>>> Do you see the
confederate flag as a positive symbol for
the people of the USA? or for the people
of the SOUTH USA?

after decades of lib propaganda? i don't know.

i do know that the america i grew up in, in the north, would not have a problem with it, as demonstrated by the great success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

some southern guy, in 1980 driving into my rust belt city with a confederate flag on his pickup truck, would not be commented on.

today? i don't know if he would make it out alive.

so, who is the haters? who is intolerant?
Wait...the Dukes of Hazzard were taken seriously in your home? In mine, that whole Southern thing was a laughingstock...the car was as serious as Boss Hogg.


of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?

The rise of people like David Duke.

The story of the Klu Klux Klan in pictures racism civil rights and murder - Flashbak

The sharp rise in hate groups in the last 25 years.

Hate and Extremism Southern Poverty Law Center

Where have you been watching reruns of the Duke boys?

david duke didn't rise. he was a flash in the pan based on hiding his past. once it came out he was disgraced.

do you know what his support was in that presidential election he ran? look it up, it will make you feel better.

sharp rise in hate groups?

a big increase is a trivial number is nothing to be impressed with.

what has really changed is that libs have grown increasingly intolerant of viewpoints that don't agree with theirs.

thus, you no longer just disagree with them, you have to be a bad person, and be marginalized.

you have become bigots.

Why do you work so hard to argue a losing point? It seems to be your thing. Consensus if forming to remove the flag. It would be political suicide to oppose it given the circumstances.
Hmmm...the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan....nathan beford forrest...was a democrat...

It is really funny...look up the kkk and who founded it and all you get is 6 confederate veterans...try ferreting out their political affiliation and you get nothing....sadly for the democrats they haven't thought to scrub forrest's political affiliation.....

Nathan Bedford Forrest - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He was a pledged delegate from Tennessee to the New York Democratic national convention of 4 July 1868. He served as the first Grand Wizard(head of movement) of the Ku Klux Klan,

I am sure wikipedia will correct that...and they will also scrub jefferson davis' party affiliation......
Do you honestly believe the Dukes of Hazard defense for the flag being flown at the statehouse is adequate given it's other uses?
You are ridiculous.

you are ridiculous. the south is bigger than the klan. the south gets to define the flag, not the klan.

Yours thankfully, is a minority opinion.

why? what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

They don't. That's the point.

you said "thankfully" that mine is a minority opinion.

so, i asked you why, what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

you seem to be thankful about something, so what it is that you are thankful that we are avoiding?

you know what i think the difference would be?

i think it would deprive you libs of a tool to bash the south with.

and that that would be the only difference.

you would still bash them based on other excuses, of coures

Hypothetical ramblings from your own imagination.
You fools don't realize that a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center went in and tried to shoot up the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun and a bag of Chic F let sandwiches...which he planned on smearing on the faces of his victims...the SPLC is a lefty hate group, and they actually did inspire a mass shooter.
You fools don't realize that a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center went in and tried to shoot up the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun and a bag of Chic F let sandwiches...which he planned on smearing on the faces of his victims...the SPLC is a lefty hate group, and they actually did inspire a mass shooter.
Sounds like second amendment remedies
nothing in that post relates to anything in my post.

why are you so afraid to answer the question?

what has changed since the 1980s?

The 1980s?
I remember them well

Affirmative action, women's rights, gay rights. We just don't put up with the intolerance we used to

We were willing to gloss over the true meaning of "southern pride" back then. That the rebel flag meant lynching, bombing and terrorism to many of our citizens. That the flag was flown as a reminder to blacks what their proper place was

the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals
Leftnutter...all slave owners were Democrats...just like you.
you are ridiculous. the south is bigger than the klan. the south gets to define the flag, not the klan.

Yours thankfully, is a minority opinion.

why? what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

They don't. That's the point.

you said "thankfully" that mine is a minority opinion.

so, i asked you why, what would happen if modern 2015 america had the same view of the flag as 1979 america?

you seem to be thankful about something, so what it is that you are thankful that we are avoiding?

you know what i think the difference would be?

i think it would deprive you libs of a tool to bash the south with.

and that that would be the only difference.

you would still bash them based on other excuses, of coures

Hypothetical ramblings from your own imagination.

OH! Now that is a LOVELY concession.

Good for you... evade the argument to avoid the accountability intrinsic TO the Argument.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
The shooter is an ideological clone of conservatives...this is a reality they want to avoid they start discussing that democrats owned slaves allegedly 150 years ago
You fools don't realize that a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center went in and tried to shoot up the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun and a bag of Chic F let sandwiches...which he planned on smearing on the faces of his victims...the SPLC is a lefty hate group, and they actually did inspire a mass shooter.
Sounds like second amendment remedies

Of course it does... because it is a 2nd Amendment Remedy, by those who lack the objectivity to understand what the 2nd amendment is, from where the right that it protects comes, thus the means to understand what the right IS and by logical extension, what the responsibilities are that sustain that right.

Meaning that what "a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center went in and tried to shoot up the Family Research Council headquarters with a gun and a bag of Chic F let sandwiches...which he planned on smearing on the faces of his victims..." IS... is the product of Left-think doing what "Left-Think" trained it to do... which is to forfeit its rights, through the failure to adhere to and bear the responsibilities that sustain those rights.
The latest deflection from :The shooter is an ideological clone of conservatives..

Southern Poverty Law Center ....Unnnnnbelievable !!
The shooter is an ideological clone of conservatives...


And there ya have it kids... the Leftist proves itself a "LIAR!" as promised: #1544 provided below for your edification:

the are reactionary to the point of turning the clock back past the enlightenment.

but still there are the murders perpetrated by the white fellow traveler to the conservative tap dancing to other subjects any subject just to change the subject will work well a wing nut ?

Are there?



Would you have an example of People who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Laws of Nature that Govern human behavior; laws that provide humanity with rights, which come with the responsibility to recognize that everyone has the same rights and that there is NO POTENTIAL to take the life of an innocent, for any reason, taking the lives of innocent people, in the name of the Philosophy that RECOGNIZES THE RESPONSIBILITY TO NOT DO SO ?

I for one would LOVE to see what ya have on THAT.

(Reader, there will be no examples forthcoming, because the individual making the claim is LYING... I only offered the challenge as a means to help them PROVE that they're lying... and when sufficient time has passed to reasonably conclude that they have passed upon the opportunity to support their deceitful claim; THAT THEY ARE LYING, will be established.

Do ya see how easy this is? )

wow. that is dishonest.

the one photo is taken hours, days? after the arrest when the criminal is not resisting and is being led around quietly.

the other is of a suspect resisting arrest and fighting.

All they have is lies. Without lying they would have nothing to say.
actually, there is often plenty of warning signs.

and mass murders do happen in other advanced countries.

but nowhere near as frequently.

We've had 14 mass shooting since Obama became President.

In that time, France has had... one. The united Kingdom has had... one. Germany has had... one. Italy - none.

Seeing a pattern here?

And another thing....Europe is importing people from cultures far more violent than European culture. That is going to make the crime rate in these countries sky rocket...which it already is. Just like deblasio is turning New York into the violent cesspit it was before Guilliani....
And, of course, the crime rate in NYC is lowere under De Blasio than it ever was under Rudy. Also dropping in Europe. Liars lie.

Indeed they DO... . And what a striking Irony, given that Murder is up under Deblasio, as are all crimes.

What's more, The decline in the NYC "Assault" rate went from 44,122 from data in 2000, the year prior to Giuliani taking power, to 34,302 in 95, four years after Giuliani came to power; nearly 10,000 fewer Assaults PER YEAR. Five years later, in 2000, Asaults fell ANOTHER nearly ten thousand to 25,924. Bloomberg came to power in 2001 and by 2005 while Assualts came in fewer, the decline in Assaults had slowed, falling to just under 17,750 and in 2010... it had only fallen to just under 17,000.

The same is true for Murder Rates: Just prior to Giuliani 1990 there were 2262 Murders in NYC. 1995 four years after Giuliani, a thousand fewer murders, at 1162, by 2000 that was nearly cut in half at 670... Giulian serves another two years, Bloomberg comes in in 02, by 05 Murder was again down, but to only 539... by 2010 the rate had remained roughly the same... at 536. New York City s 20 Years of Declining Crime - Scientific American

So... While crime fell, it hasn't fallen like it did under Giuliani and increases in crime rates begin, by a slowing of decline the rate of decline.
so. Crime is lower, by far now than it was when Rudy (9/11) Giuliani was mayor. Thanks for pointing that out.

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